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Topics - Piebaby

Pages: [1] 2
Presets & Markings / Stripes is taking free preset requests!
« on: April 07, 2013, 11:38:09 pm »
im only taking 5 requests!
  • 1.
info i need:
the reference sheet of said character, canine or feline, and wings or no wings.
message me if you'd like to see any of my previous presets!

Game Help / Freaky Friday Glitch
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:45:10 am »
Okay, so I was hanging out in Last Cave, and I started to jump. All of the sudden, my game crashed. So, as anyone else would do, I got back in, and went back on the character.
I was controlling a different user's character.
I could levitate, and the character even went a different way than I directed it to go.
My friend was skype calling me, (and she still is,) and told me it was a glitch that was very rare called Freaky Friday.
I did happen to record this.
I happened to get back online, and my character and username were being very glitchy.
The game stopped responding after a few times.
I still cannot get back into the game.

Hey everyone :D For this month, I will specially be taking free preset requests! I rarely do this, so request while there is still slots!
1. You must have a ref(reference) sheet for your character.
2. It can have wings, different teeth, eyes, anything!
3. Don't expect me to be finished in just a day.. it takes me about 3 days to make my own personal presets!

1. Taken!(Finished)
2. Taken!(Finished)
3. Open

Examples of my presets:
Gamzee Makara (Made for a friend)

Zero (Entered in the Halloween Preset contest)

(Please excuse my horrible hand writing)
Finished Presets:

Game Help / Banned after not logging in for a long time?
« on: June 17, 2012, 03:30:11 am »
For some reason, I got banned on both of my accounts. I swear, I haven't played FH since March.
Did I do something?
Or should I just wait and log on again to see what happens?

Introduction / I came back~
« on: April 13, 2012, 09:53:13 pm »
Yep, the old Pie came back! Formally known as Piebaby, I'm now known as Comet or Swaggy. I'll still be making maps, presets, etc. Even meshing if I can get blender on this new computer~!

Leaving / !!Moving to a new game!!
« on: March 13, 2012, 08:33:44 pm »
So sorry guys ;n;
I've just been soooo inactive!! (3months!)
My computer has also been broken in that time period (which means all my meshes and game files are missing ;o; )
I just want to give shout-outs to all my friends ;o;
Jayfeather: We were such good friends in the beginning! Now we never talk. I will always remember you</3
Courtney: Thank you for all of the mesh help ;u; !! If you've made any more, I have yet to see them!
Copper: gahh we had a wonderful roleplay in the city map ;u; I will never forget that day
Kov: Thank you for these wonderful games! They are so amazing but I still have to say I'm moving to Impressive World/Title. I've had too many good memories from then, and I don't want this server to dissapear.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Update on the front page?
« on: January 01, 2012, 01:32:04 am »
I believe it says something like "Unlike ImpressiveTitle, You can't equip any items.

Some newbies might read this and not be expected about the new hat x))
Will this be updated?

Presets & Markings / ~*Piebaby is taking Preset requests!!!(CLOSED!)*~
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:26:36 am »
This is a one in a year/few months thing I do.

I might not be doing this after all of the slots are taken.

Example of one of my presets:

Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas ^

Reference sheet of character
No impossible things on it like wings,or 3D collars/accessories(I can make the wings folded, though)
Cannot be a stolen character. For example, Slycans wonderful "MEAT" series' characters.(I could make those, though if you were Slycan.)

Free slots:
1: Taken(PayThePiper)
2: Taken(Dea)
3: Taken(Icy Y)
4: Taken(Sori)
5: Taken(Laura)

Price: Free.

Hey guys! Piebaby here. These are my creations,or things I've found.

NOTE: I do NOT take requests.


I did NOT make any of these meshes. I simply found them from Impressive Title.

Christmas Pack:

Ornaments&Tinsel (For Christmas trees)

These come in many different colors. Here we have gold ornaments and silver tinsel. Only fit on fir trees.

Presents ;D !!!

These come in many different colors/styles. Behind Spark, are some Impressive title based presents. Re-textureable.


C-candycane.. -mouthwater- This mesh comes in only a green, white, and red style. Do not work good on high terrains.

Download Link: All of the meshes ^^

Hey guys! Piebaby here with ANOTHER tut.This time we'll be working on making custom terrain maps.This is what one looks like:

Ready?Okay then,let's begin!

1.First of all you need a program called GIMP(It also works with Photoshop,but im doing GIMP 'cause i have it.)Its free and you can googlesearch "GIMP" and go to the ofc website.When you download it,The icon should look like this:

2.Open up GIMP.You need to make the image 513 by 513 pixels.You also need to go down to "Advanced Options" and change it from RGB to Grayscale.This is what it should look like before you press "Ok":

3.Okay,now you want a nice gray color.I chose this:

4.Press "Ok" and get the fill bucket tool.Now, fill the whole canvass with the gray.

5.Here is your reference guide to the coloring that i made for you(you don't have to make one if you remember)

6.Here's the fun part 8DNow its time to make your vallies/oceans or mountains/hills! There is no wrong way to make a terrain map, so just be creative and have fun!! Here an example of what I did[And please don't copy mine i might use it later (;]

7.DON'T PRESS "SAVE AS" YET!!You need to select the "Blur" tool and blurring that map like crazy 8D

8.Now, press "File>Save As" and go to Local Disc Drive>FeralHeart>media>terrains. MAKE SURE YOU NAME IT WHATEVER YOU WANT AND AS A ".PNG" FILE!!!

9.Now open up the game,FeralHeart and go to Tools>Mapmaker.
10.Go to the "World" tab and in the selection "Terrain Height Map" type in what you saved your maps name as.(Don't forget .png!!)and press your "Enter" key.

Hope this helped!


(If your game crashes, make sure you made it grayscale and saved it as .png at the end!!)

Working on:
How to make Terrain Height Maps Masks
A Guide For Lost Users
How to make Presets
How to Use The Color Scheme Correctly

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