Author Topic: !Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----  (Read 2378 times)

Offline evelynn

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!Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----
« on: December 10, 2011, 09:06:33 pm »
One kingdom, five factions.
Hyenas:    Rival the lions and have opposed them for centuries. Cunning and sheer numbers make them a formidable foe.
Lions:      The leading faction. They rule the lands and maintain order.
Wild dogs:    Pack survival and loyalty dictate their lives. They are neither loyal nor against any faction. They exist for themselves
Cheetahs:  Respected comrades to the lions, this clan is highly valued for their speed and agility.

Leopards:     Wise and cunning hunters, respected even by the lion clan who trusts their wisdom and peace making skills.

((You don’t have to stick strictly with these roles. Lions may befriend a hyena, a “wise” jaguar may be snarky and undisciplined, etc. It’s just for plot guidance and setting, so we know what’s typical and can have a basis for Role play.))

   We will be playing on a smaller((still epic)) Private map for now, because I am still finishing up our private awesome map!(( It features claimable dens, mountains, valleys, beaches, caverns, wild animals, and prey. I even put schools of fish in deep lakes!!! It’s not done yet, but if you’ll bear with me, you won’t regret it!))
The current map we have features a waterfall, lakes, plains, a cliff top area, and group/individual dens. It will have animals and prey too.
The plot is an ongoing long term Role play. Centered around the tiny region of Bakran and its inhabitants. War famine, good times, and bad, are all elements of this Role play. The kingdom of Bakran has five main factions, each with particular roles in the kingdom. The lions oversee the kingdom. The leopards’ wisdom is much to be respected and sought after by the other factions. The swift and agile cheetahs are regarded as comrades of the other feline factions and often individuals will choose to serve as messengers and scouts during times of war. The hyenas tend to rebel and love to start trouble in the factions, whereas the wild dogs exist as independently as possible, recognizing no one as their leader, their loyalty lies with their pack.

Currently, a new lion tribe moved into the peaceful kingdom of Bakran, and tensions started to mount. The audacious new tribe moved right next to the Greater lion tribe, blocking their access to the descent ion plain, thereby limiting the Greater lion tribe’s access to food.  Not having an understanding of the faction politics, they began to stir up trouble between the factions as well, how will our factions survive? Will they solve the issue?
     Each faction will have its own structure and leaders. I will send out the announcement when we will meet based on everyone’s schedule of availability, and we will establish that in game. If you want to claim a particular position in any faction go ahead and put it in your application!
Our map!

!!Pictures coming soon!!
The map files, material files and object files are in:

Accepted animals are:
*Any African animal or African animal cross. (Must be a legit African or half African animal…I could be a wolf hyena cross, but you must have a story to explain that one. XD)
*Wild dogs,
*Whatever else you can think of.

Ready to apply?

To apply, Let me have your:
Position Request? (optional)
Special abilities: (like what is your character especially good at? (Healing, leading, fighting, hunting, scouting, etc.)
Position request? (optional)
Rp sample: doesn’t have to be long at least three sentences

 Application Sample Example: (Not MY application)
Name: Kera
Username: JohnLovesPancakes
Species: Lion
Position Request: Can I be leader of the Lion tribe?
Description: Kera is a dark brown lioness with tan under fur and green eyes. (She hates Hares)
Story: Kera first came to Bakran with the ambient lion tribe, a group of  nomads who settled on the top of the Greater lion tribes plateau. Tension built between these two tribes as the greater lion tribe had to go through ambient lion tribes territory for food. She hoped that eventually they would solve their problems in time.
Special abilities: (like what is your character especially good at? (Healing, leading, fighting, hunting, scouting, etc.)
Rp sample:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 09:08:34 pm by evelynn »

Pet's name: Lillina
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Re: !Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 01:09:18 am »

Name: Rashiuk
Sex: Male
Username: InsanityVonDuex
Species: Iranian Cheetah
Description: Pale-gold pelt with a pale blonde mane to help him sneak stealthily along in the brush, with dark brown almost black markings as a cheetah should have, and emerald green eyes.
Position Request: Second in command for the cheetah tribe of Bakran, highest rank beside the king and queen.
Rashuik was an outcast as a cub. Abandoned from his mother and father and left in the savannah, but then the elder king and queen of the Bakran stumbled across him and took him in to teach him their ways. He trained as a warrior, learning the skills of the bravest, the unmatched speed of the *'trekks'. When the king and queen passed and assigned their kin the future leaders it devastated him. Though he vowed not to let his former teachers go without him proving that what they taught him was going to work in his favor. Trying his hardest he eventually made it up to one of the top ranks in the tribe... but then the Ambient Lion Tribe moved in and caused a chaos.. Now it's his turn to prove to their allies just how witty the old leaders were. And just how witty and trustworthy he could be..

**Trekks are the name Rashuik calls the skilled runners that blindside the others, confusing their foes**

Special abilities: Talented warrior, but excellent scouting skills as well.
Rp sample:
Rashuik moved swiftly, hunching low so they would not see him. He had entered their territory now. This was not his place. I looked up at the strong creatures. They were muscular and plump; the Ambients... He hissed. This was not their place! This belonged to the Greater Lion Tribe! He narrowed his eyes. The male had come into view, his mane darker than any of the shadows Rashuik had seen before. His pelt littered with scars... Rashuik snuck forward, this was his chance...

I know the picture is big, I will re-size it if you accept to use Rashuik in this roleplay. Thank you.

Offline evelynn

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Re: !Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2011, 06:35:25 pm »
xXEmo_CookieXx Accepted! Welcome to the rP!

Pet's name: Lillina
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Come back horsie!!!


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Re: !Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 09:40:25 pm »
Oh thank you<3

Offline rondarius

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Re: !Multi-Species african RP! ---The kingdoms of Bakran----
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2012, 09:30:35 am »
Name: Jax
Sex   : Male
Username: Rondarius
Species: African Serval
Description: he has a golden yellow pelt, with black markings going the length of his body, his body is long, slender, and tall his eyes are dark brown
Position: Serval leader (if not already taken if so then Beta)
Story: Jax was raised by his mother and father, Jade and Sphinx at the age of a juvenile he left his mother and father along with his two other siblings. He then found his way to this area of Africa to start his new life.

Special Abilities: Leading
Rp sample: As he lied on the rock a wildebeest herd started moving through the area, He sat up to watch the herd as they moved eye's widening in aw. All of the sudden the herd started to run as he looked over the horizon he saw why The Ambient Pride, He suddenly dashed off of his rock perch and across the plains to his den where he lied breathing heart and pounding happy to escape the lions unscathed.