Author Topic: Katjie Or Katjie Honde  (Read 1482 times)

Offline Takawolfplayer

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Katjie Or Katjie Honde
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:39:10 am »
   The katjie honde is a large creature that has similarities between both of the canine and feline species. Katjie honde translates to "kitten canine" in Afrikaans because of how it is more similar to felines than it is to canines. These animals are not very aggressive, but can be territorial if someone trespasses on the borders of their pack. They can vary anywhere from islands to open prairie, but are rarely seen in most nations. They are rarely known to attack people, but they can get cases of rabies, which could be severe enough to poison a human - Which could even lead to death.


  A long time ago, these animals never existed, that is until a feline and a canine mated together to form a new species. This was found somewhere near the African border many centuries ago. That's where the strange animal got its name from. Still, not much is discovered from its past and will probably stay that way.

  The kajie honde's markings are about the same as a snow leopards, although its body shape is not completely feline. It is not a canine, nor a feline. It is in its own group of species called cooridines. Cooridines should have bent back ears, and they should have feline-like tails. They should be medium-sized, while their fur is very thick as if it looks large to scare away predators.

  Mating is very important in cooridines. Both of the sexes need to be at least age 2-3 years old in order to mate and reproduce. If mating is not successful, the male/female have the choice to either wait next season, or to find a new partner. Whilst mating proceeds, both animals stay calm. The female bares the male's weight until mating is done.

  The animal gives birth to a huge litter of pups or kits. The number varies from 5-20 pups/kits at a time. Not much is known for the activity of playing while young, as most of the kits sighted were found deaf, blind, and weak.

  These animals can be hunters, or they can eat plants and other vegetation of of trees, bushes, etc. Not much is known what these animals do eat or do not eat, but they have been caught eating there own kind. Cannibalism is probably the hypothesis for what these animals do if they cannot find anything else to eat. The answer is to this that they are maybe scavengers.

(Anyone is allowed to make this animal, I really don't care. .3.)

« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 11:41:04 am by Kloe »

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