Author Topic: Is FA worth returning to..?  (Read 1483 times)

Offline Muindor

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Is FA worth returning to..?
« on: March 16, 2018, 03:06:47 pm »
Hey there, everyone!

I haven't been on FH for quite a while. As a senior member I just had a hard time adjusting to the new maps and the weirdly silent community. Is it still like that? Reading through the newer posts on this forum it seems so. Now.. is FH worth it? I thought about returning but those new topics on here make me rather uncertain about it. Because when I tried giving it a chance last year, I was incredibly dissappointed. There was literally nobody anywhere besides that one map I forgot the name of where they all sat silently at the entrance. Nobody talked. It was just... creepy. Especially since when I tried to talk to someone, they didn't answer either. Even though they were clearly not afk. Ugh, maybe it's just me....


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Re: Is FA worth returning to..?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2018, 03:32:17 pm »
Feral Heart's community is silent and It became small, there's no point of telling people otherwise.
People are mostly online during the weekend and on holidays, when there's no school.
Finals are coming up and a lot of exams, so there isn't a lot of players online during the week.
It honestly depends on where you're from. I am from Europe and usually at (European time) 11am or 3pm It's extremly silent during the week. That is because most of the community is either in school/college or working. And people in America are sleeping at that time.

The community is smaller than it was before. But there are a lot of good and cool people online on weekends and during the holidays.
You can always find someone and yeah most people who are near the entrance of that map (It's called 'The Grounds') are afk.

But that doesn't mean that you should give up on this game!
People on the Forum are always active and the Forum is where the fun is, right now!
There's still lots of cool things to do in game and on the FH Forum.

So, don't give up on the game just yet! There's a new update just around the corner and we are all excited for it!
As mentioned in one of the posts, there will be a snow map!
It will be so much fun with I'm sure plenty of new maps and things that will be adding in the game c:


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Re: Is FA worth returning to..?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2018, 03:50:41 pm »
It's essentially the same right now. However, there are various theories about how and why this happened.

A lot of people are proponents of the theory that there's not a lot of people online because of school and/or lack of time.

If you do want to return, I suggest you wait until school season's over. A lot of the playerbase is from North America, so summer break starts around late May and mid-June. If you return then, I'm sure you'll find more active and extroverted people around. Or, do it after the new update launches. That will probably attract lots of old and new members into the game, so you'll have about a month of excitement before things start to go silent again.

As far as what you've said, I agree. It is rather disappointing to see the community so closed off and isolated from one another. And yes, it is eerily silent in The Grounds. The forums seem more active than the game, and even then, they're not as active as back in 2012-2014 (except for the forum games section).

Remember, this is just my opinion. If you want to know for sure, I suggest you go on FH and see for yourself, and then decide if this is something worth returning to. Maybe hang around the forums and see if you like the post rate and activity.

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Re: Is FA worth returning to..?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2018, 06:50:37 pm »
Be the change you want to see in the world.  That might mean you dare to talk to people in local chat.  When were you online?  Because the population of many maps drops to 1 or 2 or even 0 during certain hours (north americas 11pm-3am).  That'll explain the lack of people.

They're too busy scrolling fakebook and stabbing each other in the back to talk to anyone.  Sometimes they will respond but it might take a few minutes.

They're not silent to you, they're silent to everyone as their ability to co-exist with others was stripped from them but cellphone addiction.

That's my take on it.
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"

Offline Siarczek

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Re: Is FA worth returning to..?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2018, 05:41:59 am »
I'm sure the game has had a drop in activity simply because the userbase has aged. I'd say the majority of players here are fairly long-time players (I personally joined FH in 2011) who have stayed for the nostalgia. I was in middle school when I joined, and I'm in university now, so I'm lucky if I have time for FH even once a week- I'm sure a lot of people are in this same situation. There's also the fact that a lot of people left after the new login system was implemented, and after the new map updates.

I'm not sure why people in-game are so quiet, though. I've definitely noticed people in the Grounds don't seem to talk much- it seems to be used for advertising RP groups more than socializing, and it's certainly no real equivalent to what the stone bridge or the old Bonfire Island were.

Unless there's an influx in new players, I'm afraid it'll likely stay this way (and the random registration times don't help). That being said, I certainly wouldn't give up on it. Every individual counts, and I think it'll benefit to have returning players adding some life to the game! There's a new update coming up so I'm sure the activity will spike for a while when this happens.

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