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Topics - OreoHeroz

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Site/Forum Help / Avatar cannot be saved? [Fixed please lock]
« on: October 31, 2013, 02:11:26 am »
So whenever I try to upload a certain avatar I get this (note that it is when I upload from files):

Is the avatar too large, or how it is saved? (.jpg, .png, etc.) I don't quite understand this; I would be more than happy if someone explained this to me.


You arrive back to your pack, your jaws full of rabbit fur as you drop the prey in front of the Alpha. As the Alpha opens his mouth to speak, another wolf crashes into the camp, his eyes filled with terror and his body heaving as he gasps for breath.

"What's the matter?" The Alpha questions, alarmed as he jumps to his paws.

"Humans," the wolf pants, before eventually collapsing. Turning to you, the Alpha orders you to scout around the territory to see what is going on.

With a nod, you hurriedly sprint out of camp, worry filling your eyes. A strange sound fills your ears; you duck behind several bushes and peer out to see humans scattered all over the place. There are strange machines with them - you do not know what they are. Without wanting to see more, you turn and head back to camp. You tell the Alpha what is happening, and several wolves exclaim that they should leave.

"No," the Alpha replies firmly. "We should wait and see what the humans are here for. We need to alert the other packs around here and tell them what is happening."

Plot: You are a wolf in the Mist Valley Pack or the Half Moon Pack. The Mist Valley Pack (Mist Pack for short) is taught to be strong in what they believe and are taught to think and act higher than any pack in the valley. The Half Moon Pack is taught to defend their territory and have perseverance when hunting or in battles.

Now, you stand here with your pack, waiting and seeing what the humans are here for. You have learned that these humans will kill anything that comes in their way - nothing can stop them from what they are doing. Right now, a few packs are forced to be driven out of their homes, and punishment if they do not are kill and scatter. Wolves, both that do not flee or try to flee, have been killed by the human machines.

Will you survive this bloody war and prepare for what is coming? Or will you fall and eventually die?

Forum Discussion / Winner Writing Award?
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:34:58 am »
Random, but I hope you like random.

I was just browsing through the forums and I noticed an old thread, so I clicked it and saw that a user had an award for:

Winner Writing Comp 2012
Given for winning the writing competition 2012

But I hadn't seen a writing competition in a while. Is it no longer being hosted, or is it not daily? Just was curious, but I'm not saying that I'm good at writing or anything O-o

Thank you c:

Forum Discussion / Posting off-topic?
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:37:23 am »
Have you ever came across a newly bumped thread, checked the first post, noted that it was about wolves and foxes, and looked at the last post? You realize that the last post it something about FH not downloading, and how it keeps on saying that it's blah blah blah blah blah.

Excuse me, but this is way off topic. Please post a new thread in the Help section.

Off topic posts. They bug me so much. I don't get why people just randomly fly all over the place and post something like "I can't change my avatar" when the thread is about necro old threads. Uh, why not just head over to the Help section and post what you need help there?

It's not always the "Help-!" stuff, it could be anything it, but the main one is mostly "Help-!" from what I know.

So what are your feelings towards people posting off-topic? What is your reaction to this?

Game Help / How to make your own object?
« on: October 18, 2013, 01:42:27 am »
Hey it's me again.

I was wondering how to make your own objects, instead of using someone else's or Fh's original objects. For example, if I wanted to make my own door, how would I make it? Do you have to use Blender? (eww)

I tried looking through the tutorials to see if there were any, but I didn't find any or either I didn't look hard enough. I didn't get some of them since they were confusing to me.

So what I'm basically asking is that is there a guide to making objects, or if there isn't, how can I?


Sounds retarded but I made a preset for someone since it was a request, but mediafire doesn't work for some reason and sendspace isn't safe for my laptop. I was wondering if it was okay to ask someone else to put something up for download.


Game Help / Can't change color of preset eyes/mouth?
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:58:22 pm »
So I'm creating a preset as a request for someone, but for some reason, I can't change the color of the eyes and teeth. I could for my last preset, but for some reason, I can't do it for the requested one.

For the mouth, I have already tried making it a different color, but it still is yellow and black (the regular looks if it is a preset and you add a mane or something)

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Member Bio & Journals / OreoHeroz's Bio
« on: October 06, 2013, 09:59:15 pm »

Hey I can't believe you'd actually stop by and see this page. I don't except a lot of views since I'm not popular or anything, but I thought I'd post this so that you can get to know me better. It's a short bio since I couldn't think of anything really.

Art by Shenidan on FH

?About me?

I'm just a regular kid from Pennsylvania who is twelve years old and I'm a girl (I think). I'm deciding to be an artist, but don't sweat it, I know I'm not really good, but I'm trying. I go to a lovely school with friends and nice teachers, but I'm shy and socially awkward. I don't have many friends, but I do have one who's really close and whom I love. <3 And just to give you a heads-up, I can be crazy on the Internet sometimes. I'm Asian and I have glasses, which suck, but they help my seeing so I'm thankful.

Art by JimMoriarty on FH

?What I like?

?My laptop
?Feral Heart
?My family
?Playing video games ;v;
?Three Musketeers Bar
?My friends <3
?Art Class
?Staying up
?Oreos (who wouldn't, lol)
?Nice people

Art by Kiaz on FH

My art can be found here, although you might wanna get ready to call 911...just warnin' ya...

As I said, I'm not very popular, but I'm glad to be on Feral Heart and I'm glad to have met many awesome floofs on here. A simple, short and nooby bio - I couldn't think of anything else. And don't be afraid to say hi or something, I enjoy meeting new people on the Internet. :3 Thanks for reading! ?

Art by xxravenwingxx on FH

Praise / Happy Birthday, JimMoriarty!
« on: October 05, 2013, 04:24:09 pm »

Happy nineteenth birthday, Jimmy! You are an amazing roleplayer and artist, so keep that up! Thanks for making all the roleplays lively and special! Have a blessed day today, and don't forget to eat cake. <3


Game Help / Downloaded Ringo & Delay's Item Pack but...
« on: October 04, 2013, 01:54:17 am »
So hey again. ;v; I downloaded Ringo and Delay's Item Pack, placed the files in the order the READ ME notepad said, launched Feral heart, and went to preset tool. I clicked on one of the items and pressed "add", but nothing appeared. I even re-downloaded the pack, but it still will not appear on the item(s) list. I pressed "make present", still nothing.

Is it just my laptop, or not? Thanks

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