Author Topic: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.  (Read 5219 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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|:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« on: September 15, 2012, 04:14:09 pm »
Hello, this is SoaringAway and I've decided just to open up a little thread where I'll be posting my literary creations. Everyone once in a while, I'll be updating this thread and posting a poem of varying topics that might be mature for younger audiences but I guarantee that it won't involve cussing or sexual content. I will be making different posts with them but on this first post, I'll make an index with links to poems if this thread even goes further than several pages.

  • Post #2.........Lamented Escape
  • Post #4.........Glass Boat

Every poem will have a theme or topic to it but only I shall speak of the topic seeing as it won't make sense for some as not much of it is spoken about. However, the theme is up your interpretation and I will only say it if the poem doesn't involve with a real world topic or possibly personal.

Another note, some of these poems would be inspired or motivated by a song, book, or an event and I'll gladly post it if you wish to read/hear it (before,during, or after) reading my works. The choice is yours, of course.

And yes, you can post on this.. Please OTL. Constructive critiquing is preferred. 

« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:13:40 pm by SoaringAway »

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|:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store Off-Topic Sec
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 10:29:33 pm »

Offline SoaringAway

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|:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| #1: Lamented Escape
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2012, 12:54:06 am »
Here, this day comes again as your eyes are sealed with you adrift into slumber,
 Your breath keeps a placid rhythm as I am a lone idol, waiting idly with
a sigh of relief escapes my caged emotions of reflection as an eye opens and peeks to see me yet again with hands folded and a stature of a statue.
The body before me readjusts itself with a wary expression of drained life, and yet only you can keep your eyes viable with optimism even if you’re trapped in reality.

The gesturing of your hands sway and your voice gives a wave consciousness of lament to give me only a whisper of an inner voice to acknowledge what is needed to be done.
The hours slip quicker than Father of Time’s grains of sand that drop into the deserts of life with only life built up by mistakes, misfortunate, and misinterpretations of the world we live in.

Alas, as I am a lone idol, waiting idly as the droplets of sunlight escape into the pallid room, and your eyes only reveal the agony of even the grandest fiascos of joy break apart just as the delicate fabric of hope does too.
I have kept myself standing tall for hours with a pain coursing to my knees but I’ve grown accustomed to it as these days, months, or possibly years passed as I come to hear the façade of happiness that you reiterate to me. 
The concern of time doesn’t matter no me no less than your health does for others and their ignorance for hushing your words with a gentleness of a lamb. 

“Allow your words to pour into my ears that were only made to listen, my dear,” I can only say with a smile of fabricated manipulation for others not to know.
The caressing of your hand to mine is akin to the feeling of hope, so moving to those ignorant yet in dismay of the men in white that know of the truth yet agonizing for the one who sets forth your final wish.
The lingering warmth of life suits you better than the harsh, cold blanket that you’ll wish to be covered with and soon will be. Alas, as I am a lone idol, watching the quizzical green line on the heart monitor as that is the countdown with the monitor reading “68” but knowing you, you want it to be zero and want that racket of a beep to cease...

Our eyes meet and the vividness of my imagination only can resonance our tortured cries within as I’ve become to acknowledge yet again the duty I must perform as your lone idol and the final grain of sand dropped from the hourglass for your time. The sight of your eyes nearly damped with tears strains my heart in the most uncomfortable fashion.
A faint smile appears on your face as my grip from your skin is released and I reach onto the cord without eye contact ever alternating from my actions.

Your eyes dilate the moment your source of life is pulled away and you look to the skies as if you were calling out to God, saying you were soon coming home. The beeping stops, the light in your eyes disappear, the world around you stops. My knees buckle as your body falls back onto the bed as if you were diving into the ocean where you’ll dance amongst the coral reefs and to be forever gone in the abyss.

My exterior walls of protection crumble as you partake your final breaths, holding you carefully as you only look at me while whispering something inaudible. For I will never know what it is, as you shut your eyes and I am left here by myself. Here, this day comes to end again for the body before me is unadjusted and cold of what you’ve desired so much. God, can you hear my woes? For I have undone your creation and will beg mercy for them to stay into the gates of your heavenly yard. Allow me to bear the fruits of sin and as you as my witness, I  will bear the fruits of sin until my own dying breath.

Inhuman noises escape from me as I tighten my hold onto the lifeless body before me but these cries were silent as nothing could describe this unbearable pain in my chest, this unbearable pain in my mind, and this unbearable sensation ache in my throat.. For I have undone life, for I have undone someone’s regret and allowed them to escape their burdens. Only a soft dreadful whisper can escape from my lips,

Topic: Assisted suicide
Inspired by:

« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 01:21:03 am by SoaringAway »

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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2012, 01:57:13 am »
..Bump? ;u;

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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Glass Boat
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2012, 01:34:45 am »
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 01:51:16 am by SoaringAway »

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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2012, 11:13:49 pm »

Offline SoaringAway

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|:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Shadow Queen [[W.I.P.]]
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2012, 06:35:37 pm »
Little silhouette connected to my feet,
are you here to dean me as the queen of misfits?

In the dimmest of the light I take my royal seat,
soon you dance with a waxed candle lit for the show.

The wick allows the flame to perform loyally,
for you, my shadow friend, will know the spotlight.


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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2013, 01:31:28 am »
I think my favorite one so far is the Glass Boat (and no because its the shortest and easiest to read). But I guess I can see how it is easy to relate to. No. I don't know. I liked it. Arghrf. Being trapped in a bottle and waiting for someone to take notice of you, and ge- |: 

But I also liked the second one, the Lamented Escape, kind of made my stomach knot. Not really, i guess in a bad way but. I guess it was pretty ... I don't know. Unlike you I'm not too good with wording what I want said.

Babbling over for now, but I look forward to reading more on this. I can't believe no one else has really commented on this lol. But I guess youre right in the first thread, where it is a little above our heads. And that almost made me not want to say anything at all lol.

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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 11:14:15 pm »
..Someone posted here?!


Thank you so much for reading it (and actually responding to it.) It is always such a weird yet pleasant feeling one gets when another is moved by or can relate their works. I honestly did "Glass Boat" within a period of a couple of minutes but it just came randomly. Like how you sleep and your best ideas come out...

I apologize for "Lamented Escape" length but that was a sort of "literary project" I've forced myself to do as I tried to get this question across: "Who truly the one in more pain: the one who leaves the Earth (and thinks about it) or the person that does actually help (as they carry the burden of actually knowing that they killed someone)?" It is a moral question.

Anyways, what do you mean by first thread? Do you mean my first post..? I terribly apologize but I don't understand the last part well.


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Re: |:|Little Marketplace by the Bay|:| Variety of Poems in Store.
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2013, 01:42:11 pm »
(( I freaking LOVE these poems. Keep it up :)
I'm actually a poet myself, so I'd suggest but one thing... Put these up on literary sites, or on Wattpad. These sites would greatly boost you views, mostly because people go there purely to read. Unlike here, where people may not entirely be interested in poetry.
But yes, I love the diction and wording of the Glass Boat poem, it has to be my favorite.
It just flows so beautifully :D
