Author Topic: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-  (Read 12764 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:43:58 pm »
Prehistoric Wonders
  Long ago, there were more enormous things than elephants, greater things than lions, and scarier things than rhinos. Long ago, for a massive amount of time, lived dinosaurs. Giant predators with crushing teeth stalked the lands, long-necked herbivores bellowed in fields, and quick raptors ambushed unfortunate prey. But recently (in geological terms) they vanished. Most scientists agree that a massive asteroid the size of Mt. Everest destroyed the dinosaurs' lush, delicate landscape millions of years ago. However, there is something they don't know...
  In a different world, the dinosaurs still live. All the species have intermingled into one time period, and they haven't grown soft. Spinosauruses still use their sharp teeth to dig into flesh. Triceratops still use their tough horns to defend themselves. Raptors still use their speed and cleverness to escape danger. Nothing has changed, except that they all coexist in a lush, lively world.

C O N T E N T S:
Post One: News, Introduction, Contents, Rules
Post Two: Dinosaurs, Landscape
Post Three: Application form, Current Members
Post Four: Save

R U L E S:
~::~ Please do not godmod or powerplay.
~::~ Please be descriptive in your writing. 3 sentences at MINIMUM.
~::~ I do not allow any cuss/swear words except for "crap".
~::~ Do try to be realistic. I'd like there to be a struggle when hunting prey, and if you're an herbivore you can't simply bash the predator to bits easily. Not only that, but you must make movements as realistic to your ability. A tyrannosaurs rex CANNOT grab ANYTHING with its arms, and neither can a sauropod (long-neck dino) gallop or rear up very, very high. (Rp password: Nothin' much) It's neck is not very flexible, since it is filled with stiff muscle to hold it up. Etc, etc.
~::~ Hate the character, not the player.
~::~ Do not control others' characters without permission.
~::~ There are not any humans in this world.
~::~ I am the roleplay leader. I do the roleplay leader duties. Do NOT accept applications, making updates to the thread, etc etc without my permission.
~::~ You may only apply as the dinosaurs I list. If you wish to choose a different dinosaur, ask me first. I may add marine reptiles and/or flying reptiles later. (Both of which are NOT dinosaurs)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 03:21:11 pm by Twizzlerr »

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 10:05:49 pm »
These are the types of dinosaurs that you may play.
The Sauropod (1)
The Ceratopsid
The Thyreophora
The Ankylosauria
The Iguanodontia

The Tyrannosauridae
The Allosaurus
The Ceratosauria
The Coelurosauria
The Dromaeosauridae (3)
The Ornithomimosauria (1)

This is the world your dinosaurs will live in.
These are lush ferns that most herbivorous dinosaurs will eat.

This is an example of a massive redwood forest.

This is a grassy field where some dinosaurs live.

  More to come~
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 12:16:25 pm by Twizzlerr »

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 10:31:42 pm »
A P P L I C A T I O N     F O R M
User: What is your forum username?
Name: What is your dino's name?
Gender: Male or female?
Species: Choose one from the list above.
Sub-species: What exactly are you? Tyrannosaurus rex? Triceratops?
Image/Description: What does your dino look like?
Size: Length and height, please.
Personality: Personality? (XD)
Relatives: Any known relatives? (Please don't put unknown relatives, unless important.)
History: Your character's past.
Other: Anything else I need to know?
Roleplay Sample: Show me a sample of your roleplaying skills. 4 sentences minimum.


User: Twizzlerr
Name: "My name is Blue Claw. You can call me Blue, though."
Gender: "Female; you can tell by my coloring. And scent, if you humans have any."
Species: "I believe I am a member of the Dromaeosauridae species."
Sub-species: "You sure like fancy names, don't you? It's  Deinonychus antirrhopus."
Image/Description: Above
Size: 11 feet long and 3 feet tall
Personality: Find out in rp
Relatives: Mother: Streak. Sister: Sun.
History: Find out in rp
Other: Raptors get cookies!

C U R R E N T    D I N O S

Twizzlerr: Blue Claw, Female, Deinonychus antirrhopus

Iceheart999: Sunset, Female, Microraptor

Huskies-Eat-Ponies: Giant, Male, Saltosaurus

??????z?????z????:Raiughe, Male, Ornithomimosauria

pyroraptor1: Karkus, Male, Gigantoraptor

« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 12:17:10 pm by Twizzlerr »

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -WIP, DO NOT POST-
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 10:33:40 pm »

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 03:22:40 pm »
We are now OPEN and ACCEPTING! Apply now!

Offline iceheart999

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 05:09:12 pm »
User: Iceheart999
Name: "Sunset. You may call me Sunny or Setting."
Gender: "Female, duh."
Species: "I'm a Dromaeosauridae, in species.
Sub-species: "My Clade is that of Microraptoria. I, myself, am a Microraptor.
Size: 2 feet long and 1.73 feet high.
Personality: Do the smartest thing and fully find out in rp.
Relatives: Mother: Sand  Brother: Blue Sky
History: Find out.
Other: Popcorn's nothin' much. But COOKIES!?
Roleplay Sample: Hooked claws grasped at the soft bark, eyes glancing about. The Microraptor's breath came in short, wisy gasps. Oh how she had to hate others of her own kind, especially her brother. Chasing her off from almost every single meal. Yep, she wanted to claw their throats out. It appeared her brother didn't give a single crap about her anyways.

Find me in-game as:
~Pacific Rim~
Gipsy Danger Characters I'm usually on: Helia Wyght Yeva Monroe Rosalva Arce

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 05:40:36 pm »
[[@Iceheart999: Accepted. Nice roleplay sample. I can't wait to learn more about Sunset. On the Current Dinos, would you like her name to be colored? If so, what color?

 We will begin roleplaying after we gain a couple more members. ]]

Offline Celeyan

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 07:35:18 pm »
Could I apply a Dromiceiomimus? Aka a Ornithomimus?

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 07:50:27 pm »
Could I apply a Dromiceiomimus? Aka a Ornithomimus?

 [[ Yes, you may. :) ]]

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2013, 08:08:10 pm »

User: Huskies-Eat-Ponies

Name: Giant

Gender: Male

Species: Sauropod

Sub-species: Saltosaurus

Image/Description: PICTURE!

Size: He is very tall, standing at 54 feet. At at the massive length of 38 meters!

Personality: Giant is very soft, and will easily make friends, well due to his size, thats quite hard. Despite being very big, he is very calm, and gentle.

Relatives: Well, his mother was called Seven, until  she died. His father is called King. His father's new mate is pregnant with another baby Dino, so he will have a step brother/sister soon!
History: Well, you best find out in the roleplay.

Other: Nothin' much.

Roleplay Sample: 4 round feet molded into the grass, and when the huge Sauropod moved, it left a huge mark in the grass. His dad followed, his large neck craning over his, seeing past the trees. "Hurm, practice rearing..." King spoke with a soft voice. Giant looked towards King, and done a short nod. He pushed himself onto his two hind legs, and put his front two feet in the air. Like a horse, he moved his front legs up and down. "Good." King congratulated. Giant felt a huge amount of pride wash over his 54 feet body.  
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 08:16:19 pm by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused