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Topics - CherishMe

Pages: [1]
Game Help / No Canine Body Pelt
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:00:38 pm »

My FH started doing this a few days ago and I haven't the slightest clue why.
This only happens to canines, but if the canine doesn't have any body markings, then it will also have no body pelt. It will all just be underfur.
Even when your canine has body markings, the tufts show up as the underfur color, and not the pelt color like they're supposed to.

I asked around Stone Bridge and they lead me to a place where I could download all the default FH files. So I did that. I downloaded the default texture files in hopes of replacing or adding onto the cbodyMask1 and cbodyMask2 because maybe I'm missing one? But nope..... The default files don't have any cbodyMask's at all. Yet I had two.
Thinking that maybe that was my problem, I removed the cbodyMask's from my FH folder.... But nope again, now I have no canine body underfur.

Again, when I put on body markings, both the underfur and pelt were properly visible.

Does anyone know what the fluff is going on with my game? Because none of this is making the least bit of sense to me.
The last thing I downloaded was the map pack Final Chapter and I don't see how maps could mess this up.

Game Help / Preset won't export
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:47:52 am »
I have made plenty of presets before, but now I have a problem and I'm not sure why.
When I click export... absolutely nothing happens.
I check in my presets folder to see if it exported without the notification coming up, but it's not there

Yes, I have everything in the preset folder (preset_2).
Yes, I have my username typed in at the login screen.
Yes, the character is wearing the preset when I hit export.
Yes, I restarted the game and tried again.

This is the first preset I've made since having to redownload FH. I don't see how redownloading FH could have broken this, though? I can make objects and maps and export those just fine.

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