Author Topic: Shocker's Bio [2019]  (Read 10474 times)

Offline StormyKnight

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Shocker's Bio [2019]
« on: May 18, 2019, 06:46:40 pm »
Shocker’s Biography [2019]

“Hello There floofs”
I decided to make a new bio and a possible journal. Enjoy ^^
I will not reveal my real name here,
But you can call me any of the following:
Shocker, Shock, Stormy, StormCat,
Sparky Cat, Energy Drink Cat,
or whatever cute names you can think of idc XD

D.O.B: 09/26/1996
Gender & pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Straight
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire

The Human behind the StormCat
Wanna see what I look like?

Lol maybe someday a real photo

So… who am I really?
Well, I’m a 23 year old girl  who lives in the frozen “TundraLand” of Wisconsin. (USA)
I’m mostly shy, quiet and introverted, but very kind, friendly and outgoing in nature.
However I do not take friendship lightly and it takes me much time
to come out of my shell and warm up to certain people.
I spend most of my offline time working and juggling my job with my other hobbies.
I’m a star athlete and a coach who loves to run,
I studied Biology, Astronomy, Art and Graphic Design,
and ran Cross Country and Track in school
Now I coach track with my best friend.
I love track and enjoy every moment of it.
“Oh the memories.”
Most of you may already know that I’m an Artist,
Yep, I’m “self-taught” and known to be very creative.
I’ve been drawing since I was a kitten.
I love drawing and making digital/graphic art mostly,
I make YouTube videos, and also do a little photography
and gif animation once in a while.
I do live in a “non-furry” part of the world,
So I did used to think I was the only furry in the world, weird right?
I’ve had my furry persona (Shocker) long before I discovered the Fandom
and when I did find it, it I made me so happy
I didn’t feel like I was the only furry anymore,
“It’s like I found others with a similar interest as me.”
Eventually I created and opened Shocker’s species, (StormCats)
and decided to share my greatest creation with others.
I have also created a few other furry species as well.
My Feral Heart Story
I found FH around late 2013, from watching youtube videos
and playing the game: Wolf Soul
After waiting a long time and finally making my fh account,
I didn’t start playing all that much,
mostly because of school, and I’m not really into roleplays.
It wasn’t until I finally got out of school in 2016 when I started to play more,
I immediately fell in love with the game, I remember when the old maps were still up
and I mostly hung around at old Bonfire island,
But then I stopped playing for some time and when I came back
the old maps were gone, and I had entered a newer fh
that I was still quite excited to explore nonetheless.
It was also around that same time that I started youtubing,
In which you may know me as one of many fh youtubers.
I’ve come a long way since,
and made many new friends and memories here
in this place that I’m glad to call my second home.

favorite Forum places
art, screenshots, videos,
preset/markings, maps, other mods/creations
FH official events, forum games, off topics.

Usernames & Contact
FH: StormyKnight
YouTube: Shocker the StormCat
DeviantArt: Shocker-the-StormCat
Discord: StormyKnight #3726

My 3 main characters
Shocker  Lukario  Saphira

Thank You for taking the time in reading this lovely bio and hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better.
"May the Force be with you always!"

« Last Edit: November 14, 2019, 04:05:57 am by StormyKnight »


Offline StormyKnight

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2019, 06:47:17 pm »
[Journal entries]

Entry 1
[May 24, 2019]
600+ Subscribers on YouTube! omg guys my channel is growing so fast it's unbelieveable.
I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all my fans for following me on this amazing FH adventure of mine,
and for all the love and support they've given me. I am truely grateful and can't thank you all enough,
I love making my videos and it makes me so happy that can make other people happy with them.
I still have yet to make a sub-special video, but not to worry "I got a plan." ^^
So much has happened in the last few weeks offline that I can't even explain it all in words..
but here is a link to my newest FHMV that I dedicated to my best friend irl.


Entry 2
[June 9, 2019]

Luke's Story
One fateful night, Luke was returning to his home after a long successful hunt, when he was caught flying through a major storm, he was mysteriously struck by lightning, which sent him falling down to earth, to what should have been his death, however he survived, taking minor damage, and was left unconscious for quite some time.
The lightning was not from the storm itself and did not strike Luke from the sky, but came from below, it struck his chest and turned his feathers white. When Luke finally awoke, he found himself in the dark room of a ruined temple, chained and surrounded by evil knights, old servants of the former Master of the Valley, who had captured Luke, in fear of his trico power. One of the knights held a talisman shield, pointing it at Luke in attempt to control him, the others held spears and swords, and just stood there waiting.
Another knight opened a hologram and appeared to be communicating with their new master. A few moments later, a strange cloaked figure entered the room, he looked at Luke with an evil smile and said: “Now you will be mine.” he unleashed a fury of dark lightning that struck Luke, he screamed in pain and pulled at his chains, the lightning turned his feather coat black and his eyes flashed red as the evil master attempted to bond and corrupt him with dark energy. Then, out of nowhere a bright flash of blue lightning lit the room, striking through and killing the knights, all but the one with the shield who managed to deflect the bolt. The master’s bond to Luke was broken as he turned and saw the dead knights. A mysterious creature appeared out of the dark and approached the knight and his master with static sparks flickering from her fingertips. She unleashed another powerful bolt of lightning that destroyed the shield and electrified the knight. The master approached the creature knowing who she was. “Hello Shocker, I have been expecting you.” He stroked her cheek with an evil grin on his face. “And now you too will be mine.” he said with a chuckle. “Ah yes, our long awaited meeting has come at last.” she replied with a confident smile.

Luke could only watch as the two engaged in a short fight, exchanging blows of powerful lightning, Shocker was strong and fast on her feet as she managed to overpower and weaken the master who was eventually defeated. She let out a loud thunderous roar, signifying her victory, she then backed away, sparing his life and allowed him to leave. “You’ve not seen the last of me!” the master said as two knights came to his aid and escorted him out of the temple. Luke looked at Shocker with cautious yellow eyes, he was still agitated from being nearly corrupted and struggled to break free of his chains. The creature slowly approached him, and spoke softly: “Don’t worry boy, you are safe now.” she grabbed the chains and a stream of lightning shot out from her paws, breaking the links and freeing him. Luke stood up, shook his feathers, then looked at her again with deep blue eyes, he lowered his head to her in attempt to nuzzle, as if to say thank you. She raised a paw to stroke Luke’s muzzle, and a white ring formed upon contact. Surprised by this, Luke pulled back, his eyes widened and flashed multiple colors. Shocker, also a bit surprised, noticed Luke’s white chest and apologized to the beast: “Aw I’m sorry boy, I must have struck you down.” Luke chirped and purred as she continued to pet him affectionately. Some time later, Shocker decided it was time to find their way out of the deep dark temple, knowing they were not safe there. More knights were standing guard and evil creatures roamed in nearly every room. Luke resorted to his own physical strength, while Shocker unleashed a storm of lightning as both fought and defeated their dark enemies. Luke would occasionally become agitated from their battles and Shocker always managed to calm him down, petting and healing him as well.

Eventually, the two made it out of the temple and were greeted by a warm rising sun on the horizon, a gentle breeze blew through their fur and feathers. Luke once again lowered his head down to Shocker, nuzzling her. Stroking his cheek she spoke in his ear: “Now we are free.” she then turned and walked away down the large stairway of the temple. Luke could only watch for a moment then ran to her, the temple stairs ended near a huge cliff where he caught up to her. Shocker turned back to Luke, He chirped at her as if to say “I want to stay with you.” He then lowered himself to the ground, allowing her to climb onto his back. Shocker smiled as she took a moment to bond with Luke, holding his muzzle and stroking the white ring. she then mounted the beast, as he rose up and spread his wings out, then he raced to the cliff edge, and with a great leap of fate they flew away and their new journey together had begun.


Entry 3
So this has been on my mind for a while.. I'm thinking of making my own mass markings pack for FH.
I know it will take me some time to put it all together. Should I do it? Let me know your thoughts. ^^

Entry 4
So I've been thinking of one day starting a group or community dedicated to my StormCats,
with a hope of giving more life to this species that I created and worked very hard on.
I've already built a website (Unofficial) however, I do hope to also provide more information and artwork in the near future.
So what do you guys think? let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
I would love to hear your thoughts and gets some feedback on this idea before I start commiting to it.

Also one other thing.. Who should I take to the summer party? (if I can make it)
I just can't decide. xD


Dodger the Fallout survivor

Amber the Amur Leopard

Aurora the Snow Cat

Entry 5
[July 15, 2019]
OML FeralHeart is back!
It's as I said, "Things will get better." Wow you guys! I'm actually lost for words.
Firstly a big THANK YOU to Raz for bringing fh back online, and being an awesome coder and server master, I know those are not easy tasks, but I always believed in you Raz, and had faith in you all this time. you put yourself through so much for ALL OF US. You have my utmost respect and praise. Another THANK YOU to xSpirit for being another awesome coder along with Raz, I could tell You put a lot of hard work into this new patch alone for us and I'm still very excited to see what you do next. You keep up the great work!
And another big THANK YOU to the Staff Team and everyone in the community, you guys are all truley wonderful floofs, creative, talented, skilled, and everything in between. Thank you for sticking together, being strong and believing in each other, I stuck with FeralHeart because I believed and had faith in every single one of you! FeralHeart isn't just a game, it's all of us united, as one big family. We are FeralHeart. ^^


Entry 6
[Aug 7, 2019]
Opening my story book and doing some more creative writing for my girl Saphira,
I decided to play around and develop her character more. I'm also thinking of changing her name, not sure yet. ^^
(i might update this entry with more information about her)

Entry 7
I'm hosting a "Draw my fursona Contest!"

Hey guys, this is my first time hosting a contest here! Yay!
This one is specificly for art of my fursona, but you can draw my OCs as well. ^^
The contest is Open to members of the FH forum and DeviantArt.

Here are my babies

What is accepted
*Traditional Art
*Digital Art
*Colored Sketches
*Clothing & Accessories (Lukario doesn't wear clothes) (Preferably Star Wars clothing, or Athletic/tech wear)
*You can draw my characters with each other or separate, you can also draw my characters with your own.

What is NOT accepted
*Shipping my characters with each other or with yours
*Scat fetishes, feet, etc.

*Anyone is welcome to participate.
*You must be a Watcher
*Share this Journal as your status and tell your friends.
*Must be your artwork, No line-art or traces.
*Unlimited entries, You can draw my characters as many times as you'd like. ^^
*Tell me when you are done Please, You can submit your finished entries in the comments.
*Good Luck and have Fun! ^^

How I will be Judging
*Style (how stylized/personalized each character is)

1st places- 1,000 DA points + a Full body drawing of your character.
2nd place- 500 DA points + a Half body drawing of your character.
3rd place- 100 DA points + a Headshot drawing of your character.

November 1, 2019.
Winners will be announced on November 2, 2019[/color]

Entry 8
[Sept 23, 2019]

My thoughts on the future if FH.
I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about FH's future.
even though I haven't been too active lately, I noticed how there's a sort of "mixed future" for FH.
What if the game shuts down? (again) What if it remains active and continues to grow/improve?
Well before I state my answers to these questions, I'd like to say that like many of my fellow floofs, I was disappointed
to see the game shut down. But then, Raz brought it back "for us," and it made me so happy. I jumped right back into the game as soon as I could.
I belived and had a lot of faith in Raz, and he still has my utmost respect, along with Sura, who is still here with us and doing the very best she can for us,
being the most active staff member and a leader. "A great Big Thank You to both Raz and Sura, for everything they've done of us.
Now to answer the above questions, Well "every story has a beginning and an end, but in life, every end has a new beginning."
I think if FH did shut down, I'd make my peace with it and move on, but it would leave me a bit upset, not for the game, but for the community,
I think the saddest thing would be to see this tightly knit community fall apart and fade away. I have stated this before,
that FeralHeart isn't just a game, it's the community too, each and every one of us. we are the reason the game is still alive.
"we are FeralHeart."
I believe that when FH was brought back, it marked a new beginning for the game, and the source code sparked hope for new things to come.
Yes it is still uncertin at this point what the future holds, but with a little faith, "and patience," anything is possible.
"I want to see FH grow," and now with registration open, new generations of players will be coming in,
I want to be here for them, help them learn, give them a fun and enjoyable experience with the game as I had, and watch them grow.
"powerful the mind of a child is." I want to inspire the the younglings and encourage them to get creative with the game as I did. ^^

Entry 9
[Sept 29, 2019] Happy Birthday to me! ^^
So my birthday was on Sept 26th, and I am now 23 years old IRL! I'm so old ah ^^
But I guess I can say I have 2 Birthdays to celebrate because Shocker turns 7 years old!
Yes, my main fursona has existed for such a long time now, (since 2012) it's almost hard to believe
that on Sept 30th, on a dark and stormy night, with a mix of pure emotions, followed up by a dream,
I had created the other half of myself. Shocker means absolutely everything to me, she's my greatest creation,
and words cannot describe just how much I love her. <3

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself."

Entry 10
[Oct 26, 2019]
Ah, it's good to back FH, so what's new with me? Well, a lot has happened in real life, nothing too interesting tho.

Bio Update: Wanna see what I look like as a human? I added a new pic to my bio. hehehe ^^
I have changed my Discord username to StormyKnight, which will likely be my new FH user as well. I don't know yet,
but the name sounds fitting to me.

Did you know? I have a Facebook fan page! Yes Shocker has her own fan page. Now you can follow me on Facebook:
I'm also trying to build a forum dedicated to my StormCat species, providing a place for new resources and for fans and members to come together in a new community.

And recently I decided to "continue" working on my #2 species: the Spartan Angel Dragons
a legendary species of dragon that will have a historic-fictional lore and ties with ancient Sparta and greek mythology.
Saphira has even been "re-classed" as a Spartan AD and no longer a regular "angel dragon."

Art Commissions coming soon! I've been wanting to do this for a long time now,
and so I'm planning to open commissions as early as December! C:

Entry 11
[April 4, 2020]
"It's been a while FeralHeart"
I'm sending an "Electric Heart" filled with much love to every floof around the world!
Stay safe & Healthy everyone!!!

« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 06:18:46 pm by StormyKnight »


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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2019, 08:56:40 pm »
Lovely bio Shocker! :D
For the sake of my own health and interests, I've left FH and I won't be looking back.

Offline Ame88

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2019, 09:45:36 pm »
It was really nice reading more about you, Shocker! Also, I love that gif at the start xD Eager to see what you may put down in your journal if you decide to use it~ I may not be a furry myself, but I completely understand the feeling of being the only one with something. Such an amazing feeling when you find like-minded people. cx
« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 09:47:55 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2019, 12:15:43 am »
Ooh! A biography. <3 It was definitely pleasing to know some things about you, Shocker! ;D We actually have so much in common it is awesome! Thank you for sharing some things about yourself. c:
not active here anymore ♡
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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2019, 03:19:13 am »
Nice to see a bio from ya Shocker and thanks for sharing !! 10/10 mangoes

Offline StormyKnight

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2019, 04:05:27 am »
First Journal entry ^^ ~bump~


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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2019, 02:25:15 pm »
Congrats on hitting 600 subs!! Your channel is indeed growing so fast! I remember the last time checking up on it was when you had 400 subs. I also watched your newest video and I gotta say, it's amazing. Congrats again! :)
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Offline Ame88

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2019, 07:33:08 pm »
Congratulations Shocker! That's a big accomplishment, and you're very well deserving of those 600+. Keep chugging along! You're gonna go far~

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Offline StormyKnight

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Re: Shocker's Bio [2019]
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2019, 10:46:26 pm »
Journal Bump~ #2 ^^