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Topics - krimino

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / -= AzureClan =-= Recruiting =-
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:57:08 pm »
AzureClan is a mapless, realistic, active, literate to semi-literate warrior cat rp run by my good friend artemis1012. We are a fairly new clan, but already have 20+ members. Our allies include just LoneClan (Leader: Moonstar) at the moment, but if you'd be interested in joining or becoming allies/enemies with AzureClan, your best chance of joining is by whispering artemis1012 (Distantstar) in-game. Distantstar is online at least 3 times a day for an hour or so, so you can't miss him.

If you're having trouble contacting him, you should pm him on the forums. I will put the link on the bottom.

DO NOT pm me about this, ask if you can join on this topic, or ask any questions about the rp here. I made this thread to advertise my friend's clan for him, and nothing more.

If you have questions, ask artemis1012 in-game or pm him on the forums:

Mapping Tutorials / ~Gusty's Height Map and Terrain Mask Tutorial~
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:42:40 pm »
Hey everyone. SO MANY PEOPLE are asking "How do I make maps?" or "How do I make height maps?"
I'll tell you how to make height maps and terrain masks in this topic, and if you have any questions regarding Map or Object Maker, feel free to ask.

~Height Maps~

Height maps are WAY easier than you think. Here's a short and easy how-to:

1. First you should get Photoshop or Gimp, in this how-to I will refer to Gimp v2

2. Open Gimp, and go to File > New

3. Make a 513 x 513 by typing 513 for height and width.

4. Go to advanced options and click the drop down list next to RGB color and click GRAYSCALE.

5. Use bucketfill to fill the whole thing with any shade between black and white. (NOTE: If you want towering mountains, I suggest you have it as a darker gray. If you want low ditches, make it a lighter shade)

6. Now you're free to draw your height map. Make sure you remember: The lighter the shade, the higher the elevation. The darker the shade, the lower the elevation.

7. When you finish, on the height map window, select File > Save As

8. Name your height map, and click BROWSE OTHER FOLDERS.

9. Go to: C:\ > feral heart > media > terrains (Just leave it like that and minimize "browse other folders"

10. Now go to SELECT FILE TYPE and click ".png"

11. Now save and go to map maker, type (Insert title of heightmap here).png, and modify to your liking.

~Terrain Masks~

1. Open the heightmap you want the terrain mask to fit and copy it.

2. Make a blank 513 x 513 page like you did with the heightmap

3. Go to the "Layers" Window and create a new transparent layer.

4. Paste the heightmap on the new transparent layer.

5. make another transparent layer, and lower the opacity for it down to 70.

6. Click the fill bucket and get PURE BRIGHT RED (or green or blue, but red is the example)

7. Use pure bright green and blue to make the other two terrains.

8. Save the terrain mask EXACTLY like you did the heightmap.

Any questions about map or object maker? Just ask me.

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