Author Topic: Welcome to hmm  (Read 22579 times)

Offline razmirz

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2018, 01:08:43 pm »
Valar I will digg an old post out the staff room keep your eyes on the board
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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2018, 01:11:52 pm »
Might I ask, what has made you decline the return of old FeralHeart features and maps? General chat?
The return of such things, would be what bring people back who left when the update came out in the first place. Many people were disappointed in the loss of maps where memories were made and treasured. I understand if only a certain amount of maps may be handled - yet, surely there would be enough room for a portal in Cape of Distant Worlds, installed without the need of a member to do so as a separate downloading file, where members can retreat to the good ol' days?

And what are the plans when No Mod October comes to an end?

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Offline razmirz

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2018, 01:39:08 pm »
You make it sound like I outright declined everything. I refused to allow the simple ditching of what the staff considered to simply be in the way of their plan (other existing maps, world logic etc).  I refuted the idea that we had to wait while they continued to rewrite the world before releasing anything instead of progressing to it with patches that built on the game rather than an old setup gone new setup in method (on that basis I might have just as well reverted to before reds patch). And finally I didn't approve of how some of these maps put maps inside maps.

As for no mod October we aren't even in it yet xD I've not even begun to look beyond.
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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2018, 01:48:00 pm »
I do not doubt for one solid second that you didn't consider the return of old maps and well-missed features of the game. However, it has been insinuated that you did in fact seem to mistreat Staff members because of what had been done (i.e Nynx uploading what was uploaded, to which I do not know as I did not see the post completely).

So, what you are saying is, you were trying to update the game with new features and etcetera, before you would consider releasing previous features such as the return of General chat? I apologise if you believe I'm rather dumb to not know exactly what you are saying, aha, I haven't received enough sleep as of last night.

If you are not looking beyond No Mod October, that should be a priority regardless of how long you have to make decisions. A lot of people will state that you need to prioritise the fact that, you need a new Staff team, but I would like to point out you should probably decide whether or not the game shall continue even running - and how you're going to keep interest when the majority of this community has already up and left with the (now retired) Staff.

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Offline razmirz

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2018, 01:55:47 pm »
Dear Feral Heart Community,

This is something we wanted to show you for quite some time. We wanted to release this patch for you guys, but Raz was against it and it was his choice to refuse to allow this to come to fruition, despite the fact that the rest of the staff team wanted to share what we've been working on with you guys. This patch includes a few new maps, including the additions that our community member map makers Lady_Alizarin and LaughingWolf helped create. We felt that it was unfair not only to the individuals who worked months on this patch but also to you guys for raising expectations that a patch would be released only for nothing to come from it.

This release is a major Work in Progress.

This version of the patch is still WIP-- the desert environment, in particular, was still having work done on it when you view this version. The desert had to be downsized so that it didn’t cause so much strain on the server (for those of you who recognize this map, I'm sure you will understand why). We had plans to edit Ficho Tunnels to make it more straightforward and easy to navigate. There is much in this patch that was still being discussed, and this isn't in any way the entire finished product. There is quite a bit in here that isn't even close to what was intended for the future-- portals, restructures, and decorations were all still a work in progress, progress that we were looking forward to turning concept pieces into fully-fledged final versions. Nonetheless, we wanted you to see what we were working on. If not in the way it was supposed to be imagined, at least a glimmer into the vision we had predicted.

We wanted to cultivate a patch that took into consideration the thoughts and wants of the community while still making it workable in the current world. Hopefully we were able to bring back some of that nostalgia for you and correct some of the problems that the current patch had.

In addition to the maps of the patch, we wanted to include some other changes to the game in this patch that the rest of the staff agreed upon-- bringing General Chat back, making some changes to the rules to be a bit more lenient on language, and opening Registration. We know that you all have raised concerns about these concepts in particular, so we decided to put our trust in your desires and focus on designing the game so that this would be your patch-- the community's patch-- not merely the staff's.

Thank you for your continuous support,  and thank you to all of those who put their faith into the staff team. We tried to include your thoughts with this patch and make this for you. Keep in mind that this patch won't officially make it into the game. These maps will be released as a private map pack. Enjoy.~

--> Click here to download the WIP release <--

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2018, 01:56:51 pm »
Alright, but how do you get out of this mess?
All Staff members left, you kicked Nynx. Now, this sends a really bad message about you. I don't want Feral Heart to end, but if this somehow miraculously isn't fixed, I don't think that It's going to last. I have been here since 2012 and for me, and most users, these sudden news have been strange and scary, especially the Staff part.
The way I see it, the only way to maybe save the game is by opening up the registration?
People have said that It would cause server to crash and what not, but I don't think that would happen. FH is not as popular as before, but I do see a lot of users on various sites, asking about the registration.

  I refuted the idea that we had to wait while they continued to rewrite the world before releasing anything instead of progressing to it with patches that built on the game rather than an old setup gone new setup in method (on that basis I might have just as well reverted to before reds patch).

Wait, so you are saying that there could be patches in the game more frequently?
For example, adding the General chat (which literally everyone wants back) and more maps, but not as much as they would be released in what was ''supposed'' to be that WIP Patch?

started to post this before last two posts that were added before mine (had to afk real quick)
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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2018, 02:26:20 pm »
This is my level of understanding and summary of the WHOLE thing. You are welcome to correct me where I am wrong:

For quite some time, the Staff wanted to release a patch alongside the upcoming update that would involve the return of old, revamped FeralHeart maps. However, although this was encouraged by most if not all of the other Staff members, you did not comply for this to happen and so the retired Staff Member who is believed to have been kicked rather than having stepped down, Warriorstrike/Nynx posted the patch behind your back and regardless of your thoughts. This patch reflected the desires of the rest of the FeralHeart community and it is under the speculation of FH users that Nynx only intended to do the right thing as well as other Staff members who agreed with her decision to upload the patch.

However, you removed the post and have chosen not to take any responsibility for those who are currently facing the issue of their characters being deleted when they log out of the maps in said patch. You are also not currently taking the responsibility to get these characters back because you are still making decisions revolving around the progress of FeralHeart for the near future. In doing so, you chose for the old maps to  not be released in revamp (having considered the idea), as well as not permitting the return of General chat for reasons you described in the thread where you posted your justification for removing General Chat in the first place, many years back.

Because of the removed post that is quoted to be a separate, private map pack to the official release of the next FeralHeart update, the whole Staff team decided to retire and expressed particular hatred for your actions. From seeing this thread, it is clear that team cohesion was not at its strongest amongst all of the Staff who tried to persuade you into releasing the old maps and other missed features from the old FeralHeart. They also state that you removed Nynx from the Staff Team and make it clear that she was downgraded (punished) to announce a map pack that was in response to the whole of the community's desires in the first place, reflecting what had been asked for since the recent update. Because of this removal and lack of team effort, it led the Staff team to believe that you have aimed to be a solo Server Master that controls the game for quite some time, being especially frustrated that you chose to remove Nynx without their consent or cooperation.

The Staff team, all in all, chose to leave because of your decline in their wishes to follow the desires of the community - something that every Staff, no matter what role and no matter with what responsibility, should aim for. It was said that you went against the community and the Staff have expressed that enough in their '
We love you!' thread. They stood beside you for many years yet you considered and called them replaceable in their eyes, which will always leave a scar on their heart considering how much effort they've put into this game.

You've now decided to create a board where willing users (although there are a lot more than 10/11) to see their views and seek advice(?)/help in aiding the game's recovery. This has been backed up by how you previously mentioned to staff in the staff board that you originally wanted to do this in the first place, but can only now do so without the influence of a Staff team to tell you the pros and cons of doing so.
Yet, the only way to move forward is to first answer the questions of the community. They are all very similar and although you have explained much already, the full story has not been unraveled, even without revealing personal messages/information. A story can be told while defending someone's private life and information.

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Offline razmirz

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2018, 02:42:24 pm »
"We wanted to release this patch for you guys, but Raz was against it and it was his choice to refuse to allow this to come to fruition, despite the fact that the rest of the staff team wanted to share what we've been working on with you guys. "

I wasn't against the patch. There's your first lie. I spent hours days trying to figure out how to incorporate it into the world without breaking what Red had done. I actually provided an option which wasn't even responded to.

"the additions that our community member map makers Lady_Alizarin and LaughingWolf helped create."(created not helped create)

These were actually a part of the original patch that was supposed to be released long before.  A patch made by the community for the community. These will be released Shortly.

This really was nothing more than a political stunt in my eyes. And yes I banned Nynx for it

As for general chat and ohh you all love general chat and I'm not saying that it doesn't work. General chat would probably work just fine now in game. Why you ask then do i not put it back? Because when you have 300+ people in 1 map it doesn't work. So lets say I put it back? The game grows. I'm supposed to remove it again when the game is too big for it? My answer was to look at other uses for the chat function such as an advertising chat or something similar. I must admit it wasn't up on my list of priorities.

I had suggested much more regular smaller patches giving the community time to focus on each peace as its released. And if there's still an army of map makers wanting to have a part they would be welcome.

Registration hasn't changed much over the years we still even now have over 1000 new accounts made every month. The problem is the users don't stick. Reg is open daily if you checked every day for a week at the same time to see if its open there's a pretty good chance you would have an account.

As for staff I have a couple of options
1 I call in some favours end up with a team who aren't quite as in touch with the community but are loyal to a fault and know exactly what they are doing.
2 I pick-up a random group of people out of the forums people I don't know but want the community to thrive and any issues that arise from it I deal with separately.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 02:44:22 pm by razmirz »
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Offline G4RG0YLE

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2018, 02:52:40 pm »
As for staff I have a couple of options
1 I call in some favours end up with a team who aren't quite as in touch with the community but are loyal to a fault and know exactly what they are doing.
2 I pick-up a random group of people out of the forums people I don't know but want the community to thrive and any issues that arise from it I deal with separately.

Or even both?
A Staff Team, a new one, will never quite match what was done by the now retired Staff. They were active to the community and knew how to work the game in terms of map-making, preset-making, redoing textures, etc. and you will probably never find such a strong team again.

With option 2, my only concern is, they may want the game to thrive, but how will they help you achieve this, especially if they don't know how to make specific things? For example, I know how to make presets and that's the limit of my creativity already. My only specialty would be to manage the community and ensure safety for the youth. Appointing new Staff in FeralHeart was and still is a very long process because you want to make sure you appoint the right people who consist of skill that will aid the game itself. Which is why I recommended thinking ahead of 'No Mod October' in the first place.

You need Staff that can help FeralHeart get back to how it was and offer new additions/returns of old additions to the game. But you also need a Staff team that can serve FeralHeart in the long run.

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Offline razmirz

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Re: Welcome to hmm
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2018, 03:00:25 pm »
I believe in the last post in the news that I have stated I will return peoples characters to them my issue is said rogue patch is still trapping members. I cant keep retiving charaters indefinitely I will do a bulk restore.

As for what the staff team did and didn't do I'm not about to start some tit for tat about who did what. My name was mud long before FH and it can remain that way. So long as it keeps others in the clear.

With regards to the full story I'm the wrong person to ask. And I have no desire to defend everything I've done
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