Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 155356 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2014, 07:24:06 am »

Arisa Hunther

    The presence of a new down has struck the dusky atmosphere that hung overhead, the son lighting its way back up slowly past its horizon barricade. Dazzling rays of morning warmth seeped through the cracks of the large rustic ruins of a warehouse. Rubble and debris were still scattered endlessly among its worn down floorboards. Several wooden support beams were collapsed, caved in or battered severely, making it a bit difficult for the ordinary person to traverse the ruin maze. Though Arisa knew it like the back of her hand. The young lady could be found in her normal spot of relaxation, against the wall on the only solid looking room left with her feet crossed and kicked up comfortably on a few stray pieces of brick wall that served her well as a foot rest. The splicing sound of metal faintly echoed throughout the deserted second floor as she continued sharpening her dulled blade to her pocket knife, staring hard at the edges to make sure they were crisp.

     She examined the blade up close before slipping it back into its sheath and stashing it away, a low sigh escaping her lips. Her hands brushed off some of the collecting dust and debris that was on her as she rose back to her stance, proceeding over and peering cautiously out the shattered window remains, surveying the vast land below. She had always awaken this early in the morning. Not always because of habit, but to watch dawn's arrival, such as she did often with her family when she was still young. A few moments passed before he was satisfied with watching the sky form light above her before she dared to tread downstairs and out of the safety of the warehouse.

     Arisa stalked into one of the alleyways, sticking to the draping shadows. Her clear crystal gaze locked up not too far away across the street where she saw a few strangers pass and narrowed her eyes, staying silent. Arisa remained hidden from their vision, her breath made shallow so she was undetected and waited for the group to pass before pursuing on to her goal. She had remembered seeing a hotel not too far from her own hideout that she was to scope out for supplies and had near silently slipped in to check the place out.

(Oh, almost forgot about this. I wanted Arisa to belong to this group of survivors as well as a few side characters I might throw in later to make the roleplay more Interesting.)

Group Name: Armageddon

   - Grandmaster
   - Generals
   - Scouts
   - Spies
   - Thieves

   - Access to a decent sized food storage unit.
   - Access to weapon supplies.
   - Access to temporary shelter.

   - The group is few in numbers and is often threatened by larger groups.
   - The leader of the group is quite the victim to avarice and pride. He will conduct orders sometimes based solely on these two sins.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 10:46:14 pm by Arkanis Void »


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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2014, 11:54:38 am »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

A bright light shone through an open window of the rubble filled building, her eyes squinting as she began to stirr. Feeling a wet surface slide across her face Kennedy's eyes shot open, her arm scraping across the large piece of concrete as she lifted up-squinting her eyes slightly she rubbed her arm to help the pain quickly die off. Parting her lips allowing a long yawn to blow past her lips the young woman soon focused her gaze on the canine infront of her. Smiling at her companion she leant forward and patted his head "Thanks for the wake-up call boy!" she chuckled as she slowly shuffled around then lifting to her feet. Sighing she pushed her hands across her shorts to get rid of the rubble and dust that seemed to have stuck to her clothes. Raising a hand Kennedy rubbed her eyes and grabbed her two guns and a knife-putting them in her weapon belt. Looking down at hunter she smiled "Let's go!" she ordered and off they went.

Quickly the pair set off without taking any cautions-they needed to find food and that's what they were planning on doing. As she emerged from the crumbled building the sunlight unstantly beamed against her already tanned skin, now she was certain it was the safest time to go out. Looking around she hurried forward, following after Hunter who seemed to be tracking something hand by her side ready to grab a gun if needed. Slowly and quietly the two ventured through the streets eyes feeled and fully aware. Raising a hand Kennedy scratched her head as she looked around, they have to find a old food store or a mall in order to find food.

Similar to what she's wearing

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2014, 11:56:54 am »
That group is very much accepted. xD I'll post after school. ^.^'))

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2014, 08:42:14 pm »
(Photos are too large, and lots of typos in my last post.))
Mickey stayed eerily silent for the pursue of food, or people. It seemed that the only thing she could do was stay quiet. Conversation would break the focus, the determination. She poked into the bag and pulled out her knife, Raina had come unarmed and Mickey was the protector apparently. The sun was now mid-way in the sky, it was bright and rays of it's light shone down. Debris was scattered across the path of their trek, having to wade through it. The invisible eyes were bothering Mickey incredibly today, the feeling of being watched was beginning to scare her. "Raina, do you feel like you're being.. watched?" Mickey asked Raina the question quite shakily. "No. Why?" She hesitated at the question and began to speak. "I feel like I'm being watched. Maybe someone is near.." She glanced around the alleys wearily and back to Raina, excepting an answer. Instead of an answer she just nodded sideways. Mickey rolled her eyes and placed the knife she was holding in her pocket. The foul scent she had noticed earlier, seemed to only linger around the hotel's entrance. A short sigh sounded and Mickey slowed her pace. "What?" Raina asked looking rather annoyed. "Nothing, I just need a break from walking." She replied to Raina's snarky words, walking over to a curb that was still intact. Raina let out a grunt and just walked on. She spoke to her with a uncertain tone to her voice. "You can't keep going. You have no weapon, take mine, I'm going back to our room to take a nap." Mickey took the knife from her pocket and held it out to her friend. Raina looked up and down at the knife and took it from her hand. She began to walk away. "Be safe." Raina said over her shoulder quite plainly. Mickey nodded and got up from the cement curb she was occupying, the wind gathered streaks of her hair and blew them into her face. She stroked them away and behind her ear.
Mickey didn't really want to head to the hotel, she actually wanted to rest at the park nearby. Patches of grass and occasionally cement sidewalks ran through. Most of the park remained untouched, which was very nice. The trees let of a nice aroma of the forest, but only a faint one. And a hard rock was randomly dropped in the middle of it all, where Mickey was sitting. She stared at the sky with squinted eyes, too bright. Her hands were lazily pasted on the surface of the rock, they were sweating because of the heat radiating off the stone. Mickey closed her eyes and sat back.

The light gleamed off of the smooth blade she was holding. Raina had taken over the task of finding food, since searching for people was too absurd. She knew there was a corner-store nearby, it had a decent amount of food, and candy for pleasure. Raina started to the place she knew would have food and kicked away gravel and rocks in her walking range. Although it was morning, she was incredibly tired and wanted only to rest. She was nice to actually let Mickey leave her and go to the hotel. Raina would normally protest and tell her to stay. The corner-store's walls began to come to view, the brick was partly fallen but the building still remain standing. Raina quickened her pace and ran to the entrance of it. She opened the rickety door and a bell rung, but it was out of tune. It crashed down to the floor and sounded a final ting. Aisles of the store were empty but there was always food hidden somewhere, people would hide the food then come back for it. Finding food was Raina's specialty, because there was popular places to hide the supplies. First she walked to the cashier counter and opened the cupboards, only thing in there was gum. Useless. Raina though. She tried all the cupboards in the store, a total of three. Nothing there.  The waste of looking in that spot dampened her spirits, but there was still more places to stash food. A slow, dragging walk brought Raina to the back of the store where boxes of food used to be, a while ago Raina took all but six. That food had been eaten now, but some boxes still remained. She stepped over to one and grabbed the cardboard flaps, she flung them open and found a bit of food. Beef jerky, two small bags of chips and a sub sandwich. This could last them a week and a half, if they really tried. But they still had a good amount off food back at the hotel. Picking up the three items, Raina placed them gently in a bag mickey had let on the curb. The mall down the way still had a very large amount of food, enough for at least seen people for three weeks. But that was too far for Raina to walk, she would have to have full strength and not be tired for that. A open door was waiting for her, and as she stepped out Raina took one of the chip bags and placed it on one of the shelves. "Let's see if someone is near. Since these biters are too dumb to pick up anything other than victims." Raina said to her self in a hushed voice. She walked slowly towards the exit and looked over the store one last time. Soon after, Raina got out of the store and began to walk towards the hotel.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 12:20:13 am by ||Katra~the~Kitty|| »
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2014, 10:46:39 pm »

Arisa Hunther

     Arisa never let her guard down for a second while inspecting the establishment. It was in a much better condition in the ruins she was currently taking refuge in at the moment. Her hand grazed lightly against the sturdy wall of the hall she was traversing and it stopped on the handle of a door. Her wrist flicked as she tried the door, though something had made her tense. Arisa straightened her stance and reached her left hand down, caressing her fingers around her deathly blade. Her sky blue eyes led up the hall where she had heard a trigger of moment and out of instinct, clutched the knife in her grip, tossing it in the direction where the shadows lurked. She retrieved her spare before going on to engage the threat. Her own steel clashed with another's and she gritted her teeth in dismay, retracting the knife and going in for a blow in the shaded out figure's stomach with her right knee, thrusting them back. Arisa wore a short lived smirk of triumph though it was thwarted as the stranger harshly gripped her wrist, bringing her down to the ground and pinning the girl down with a stern hand on her throat and both of his knees digging into her abdomen. A struggle cough surfaced from her throat before she looked up at who had pinned her and recognized the man now that the two were in the light, "Kamikaze?"

     The dark haired man that had pinned her had winced at his nickname and tilted his head, "Primrose?" He received  a hard push off as Arisa stood up, casually brushing off her dust stained clothing. "Must be. She's the only girl I know that acts so brutish and reckless," the individual she had called kamikaze grumbled in a hushed tone before collecting himself up off the ground as well. Arisa crossed her arms, "Then you shouldn't startle me like that. If I had never seen that smug face of yours, I would have killed you on the spot. I was just holding back." He couldn't help but smirk as that though the woman interrupted him before he could proceed to talk, "What are you even doing here?" "Rumor has it that one of these rooms have a bit of a stash hidden," The man spoke and moved a strap to a large leather backpack off him, flipping up the top, "And I found the mother load. Granted, I didn't take all, just around a weeks worth for a couple people." Arisa was a bit impressed by this and raised an eyebrow, "Then I must commend you on that. I was running low on food myself and the stash at the base is getting pretty bare itself." Kamikaze nodded, "I'm aware of that. That's why I was about to return, until you tried to kill me." He held out the pocket knife that had gone flying at him for her. She chuckled retrieving it from him and stashing it away, "Hey, better safe then sorry. Let's just get going."

     Arisa began to lead the way out of the hotel hall and into the main room. As she returned to the lush grass outdoors in the yard of the lobby, she paused, seeing an individual returning, not very distanced from themselves. Kamikaze murmured low, "Just stalk away quickly and without a word. If they pursue to retrieve the food, then they will have to endure the wrath of Armageddon." Arisa nodded in agreement and followed the man's lead as they exited the hotel. She hoped the two would not be confronted, though assumed they would be and had her hand positioned back on her knife. After all, it's what course of action she would take herself.

(I forgot to mention that the organization has nicknames for each of the members just to keep each member's identity disclosed. Arisa's is primrose as you can tell.)


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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2014, 11:24:33 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

As the sun continued to beam down on Kennedy's sun kissed skin she let out a sigh, lifting a hand and rubbing it across her forehead-then letting out another sigh. Although she was in a rush to search for food the heat made it almost impossible, so she decided to slow down the pace. Letting out a quiet clicking noise to draw back Hunter, who quickly and obediently responded to her command. "This is why prefer to go out at dawn..." she mumbled in a half-sleepy voice as she still felt a little rough from previously being woke up. Looking around the 26 year olds eyes locked onto the signs of each store and crumbled building that lined the streets-most seeming like shops that would be of little use to her. Tired and hungry it didn't surprise Kennedy if she herself looked a little run down like one of those flesh eating freaks, the quicker she picked herself up the better. Running a hand through her long, waved locks she slowly walked into a more shaded part of the street-a cooling breeze instantly hitting her.

Taking this opportunity Kennedy glanced through the windows now without the sunlight it was much easier to glance in. But nothing seemed of use so farm-turning to her dog that was now rushing up the street barking she tilted her head for a second. But realising the noise Hunter was making "Alright boy, lead the way!" she whispered which quickly hushed up the canine and sent them on their way.

All the streets were deserted and destroyed, although some buildings were still standing others were crumbled left, right and center. Looking into the building with narrowed eyes she gritted her teeth, the feeling of being watched seemed to tingle and crawl under her skin. Stopping she peered in rubble seemed to crumble more obviously and something in the shadows moved-Hunter already inspecting. A shiver ran up the tanned womans spine causing her to grip her hand into a fist. Not wanting to draw any attention to them she called for her dog "Come on Hunter..." she ordered and they quickly set off. The feeling of being watched still lingered around her and now she was wary. Wrapping her fingers around the warm metal of her hand gun she pulled one out from the pocket of her belt-not having it ready for use if need be.

Similar to what she's wearing

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2014, 01:00:15 am »
The wind flew threw Mickey's golden hair. She had fallen under a light sleep for five minutes or so, but she jolted awake just to make sure she wasn't being eaten. Her eyes fluttered back and forth around her, alert for any danger. She stared at the roof of the hotel and hoped one day she would make it up there, she panned her vision to the entrance of the building. She was unsure what was there, but Mickey panicked anyways. Of course, no weapon was in her possession, meaning Mickey was unarmed and very vulnerable. She leaped off the warm rock and slid behind it, the spot was big enough to hide her. Mickey open her mouth and looked around the side of the rock, what she saw was two people. She gasped and smiled. One had flowing red hair, a woman, and the other had dark hair, a man. The man seemed to mutter something to the red-haired woman. He had a large leather pack on his back, it seemed to be holding many contents and Mickey grew suspicious. They had come from the hotel, Mickey and Raina camped there and had most of there stash hidden in their room. Mickey looked over the side of the large stone once more and called out to the figures, "Hello?" She awaited an answer.

The rubble crushed under Raina's boot's soles. The rocks broke into frail pieces, making a dust like substance. Raina picked through the bag she had and ran her fingers over the rim of the opening. She picked up the flap of the bag and placed it on its home, it clicked shut. She slugged it over her shoulder when a series of barks sounded in the near distance. Raina's eyes grew in shock and she moved her feet over the debris quicker. It may be a wild dog, or a guard dog of a persons possession. The barking ceased, but Raina was still weary of them. She took a sharp turn into an alley, it was dark but small, thin rays of sun beamed down. A brick wall as tall as Raina's shoulders sat in front of her, a trash can in the corner of it. She walked over to it and set her foot on the lid of the can, it was metal so her step indented it. She launched herself onto the wall and sat down, feet dangling over the edge. Raina's eyes shrunk to their normal size and she became less tense. Shadows seemed to move in the alleyway, giving an eerie feel to it all. Raina ran her fingers over the hard brick wall top, they scratched the rough surface. She batted her feet on the wall and they bounced back. Raina stayed here and waited for the dog to either pass, or sound another bark farther away.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2014, 01:27:20 am »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Sighing the brunette looked at her canine companion who seemed to be charging ahead, his snout close to the ground and his tail up-he had either found something or someone. Lightening her steps Kennedy raised her arm, the gun now in position to be shot her heart quickly beated as Hunter began to wildly bark at something. Narrowing her eyes she hurried forward hushing the Shepherd once again-as before rubble crumbled from a small flower shop-gasping she stuck to the side of the wall. And something shot out, before taking a second look Kennedy had shot and a almost silent shriek sounded-narrowing her eyes she glanced down at the now lifeless rat. Feeling sympathy for the small creature she shook her head in dissappointment but Hunter didn't mind and dug straight in. Allowing the dog to eat a meal that could build up his strength she continued on a little more without him.

The sun was now high in the sky and the only shadows were those blocked by buildings or the ones obviously in the alley-Kennedy had no time to wast, soon night would fall and they would be in danger. Today had been pretty eventful for the two and on the move they had always been, once collecting their supplies they will be able to rest.

But as the young woman drew near an alley the sound of tapping echoed through the empty street, her eyes widened and her heart began to race once again-shaking her head in annoyance her gun was at the ready once again slowly she walked forward. The tapping getting louder and the feeling of being watched increased-it all seemed to happen so quick. Hearing tapping behind her she whirled around and there was Hunter charging up the street barking on yet another scent. "Hunt..." but she was cut off as he bounded up the street and down an alley. Blue eyes widening as her companion was no longer in sight biting her lip in a panic she mummered some unaudable words but hurried after Hunter.

Similar to what she's wearing

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2014, 04:28:28 am »

Arisa Hunther

     Arisa paused for a second looking after hearing the greeting, though Kamikaze pulled her arm, urging her to pick up her pace. She shook her head and whispered to him, "If we leave now, she will obviously know we did something... Just let me try to talk her down casually." Kamikaze stared at her though let out a low sigh, "Fine then. You better be right Primrose." Arisa crossed her arms and walked over to her nodding in force friendly greeting, "Hello there. Did you need something?"


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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2014, 07:10:24 am »
Mickey heard the figure whisper and the woman spoke. Mickey stood up tall with her head held high. She hid the fact she had nothing to protect herself with. Mickey noticed a very forced tone to her voice. She let out a questioning hm. "No. Do you? It seems you did need something from me." Mickey raised her finger and pointed to the large bag the man was slugging around. "Where did you find all the.. things?" Her voice faltered with overwhelming worriedness. She shifted her feet and tilted her head, a questioning look in her eyes.

Raina still bounced her feet off the wall, her fingers crawling over the surface of the wall top. A few barks sounded from nearby, and Raina became alert. She could here steps coming her way and wondered if the dog was nearing. She readied her knife, preparing to attack if the dog was hostile. "Anybody there?" The only answer Raina had received was the dog running down the ally she was in, she began to hold up the knife, aiming. A serious look draped over Raina's face. She lifted up her feet and placed them on the wall top, it was uncomfortable but necessary. The dog was a large one, a german shepherd, powerful dogs. They can pack a real punch if you agitate them.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all