Author Topic: The Kingdom of Bayrith ~ Mixed - Animal RP - Open!  (Read 1806 times)

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The Kingdom of Bayrith ~ Mixed - Animal RP - Open!
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:39:15 am »
Main Characters
Pheusis ~ Gryphon ~ Male ~ 3 y/o ~ The Dreamweaver
Lylae ~ White Tiger ~ Female ~ 2 y/o ~ The Darkseeker
Falia ~ Black Fox ~ Female ~ 2  1/2  y/o ~ The Healer (Taken: Woofkita)
Krylonu ~ Centaur ~ Male ~ 3 y/o ~ The Guider
Opphonta ~ Cat/Wolf/Horse Hybrid ~ Female ~ 1 y/o ~ The Misguided (Taken: Woofkita)
My Characters
Falia ~ Black Fox ~ Female ~ 2  1/2  y/o ~ The Healer
Opphonta ~ Cat/Wolf/Horse Hybrid ~ Female ~ 1 y/o ~ The Misguided
Bayrith ~ Kingdom
Athaco ~ Snow Leopard ~ Male ~ 5 y/o ~ The King
Time Period
Midevial ~ 1700's specifically
Long ago, the kingdom Bayrith was unknown.  A group of 7 - 2 foxes, a unicorn, a centuar, a wolf,  a leopard, and a hawk, trekked across the land now known as Bayrith.  It was full of rocks, uneven land, but more specifically, and abandoned kingdom.  It was believed that a war had occurred - that it had wiped out the people there.  The group of 7 decided to settle here.  They began working to straighten the location up.  They soon had repopulated - occuring in cross-species and regular species.  The population grew as travelers came across the location.  A young taveler, Kongurse, had shown great triumph among many wars and battles.  He was later chosen as the Ruler of Bayrith.  For many centuries, his kin had become leaders once the previous Ruler died.

It is now the 1700's.  Bayrith has it's new ruler, Athaco, who has ruled for 2 years now.  An enemy territory, the Puagua's, have been planning a battle for a while now.  Bayrith has been unaware of this.  Whose side are you on?
*Same thing as a Ranking or Position
Bayrith does have premade characters (who's images are a w.i.p.) that you may select from (the main characters listed at the top).  Please note that Puagua does NOT have premade characters.  Puagua will not have premade characters unless personally requested via PM to me (woofkita).  If you would like a premade character from Bayrith, please comment letting me know.  Thank you!
My Characters' Forms
Name: Falia
Gender: Female
Age: 2  1/2  y/o
Species: Black Fox
Picture/Descrption: (picture is W.I.P.) Solid black fox with white toes on her back left paw.  She has a tiny dash of white on her muzzle as well.  Her eyes are a bright yellow.
Title*: The Healer
Kingdom:  Bayrith
Background:  Falia was born with a genetic mutation.  This caused her to have solid black fur.  Because of this mutation, she was an outcast from her family and the rest of the group.  She traveled a long ways, and eventually stumbled upon Bayrith.  Her exceptional healing skills allowed her ot be granted the title of The Healer of Bayrith.
Personality: Falia can be a bit shy talking to others outside of work.  During her work, she tends to stay quiet unless speaking with her patient.  But, once you get to know her, she can be very kind, sweet, caring, and protective.  She is a quick thinker, with a very strong bite.
Mate: N/A
Other: None
*Same thing as a Ranking or Position
Name: Opphonta
Gender: Female
Age: 1 y/o
Species: Cat/Wolf/Horse Hybrid
Picture/Description: (picture is a W.I.P.) She has a feline tail, horse legs, and a canine body with a canine head, although her muzzle is a bit longer.
Title*: The Misguided
Kingdom: Bayrith
Background: Opphonta was born into a line of Cat/Wolf hybrids, but had a mutation giving her some equine features.  This disfiguration caused her to become an outcast.  Her legs gave her lots of strength and speed, so she arrived to Bayrith quite quickly upon being disbanned.  Her abuse as a very young one caused her some misguided thoughts and emotions, earning her the title of The Misguided of Bayrith.
Personality: Opphonta can be a bit jumpy (as she is still young) but if she trusts you, she will go to the end of the world to protect you.  She os playful and energetic, and very curious.  She has very good manners, although a few rotten things may slip out occasionally.
Mate: N/A
Other: None
*Same thing as a Ranking or Position
Thanks guys!

Previous Username: Woofkita
Avatar Art done by Exotic Foods on Discord | Sig Art by Inferni on dA

Offline Tenturo

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Re: The Kingdom of Bayrith ~ Mixed - Animal RP - Open!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 06:40:47 am »
Blaghghg forgot to mention - You don't HAVE to select a premade character!  That's why I included a form!  If you select a premade character, please fill out a form for it - that way it can be more unique!  Characters you make yourself also use the same form! Just as a reminder (dunno if it seemed very clear or not)

Previous Username: Woofkita
Avatar Art done by Exotic Foods on Discord | Sig Art by Inferni on dA