Author Topic: What are you hoping to see added?  (Read 3761 times)

Offline Likuu

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What are you hoping to see added?
« on: July 10, 2019, 05:05:47 am »
Seeing some other threads made me wanna post something on the topic of the new patch and additions to the game.

I'm very glad to see the new additions and honestly love what was added, buggy or not, at least we got something new and I'm sure the bugs are already being worked on, so there's really no problem there! I think we all have to understand that the game hasn't been updated in some time and there will be complications.

People have already began coming out with some solutions to some bugs, such as the custom animations which can be found here!

I've seen a bit of hate on the new update already, and I feel nobody has really given it a chance. All I really have to say is be patient and give it a chance as we have so much more that can be added now! We've been sitting ducks for years now, wishing for new things to be put in and now.. we're finally getting new things!

Now I'm genuinely curious; What would you like to see added into the game? How do you feel about the new things added?
artwork by dehvina

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2019, 05:25:04 am »
No matter what anyone does you can't make everyone happy. But hey, a good amount are enjoying it an it's better than nothing no?

Anyway thinks I wanna default animations for sure. New ear an tail options would be great. CLAWS!!!! Option for heterchromia. New markings. Basically simple stuffz like that. xD

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2019, 05:31:24 am »
I'm boring: I just want bug fixes and QOL updates. I'm not really too interested in new shiny stuff until a lot of the existing problems are resolved---stuff like the marking limit, item organization/syncing, all that fun stuff. I think a lot of things like that will be addressed in the future though, with the addition of the optional click to run feature, so I have my hopes up for that!

Otherwise... new models would be sweet. I want more wolf manes!! The ability to add missing limbs!!
And maybe more options for the color slider besides the three RGB sliders, like a color wheel, or hue/saturation options or something ;;

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?


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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2019, 09:38:39 pm »
There is so much that would be amazing as an addition to the game.

However, I believe FeralHeart's current strengths are its simplicity and player imagination. I'm not extremely familiar with all that goes into making games like these, but I can imagine the more that is added to the game the more bugs there are to fix. I enjoy the game because it runs well and is very easy to understand and play. I'm not saying additions shouldn't be added because things could always be freshened up to refresh interest, but I'm pointing out what already works so it can be improved.

If I was to suggest a specific addition or change it would be to flesh out the group options in-game and maybe add some unique features for advertisement. A tremendous portion of the players that make up this game are roleplayers, the game itself is designed for roleplay. If the changes to the game supported the growth of roleplaying itself, the rest would come on its own. Get the ball rolling before you try directing it somewhere (hopefully that makes sense).

An idea specific to what I suggested could be the addition of an option allowing for members of a group to receive "staff" powers such as kicking or adding members to the group. I know right now that there are accounts out there made only for recruiting purposes. Except, that comes with the risk of bans being connected to other accounts along with other negatives such as making another email just to make another account. By adding this feature you remove those two flaws among other things.

Adding to options that could be added under the group tab would include the ability to list members in certain categories so the group list is not just a list of members in no particular order. Maybe it could simply be the addition of blank boxes with a title box where the host can name the rank or status in the title box and click and drag or add or remove members to each individual box. By doing this, it allows for players to get creative with how they organize their group and unique to what they're after. When has organization ever been a bad thing?

Along with what I described above, maybe the addition of a small notation somewhere near each group member's name there can be a date and time of last online and current game status. Going with the time and date notation theme, I think giving the group itself the same option would be beneficial as well. Maybe under the group's name or somewhere close by the game itself can have an automated notation system of group establishment date and last time any member in the group was active. With that the game could also have an automated deletion system when the group has complete inactivity for a specific length of time. Adding this is a simple feature but one that I believe will help keep the game's group system less cluttered and more up to date. The automated deletion also helps with group naming. Since group names cannot be repeated eventually it becomes annoying to name a group if someone previously had something you wanted to use. I do believe the game's rule for no repeated names should be kept but it does not make sense to prevent someone from naming their group, for example, "Puffy Pups" because someone already created a group that died off 5 years ago named the same thing.

Although players have already found ways to display rules and information about their group, there could be the addition of another sub-tab in the group tab that allows for a more in-depth description of rules, lore, or anything that's important to the group. The current bio tab for group is functional and I personally think keeping a limit on the size of the group description is nice for those just trying to get a quick understanding of the group and not a whole story. But, maybe giving another area for similar use with a much larger character limit would benefit those in the group as well as people who might of been interested based on the quick blurb in the bio but still unsure of their interest in joining. The option to make the extended description box public or private should be given though.

In relation to advertisement of groups, I think adding features that make advertisement easier and more efficient would benefit the roleplaying community as a whole. Maybe an object could be added in a specific map that enables group's to post limited sized advertisments of their group. The ads should have an automated deletion system just like the one I described above. Ads should be automatically deleted after a certain amount of time to prevent clutter and automatically deleted when the group no longer exists. It could be something players click to bring up a tab that acts like a community board. It can be ordered by most recent, themes, or something else. Group name, establishment date, age of group, last date/time of activity, and a quick custom description of the group or just a copy of what's in the group bio already should be included. The object wouldn't even be necessary if FH staff decided they didn't want an object put in the game. It could simply be the addition of a new tab on the right where all the other tabs are.

Adding a system of advertisement to the game would help reduce movie clip clutter so when the actual uses of move clip are added there is not clash between players trying to use it for different reasons. It would also free up chat space and if General chat was ever re-added also prevent spam of advertisements.

To sum it up, adding more options for the group system in-game and adding features for group advertisement would appeal to the roleplayers which make up a huge part of the game, but keep the game's already existing strengths of simplicity and player imagination present.

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2019, 09:48:14 pm »
report button being removed or made into something that can function lol

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2019, 01:02:27 am »
Well, I want classic legacy maps to be default again. I have asked before and gotten 'highly unlikely', but if the motive is to bring a community back, it is best to bring the old maps back for nostalgic AND roleplay purposes.

Next isn't really based on the game, but more ways to do content creation about the game besides art and music videos. The YouTube scene on Feralheart is saturated and full of music videos, and the last time I remember someone making something different about Feralheart was Bereghost. Whether that would be through character creation challenges, meme videos, etc, the game shouldn't be closed off on the content creation potential it has.

What would be cool is to bring quests, items and all that like from the IT games in the past since the source code is achieved. (Probably really hard to code all that in)

Thats all I got on my input.

this is a double bass not a cello
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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2019, 02:15:24 am »
As said above, sort out the bugs before going on to add in more things that could cause bugs. Though I'm sad the update's getting hate apparently. Personally, I think it's amazing and adds in a ton of stuff the community has wanted for years, and there's only going to be more to come.

What I'd like to see next though, besides bug fixes, would probably be updates to the map maker and maybe object maker. I'd love to see a way to create terrain above terrain- if that makes sense. Maybe something closer to Roblox's map making function, but also while maybe keeping the height map.

Also, let us turn the water, pleaseee. Maybe a better way of making rivers, streams, and waterfalls. Honestly the height map can be so drastic or flat and it's hard to get a middle ground- no pun intended- or maybe it's not a pun at all and is literal- either way, I'd love new or different ways to make maps.

Another idea of mine is a bit hard to phrase, but it's the concept of having textures on an object loop rather than stretch. This wouldn't apply to all objects of course, only really ones where the texture can be tiled seamlessly and naturally, like rocks. You could control the amount of looping too, for finer textures or less obvious looping.

Although I love the group ideas, and think it would get me back into at least taking some kind of part in roleplays, I stopped roleplaying a while ago, for multiple reasons, though I was never very into it, and I'm not opposed to doing it again. Heck, I probably will at some point, but roleplays are very different nowadays. That's not to say I don't support it though! I've been wanting group function updates too, probably more than what I said above.


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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2019, 03:30:41 am »
Animations plz. I want a tail flick, head shake, head nod, licking etc.
A better run cycle. The one currently in use seems very stiff and to robotic.
If the legs didn't move so much when the character was breathing, that would be nice lol.
Maybe more models? Idk, I'm happy with my lion fursona lol pets would be cool though
Claws could be optional? I know there is a claw mod, but that gives everyone claws. I would love an on/off switch for them, and be able to color them.
....also General chat...

I don't really rp anymore, though I would like to, so I can't really say too much on groups/parties. Perhaps there could be improvements to the movie maker? I dunno.

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2019, 01:00:41 pm »
Searching bars in markings, items etc.


Offline A.P.S.

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Re: What are you hoping to see added?
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2019, 08:05:07 pm »
Searching bars in markings, items etc.