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Topics - Nanaki

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Adding Portals Properly?
« on: January 28, 2012, 05:28:03 pm »
So...I'm trying to link 2 of my maps, and in both maps I also want a portal that goes to the Cape. how exactly do I do this? It isn't explained in the mapmaking tutorial, and since FH is down, I can't export my maps and see if the portals show up properly.

Game Help / Patch Installation Issues
« on: July 13, 2011, 01:30:53 am »
Okay, so I haven't played FH in like a month. So, I boot it up, log in, and...Hey look, I need a new patch! I come here, download the patch, try to install it and...It gives me an error that my setup is corrupted. Huh? So, I try simply re-installing the game. Still no workie. So i simply delete the original game setup, and try to install the new version of the game. I can't download the file.

Er...What's going on?

EDIT: Okay...I re-downloaded the patch and I thought it was working. I got a window that asked me to pick some settings. So I did, and then the game boots up! Empty black box...empty black box...ERROR! Some sort of title image or something is missing? What? Don't tell me I gotta download this AGAIN...

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