Author Topic: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?  (Read 6228 times)


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Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« on: August 21, 2019, 12:58:32 am »
I don't think boycotting would be the right vocabulary for this...but...

Well, reason I am saying this because of the lack of activity. There are barely any new topics being posted, any debates, any participation overall if you ask me? I am rather new to things and unaware if they are currently mild tension throughout the community. I try to keep myself updated (even without friends to explain) and lurk through the previous threads that were announced. Either way, is everyone just trying to avoid the forums or the game as a whole? It may be me, but I dont see anyone from the forum on the game.

I wouldn't say it's bothering me but I am trying to figure out where is everyone mindset is at. Is everyone happy? Is everyone trying to be optimistic -after the whole blow out- and push themselves their way back to the forum? Is everyone busy? Before i returned to the forum, it was extremely active (in my opinion) coming back and everything is dead.

Trust me, if I had social media or anything to resolve my questions, I would have already seeked the answer. Yes, I do have discord but I dont really want to be apart of it. Also, I am also someone who don't likes to jump to one side of the story and forget about the other.

Staff if you think this may result in drama, then you may lock or delete.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 01:11:20 am by Rhakorra »

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2019, 02:41:07 am »
I don't think it's boycotting. I don't go in-game too often, so I'm just speaking about the forum side of things: It's pretty normal for the forum to be this inactive, participation is naturally just dwindling as the game gets on in years and forums in general become more obsolete. There's been drama and events that have led to some people leaving, yeah, but I don't think the change in members has been too drastic.

Activity usually peaks whenever there's an update or some spicy tea happening, but I think we're back to the lull. Though admittedly the forum has been a lot more active even in its low seasons in the past, I'm not sure how exactly to bring more people back to the forum again. A lot of discussion seems to happen in places like Discord nowadays, which is honestly preferable to a lot of people including myself, considering it's more casual and allows a greater variety of views to be shared.

Though, discussion threads like this one do help forum activity! There's honestly just not many new or interesting threads popping up anymore, so there's nothing to reply to, and that just fuels the forum inactivity cycle :P

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2019, 03:58:05 am »
all that's changed is that some active and 'high up there' people have now left either due to disinterest or because of the recent blowout fellow stalker
that or they just faded into nonexistence

the forums have been dying for quite sometime and there ain't much that can be done to alleviate it
i'll be honest part of what's probably killing it faster is the cookie cutter flower child look and feel to a lot of posts which puts people off
especially in the face of legitimately bad things going on

that's just my take

back to my fallout shelter i go

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2019, 04:18:02 am »
My activity depends on my interest. The source code is back after 7 years and that’s amazing, and it kept me active in the game for about 2 weeks straight after the update. But things are getting pretty dull (as you’re explaining) again whilst the staff and community are collecting ideas for the new game and forum, and the staff working on all the new stuff. It’s all a long progress and some may perhaps grow too impatient that they take a break from the game. I’m not impatient though, I have just hoped many more new floofs would pop up in-game from the update and source code.

If you really want something to happen with the community, I suggest making a little meetup and event for the game, and make a thread about it in “Community Activities” section. :)
I would probably come. I just don’t have the overview to arrange something at the time because of school and boyfriend.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 04:38:26 am by Ellen11v »
doing what i feel like

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2019, 04:50:57 am »
I do not believe people are "boycotting" FH. Activity has always been spotty in the past few years, and people have left over time for all different reasons. Perhaps some people have done so due to the drama, but I don't think activity has dropped too much since you've arrived. I do see users from the forums in game, it just depends when you're on. Everyone has a different activity rate, and users from the forums don't always hang out in game, and vice versa.

The forums may not be as active as they once were, but it's still somewhat active, and I believe that's what's important. I also believe that it may pick up with time, we'll just have to wait and see, and make the best of what is.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 05:31:54 am by Sigyrn »

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2019, 04:56:50 am »
The drop in activity is normal and expected with a place like this. For what it has been so long without a source code especially... though a lot might change now.

Forgive me if this comes off as negative as it’s not my intention. This is just simple observation from a long time FH user. With that being said:

Truth is Feral Heart is an old game that only keeps getting older because it hasn’t done all that well to keep up with the changing times. All games/communities/things age. There are high times and low times. Feral Heart’s high times were well lived during its earlier years as the online world of gaming and socializing was different back then. Feral Heart offered things in a particular style that not a lot of other games collectively had at the time (for free mind you). Feral Heart was unique in terms of its theme, accessibility, customization, community, etc.

Come to now, the internet is over saturated with free games, games similar in genre to FH if not better, and just better more interesting games in general. FH falls on the wayside often. What it offers now is meager in comparison to the array of choices out there. If there’s a game similar in theme to FH with even slightly better graphics, mechanics, features etc, you’re guaranteed to see members moving on to those seemingly better horizons. Not to mention most of the FH community has aged, grown out of, lost interest in, or just moved on from FH.

With the registration “functioning” the way it is it’s also hard to achieve a constant regular fast growing influx of users. If you want to keep a community at a healthy pace you need to gain & maintain as much or more users than you’re losing.

There’s also the issue with the game in itself. The way the world is built and how inefficient most of the design is. Some of the maps aren’t as welcoming or easily accessible or understandable to new users... some of the maps are also not very interesting to say the least. Most of the maps feel the same and utilize the same meshes/textures etc offering little to no variety or distinction. It’s stale. Keep in mind that most of the community just sits in The Grounds now as well.

Imagine being a new user and after you’ve discovered all there is to see what’s next? The most social hub is The Grounds and often times users are afk and tabbed out if not only socializing in their own groups. Outside of roleplaying or chatting the game offers little to nothing for casual gamers. The game also lacks some certain chat features and things it used to have that kept things flowing a bit more easily. This is why some new users don’t stick around long enough especially when there are other games (many free as well) that make up for FH’s lackings.

Then there’s the part of the FH community that is toxic. Some users would rather spread hate under the false guise of caring or expressing concerns for the betterment of the community. It gets to a point where these individuals have become no better than the same thing they claim to be against. This hostility reverberates through the community and is sensed even by new comers. It’s off putting and simply defeats the purpose of everyone’s efforts (staff & community alike) to revise FH.


A lot of this has been a build up over the years. I’m not going to start being petty and blaming specific people for it because it’s not even that and that gets us no where. FH has a mishmash of problems that have turned it into what it is now. And while it’s all pretty sad, pathetic, and unfortunate it’s not the worst thing to come of FH.

It’s all just set backs... and set backs are what you make of them. Either you wallow and accept defeat, or you pick up, dust yourself off, learn, refine, and prepare for your next move. I’d like to think that we are in that latter half of the process. Yeah it’s slow again, but doesn’t mean things will not pick up again. And even if we never reach peak levels like we once had, it would be nice to at least get to a place where whoever is here and chooses to stay here is actually happy to stay here. The game isn’t dead until there’s no one left and or it’s shut down. So while we have a good staff and community left it’s all our job to ensure that we as a collective work to play our part in preserving what’s left.

This year we got a good new start at something with xSpirit, the source code, new staff, etc.

Maybe there’s some new hope for FH yet, so don’t let the current circumstances or rumors get you down. <3

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2019, 09:55:25 am »
Oh my, this spoiler is marvelous, and very much appreciated! It seems a lot is in the works for us for 1.18. You and the rest of the staff (as well as anyone else involved) are doing amazing, and I'm looking forward to what you all have in store for us.

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2019, 10:50:03 am »
I'm first gonna say something about my activity here and then go on about everything else;
I've been on vacation for a few weeks and didn't have my computer with me. I also focused on art a lot this Summer so I wasn't online in-game at all, although I did check the Forum every now and then (well every day but didn't post much unless it was a reply directed to me or something more ''official'' like recent updated Feral Heart surveys).

As for the community, I believe that not only people feel iffy and unsure about the future of the game because of recent events, but also for some, school has already started or starts in a few weeks. And for many people who have jobs, vacations are mostly over. I've seen this as well in real life, there weren't many people on the beach anymore, much less kids and everything's started to get a little bit more silent than it was a month ago.

So I wouldn't say it's all necessarily because of the temporary server shutdown, but also because of school/work.
I agree with folks who have said that the game is indeed old and not up-to-date, as well as the registration being closed at the moment.
But, with source code being used, I do have faith that things will slowly but surely get back to ''normal'' and people will start taking more interest in the game as well.

I love this spoiler omg! It was a dream to have real night in FH, I'm excited to see what future holds in the development of the game!
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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2019, 02:30:19 pm »
I 100% agree with Sura. That's about it lol

As for the spoiler, it looks amazing. I'm excited to see what's next for the game. I personally can't remember the last time I was ingame, it's just kinda dull with everyone sitting in silence at The Grounds. But as updates keep coming and things keep changing, some of us forum stalkers might find the push to get back into the game again.

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Re: Is Everyone Boycotting FH Now?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2019, 04:33:50 pm »
I honestly think this discussion went really well and a lot of you already dived deep and said just about everything I would have said.
Spoiler looks amazing!
Will have to agree a lot with Sura’s post, made a lot of good points and stated a lot of facts.

Just because the games numbers have went down doesn’t necessarily mean the game is going to die. There’s for sure that possibility with any game but it’s really all based on the community and staff. I do think a lot of people wouldn’t want to see this game go while others couldn’t care less. The staff are doing much more to get things done and better the game alongside xSpirits help which is very exciting to see and I can only imagine what will be in store for the games future.

Like many have said, we’re all getting older and work or school has consumed us. Not everyone can be on in-game and the forum as often as most. I’m personally on both pretty often, at least once a day if not every other day. I also definitely think a lot of people have left the game due to drama, personal reasons and even just growing out of the game. It happens. That doesn’t mean we can’t work with what we have and build onto it!

I definitely think with the upcoming game updates, it’ll draw members in for sure.
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