Author Topic: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|  (Read 5130 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one
Thanks for viewing! I wanted to make something like this, so I did.

In this rp, you are an ancient Roman citizen. You are very privileged. You live in the biggest empire of the time! You can be wealthy, poor, spoiled, or hardworking. But anyway you look at it, you feel great. There hasn't been a major battle for.. what? 30 years? 40? Security inside the city is high, and there hasn't been a rebellion since the last King. But that was then. This is now. But now, the evil Huns are threatening the borders. The Roman military are drafting like crazy and families are separated. The armies are almost stretched thin, hungry, and tired.
  The Roman empire has a new enemy. The evil group of Huns, lead by the fearsome Attila, has been making threats to the Empire. The King has been sending out Armies and recruiting men as young as 17 years old. You are living in the cities, be in on the outskirts or in the very middle.

Keep cursing to a minimum
Fade to black when doing anything inappropriate
Please don't be a Gary/Mary sue
If you want to do something big that will change the plot line message me first, so I can approve it
Don't kill another character without their permission
If you've read this, put 'Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one' In your Other section

Page 1: Introductory and Rules
Page 2: Social Ranks and Locations
Page 3: Applications and Characters
Page 4: Other stuff
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 07:25:08 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|WIP|
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 10:02:25 pm »
- Social Order -

One of the highest ranks, the kings can be either tyrants, or peaceful. They have the veto power over the Council's decisions, and helps the General manage the battle strategies.

1/1 Taken

The Kings wife. She usually speaks for the woman/children in the Empire. The Queen is mostly more gentle and caring, and sometimes more citizens go to her for help or advice than the king!

0/1 Taken

The King and Queens son(s). The Prince is heir to the Kings throne unless the King says otherwise. The Prince is not allowed to join the military. The Prince can't leave the city walls until he is 17.

The King and Queens daughter(s). The Princess is heir to the Queens throne unless she says otherwise. The Princess is not allowed the join the military, and can't leave the city until she is 17.


The military General is one of the Kings friends/acquaintances. He leads the entire army, and shares the responsibility with the king for making battle plans, strategies, and formations. He is also responsible for training new recruits every year.

0/1 Taken

|Army Member|

Any man fighting for the sake of Rome ages 18 to 55. Men officially retire from the army at 55. New recruits are gathered at the beginning of every year at age 17 and start training until age 18, when they officially join the Roman Army.


|Upper class|

The richer people. They live closer to the center of the city, live in 2-3 story homes, and get educations. They have a lot of money, and are usually seen either enjoying their wealth or in the market buying things. Some lucky Upper class members even meet the King even once in a while.

0/7 Taken (Don't want too many rich people)

|Lower Class|

These people are ones who don't have too much money. They usually own small plots of lands, a 1-2 story house, and can't afford an education, if not a small one. They usually try to grow gardens to feed their families.

1/7 Taken


Kings Palace

A huge, grand castle. The King, Queen, Princes, Princesses, and royal servants live here. Only the very rich and very privileged are able to live near it.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is a huge amphitheater. They hold everything there. Even executions. If a horrible crime is committed, the prisoner is thrown into the arena infront of tens of thousands of onlookers, sometimes including the King. The prisoner will have to face whatever animal walks out the trap door at the end of the arena. Be it a lion, leopard, tiger, or even hippo. But the Colosseum is the ultimate source of entertainment.

The Kings Alley

A neighborhood where all the rich, wealthy Roman citizens live. These people have nice, shimmering homes and the better privileged even have pools. It is called the Kings Alley because if you go down the street without any turns, you will make it to the Kings Castle.

The Outskirts

This is where the less privileged live. The poorer citizens live on the edges of the city, farthest from the palace and closer into the unknown, where Huns could lie in wait. The good thing is, many creatures live in there and provide meat and possibly fur coats for those who can get them.

The Marketplace

Basically the huge outside store. The Marketplace is full of people selling stuff, and people buying stuff. They literally sell EVERYTHING. From women's perfume, to wood carvings, to plants and animals, to jewelry, to books and scrolls. You name it, you can most likely find it in the Marketplace.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 12:42:28 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|WIP|
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2014, 12:32:11 am »


Personality(3 descriptive sentences):
Social Rank:
Pet: (Dog, Cat, etc.)

Name: King Postumus (Postumus means 'Born after the Father's death)
Age: 35 years old
Gender: Male
Personality(3 descriptive sentences): Postumus is a powerful king. He wants the best for Rome. Postumus is loyal, but sometimes is seen stressing over the war. But most of the time he spends he is either thinking in his room, answering questions from his citizens, or just writing stories in the scrolls and publishing them in the city's library.
History(Optional): Postumus was born days after the former Kings death. He became King at 10 years old, and the Council members rules the years before that. When he was 30, Attila the Hun waged war against the Romans. Postumus sent out many army after army. When he had no more armies to send out he began drafting men as young as 17.
Social Rank: King
Pet: A large dog named Julius, and a horse named Dakota.
Husband/Wife/Kids: The Queen, Prince, and Princess
Other: None

- Characters -

Postumus > King > Dunasaur
Adolpha > Lower Class > maddie
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 12:37:38 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|WIP|
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2014, 07:24:19 pm »

Other stuff

~ Available pets ~

Pets are loved in Rome. Some ask how are dogs accepted, when wolves come from North America. Arabian Wolves are the answer. Cats of course are descended of the bigger cats.

Below are a list of pets that are accepted (because this is ancient Rome <_>)

Dog - Pharoah Hound, Grey Hound, Basenji, Mastiff, Saluki, Ibizan Hound, and Whippet
Cat - Siamese, Mau, Norwegian Forest Cat, Bastet, Sekhmet
Horse - Andalusion, Norwegian Fjord, Shire, Swedish Warmblood

Exotic pets
These pets are only available for royalty. Any citizen owning an exotic pet will be fined and have the pet taken away.
Arabian wolf

Current Events

Weather: Cold, but will warm up later
Time of Day: Approx. 8:30 AM
What's going on: Everyone is beginning to wake up. The streets are beginning to fill and the Marketplace is getting set up by shopkeepers and shoppers.

You all may now finally post!

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|WIP|
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2014, 02:24:22 am »
Name: Adolpha (meaning noble wolf)
Age: 13
Gender: female
Personality: Adolpha is a hardworking girl who wishes she were rich. She can be smart and brave, she loves getting near wolves, standing up to her name. Adolpha, also known as noble wolf, likes cats more. Thus two cats.
History(Optional): She spends time working her crops with her father, she is an only child. Her two cats "help" out sometimes. They always follow her around.
Social Rank: lower class
Pet: two cats: Ceres:
Husband/Wife/Kids: none
Other: can she have more than one cat (I had to add the kitten, it was soooo cute)? Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 02:32:07 am by maddie »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2014, 11:51:51 am »
Accepted :) You can start whenever you want, but I will wait for a couple more people. And you can have as many pets as you can care for, just no exotic pets.


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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2014, 02:28:51 am »
(Does the Queen spot has be earned? If yes, then can I be princess instead? Other than that, this is a very interesting plot).

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2014, 12:36:10 pm »
((You can apply for Queen, if you want to.))


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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2014, 05:38:40 pm »

Name: Queen Nefertari

Age: 27 Years Old

Gender: Female

Personality(3 descriptive sentences): Nefertari would have to be someone who would rather step away from the danger side. She likes no violence or anything that deals with a sword. The best way to describe  her, is someone who is quiet and very gentle. Nefertari is not known for strictness or punishment, or anywhere near her husband's taste.

Especially when it comes to parenting, she plays fair as a mother and is willing to do anything for her children. [More in rp]

History(Optional):Before the queen had met her King, she lived under her brother's rule who cared nothing but himself. She was abused under his power and wasn't allowed to do anything but stay home. Due to her parents were dead Nefertari had no freedom, and wasn't able to do anything about it. Her brother found it funny, especially when he abused her and used such words that were hurtful. But until one day, her brother agreed Nefertari could finally take part of marriage and have a kingdom of her own.

During this process, it wasn't easy. Nefertari was shy around the new King and mostly didn't say anything during the entire day. Her brother had planned her to marry him instead, for her picking her own. Though it may seem unfair, there wasn't much she could do anyway. On their wedding night, Nefertari didn't do much but appreciate what was held for her. Her brother however eye her the entire time. For days he kept his jealousy for his sister until one day he was justified.

Years passed, and during those months she gave birth to two children. Healthy too. Her brother however was the same and had never changed once. When it came between her King and brother,  Nefertari watched as her beloved sliced the head of relative and ended it without another word. Though, instead upset and angry, Nefertari was surprisingly happy and glad he was dead. He was not worthy of any king. Just someone who cared about women and gold.

Social Rank: Queen

Pet: N/A

Husband/Wife/Kids: The King, Princess, and Prince

Other: 'Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one'

« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 03:36:52 am by Dreamer »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Rome wasn't built in a day, but can crumble in one |Ancient Rome RP|
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2014, 11:26:24 pm »

Princess Amelia
"We may have killed the innocent, We may have taken from the poor, but for reasons that you are unaware of. We may do bad things, but we are not bad people".

Gender: Female
Personality: To those who simply see a princess, Amelia seems like the prize woman. Petite, thin, beautiful. She is feminine and fragile looking, elegant and classy. Yet, her truth is deeper. She is willing to do anything and everything to gain approval. She seemingly lacks all moral for human life, though she claims its purely because she's broken. She refuses all who offer to get close to her, preferring to do bad things to get her parents attention, as long as she has the attention..
History: Amelia was a beloved child, born as a sign of rebirth and a new start for the kingdom. Rome celebrated her birth, and fue to this, she grew with grace and elegance. She was merely 5 when her father ended her uncles life, and ever since her views changed. She will one day be a queen, and though her hands remain clean and pampered, she is often getting them "dirty". Even under all the love she recieved, she is not seen as anything beside her brother. He is the prize of the kingdom's eyes, and with this weighing on her shoulders, Amelia is in a constant mission to prove her worthy, even attempting to ruin her brothers. In situation's where the prince may hesitate to sentence a guilty prisoner to death due to sentiment and guilt, Amelia will do so without even blinking, all in hopes to earn her parents approval, mostly her fathers. The queen always showed Amelia love..always.
Social Rank: Princess
Pet: a small, solver tabby kitten she often carries about. He is named Tom.

Husband/Wife/Kids: N/A

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.