Author Topic: The Keyags  (Read 1109 times)

Offline ragethedemon

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The Keyags
« on: July 08, 2014, 10:56:40 pm »
The Keyags are a very temperamental species and are angered easily. They are also very territorial they will chase any other animals (other than prey) out of there territory even if it's a pup or kit. They can be softies at times though and will not chase off sickly or badly injured animals. Usually they will take the injured or sickly into their packs until they are healthy or healed and tell them to go back to their own pack or pride or clan or whatever. They will not do this for loners though because the loners probably won't except their help or they'll expect to stay.  The keyags are also a canine like species although they are quite large.

Habitat: The Keyags stay usually in flat warm places like Fluorite plains. They also stay around trees and water so an ideal place for them would be the fir forest in fluorite around some water. (I until there is a map made up for them...)

Prey: Keyags are carnivore's so they only eat meat. There main prey would be rodents, possibly small cats, and birds.

Predators: Grown Keyags don't have many predators since they are larger then most other species but pups and adolescents do. The pups main predators would be really just anything. The adolescents and grown keyags main predators would really just be prey that would fight back against them and also rival packs or clans or prides.

Pups: Female Keyags usually have pups in the spring and the litters usually contain 3-4 pups each. When a Keyag is born it has a long cat tail and no markings as it grows older it's tail becomes a wolf's tail and it develops marking.  

How to make a Keyag:
Adult Male keyag.
Make the character canine.
Move the muzzle slider all they way to the right .
Move the cheek slider to the left as much as you want it really doesn't matter.
move the nose slider all the way to the left.
Move the ears slider almost all the way to the right.
Move the eye slider all the way to the right.
Move width, length and height sliders all the way to the right.
The next two area's of character creator are up to you except for marking.
The body markings should be Underfur the head should be Snow leopard and the tail should be jaguar.
Skip the next area and go to colors.
Pelt: R:98, G:98, B:98. Underfur this can be Red, or light gray. The eyes can be any color.  Above the eyes should be black and below the eyes should be the pelt color. The nose can be black or Red. The tail tip can be white, Pelt color or black. The mane should be black if it has a mane.
The markings should be dark grey.

Adult Female Keyag:
Make the character canine.
Move the muzzle slider all they way to the right .
Move the cheek slider to the left as much as you want it really doesn't matter.
move the nose slider all the way to the left.
Move the ears slider almost all the way to the right.
Move the eye slider all the way to the right.
Move width, length and height sliders almost all the way to the right.
The next two area's of character creator are up to you except for marking.
The body markings should be Underfur the head should be Snow leopard and the tail should be jaguar or no markings at all. t
Skip the next area and go to colors.
Pelt: R:98, G:98, B:98. Underfur this can be Red, or light gray. The eyes can be any color.  Above the eyes should be black and below the eyes should be the pelt color. The nose can be black or Red. The tail tip can be white, Pelt color or black. The mane should be black if it has a mane.
the markings should be dark gey if they have any.

(The male and female adolescent keyags should be the same as the adults except they should be smaller than the adults.)

Keyag pups Male and Female.
leave everything up to height, Width and length default. Move the sliders for to the left almost all the way.
The pups should have cat tails and full tufts but no manes. The Keyag pups should be all black with whatever color eyes you want. there are no markings on the pups.

If you want to make a keyag just ask and you can :D I am currently working on a Map and a group for them.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:51:47 pm by Demon_The_Wolf »