Author Topic: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack  (Read 10200 times)


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| M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« on: August 30, 2011, 06:25:30 pm »

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Muddled is a literate, realistic group focusing on the struggles of a single gray wolf pack, with everything from natural disasters and famine to human intervention. We endeavor to avoid the bland plot of good versus evil among characters. No character here is ever purely virtuous nor sinister at heart. Instead, you will find that the lines between good and evil have become muddled.

You stray through the forest, far behind your pack, they never cared about you, all you were to them was an underfed pup mule. As you walk to a frozen over creek in hopes of some water. You see the unmistakeable sight of a pack of gray wolves. Hoping it was your pack, you run to them but instead see a different pack of wolves tearing into a fresh kill. Your mouth waters as the scent of blood fills the air. You whimper slightly, and a female notices you. She walked up to you, sniffing you. "You look hungry" she said, offering you some of their food. The pack took you in and helped you back to health. When it was time for you to set out and leave, you realized that you didnt want to. You had gained their trust and they respected you. They decided that you were worthy of becoming a pack member. Thats where the adventure began...

Year One // Late Winter
Weather: Cold, Snowing
Prey: Plenty
Mating: Yes
Birthing: No
males: 02 // females: 03
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 07:33:16 am by Kenzi!!! »


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D |
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 06:26:11 pm »
Ranking system

Top Tier

Alpha - The highest rank of all. There may be only a single alpha (of either gender) or a pair that leads together. The alpha is responsible for making important decisions about hunting, territory, pups, and the general welfare of the pack. Remember, in the wild a leader is born, not made. The Alpha must have strong energy and always be in control or the pack will become chaotic until a new leader takes over. The Alpha pair is usually the only pair to mate and have pups, if conditions allow for it.

Zoe, female, 2 yrs old
Zoe is the kind of wolf who is wise, but seeks guidence. She loves her rank and does it well. Zoe likes to fight but when it comes to actually fighting to the death she will just size the wolf up and if he/she looks the slightest bit bigger she will just give up. There has even been speak of her considering quitting as alpha


Beta - May be a single wolf or a pair. The Beta acts as a second-in-command and may even take over the Alpha position, or lead hunts if the Alpha is not present. Sometimes, the Beta pair may mate if the Alpha allows it and prey is not scarce.

Jinx, 2 1/2 yrs old, female
she's usually a prankster on her friends, making harmless jokes to get them to laugh. she is also strong-willed and independent, usually found practicing her hunting and fighting skills, for she tries her best for her pack.
she's a dark grey in color, her pelt almost black while her underbelly is a lighter shade, her markings consist of only toe less socks for the body, which are a ashen blue in color. not the largest she is faster and more agile then most, being one of the smallest adult does have its advantages in hunting and fighting, for being as small as she is she could run more to keep up with the prey and be able to dodge more, but with that she's not that strong and can't take as much hits as a stronger wolf her age.


Delta - May be a single wolf or a pair. These wolves make sure riots dont happen among the pack. If one does happen this wolf also stops them

Ribbons, 3 1/4 yrs old, female
Ribbons is feirce and usually sits around,being lazy,stuffing herself with fresh-kill....or,she's snapping in your face.She can be quiet at times and feels awkward around males that have interest in her.

Gamma - May be a single wolf or a pair. If wolves of the above ranks are not able to continue, the Gamma may step up and take their place if not challenged by others.


Fighter - Can consist of up to four wolves. These wolves will be sent to battle against enemy packs if need be.

Shadow, 4 yrs old, male
Shadow is a fairly nice wolf who never really knows what hes doing. As a pup he dominated the litter so hes a very skilled fighter. When hes not brushing up on his newest moves, shadow's probably flirting with some female. Hes known to be quite the ladies hound


Scout - Can consist of up to four wolves. These wolves will sniff for kill. They warn the alpha if there is any sign of nearby kill.


Hunter - Can consist of up to four wolves. These wolves are the highest skilled hunters and lead all pack hunts


Middle Tier
All the ranks below Gamma and above Psi may only have one wolf per each rank. There are no specific attributes for any of these ranks. Wolves occupying these are generally referred to as subordinates by the Top Tier wolves. They must submit to their leaders and to those of higher ranks at all times, or risk being demoted to a lower rank. Ranks can also change often among these wolves.


watcher - This wolf will sleep in a den outside the pack territory and watch for trouble. This wolf is known for the loudest howl, beings that this is how they warn the pack


Pup watcher - This wolf is usually an omega who has been given a second chance.


Medicine wolf - This wolf is a trained healer. Wolves who are injured in battle or caught in some different situations are brought to this wolf


Pups - This is the only middle tier rank alotted more than one wolf. Any pups that survive and emerge from the den will not be given a rank until they hunt with the pack for the first time (seven to eight months old usually). Until that time, they fall in among the Middle Tier (this is also where they will usually take a rank when old enough), but all wolves of the pack must care for the pups when necessary. They do not yet participate in any battles for rank, except among themselves, but these are not usually severe.

Bernard, 3 months old, male
Bernard definetly took advantage of the fact that pups eat second. the proof is on his belly. Bernard loves playing around with the other pups and messing with nearby rabbits. He may not look it, but bernard is one of the bravest pups youll ever see


Bottom Tier


Psi - This rank may contain more than one wolf at a time. Psi is for the elderly wolves of the pack. Though past their prime, these wolves are still active and are not to be confused with the Omega. They are not mistreated or looked down upon by higher-ranking wolves. They sometimes still join hunts but remain at the back of the pack where there is less action. Some also choose to look after the pups and tell them stories and wolf lore.


Omega - Not necessarily the last wolf that joined the pack. The Omega is usually the wolf with the weakest energy and least aggressive personality. Must submit to all other wolves in the pack and is usually given the job of watching over the cubs while the other wolves hunt. A wolf that is severely sick may be demoted to this rank until its condition changes.

Shasta, 2 1/2 yrs old, female
Shasta is very headstrong and hates being bossed around. Shes very blunt when speaking her mind, which has gotten her into many fights. When shasta wants something, she goes for it, which can get her into tons of trouble, and has in fact gotten her exiled before

Ukakido (goes by Uka), 1 1/2 yrs, male
From birth, Uka has shown signs of being a relative pacifist. The guy refuses to bare his fangs at anyone, not even at other Omegas, or those that threaten him, without reason. He's highly submissive and seems to listen to orders without second thought, no matter how haphazardous it may seem. Truth be told, he's just a generally easy-going fellow who just wants to avoid trouble. He does have his own opinions and morals; he's just too passive to say them outright. On top of that, he has horrible social skills, and stammers a lot due to being on the shy side of the pecking order. He doesn't seem to mind the position he's been assigned. He also lacks general skills in hunting and fighting, and really, is a bit too scrawny for his own good (that kind of wolf that patiently waits for the leftovers). Despite the timid, laid-back nature however, he does have his limits on when and how he will act. There are times when even this patient wolf has to draw the line and speak his mind.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 06:18:51 pm by Kenzi!!! »


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D |
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 06:26:50 pm »
Application for pack member (must be a wolf)

(Screenshot of your character)
~Rank desired:
~Description(only if you cant get a screenshot)
~RP sample:

Application for loner/forest animal

(screenshot of your character)
~Description(only if you cant get a screenshot)
~RP sample:

Offline plugnickel

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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 08:47:26 pm »
is there a  map?
<table style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; font: normal 12px sans-serif; background-color: white;"><tr><td colspan="2" style="background: white;


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 08:53:27 pm »

~Name: Shadow
~Age: 4
~Gender: male
~Rank desired: Fighter
~Personality: Shadow is a fairly nice wolf who never really knows what hes doing. As a pup he dominated the litter so hes a very skilled fighter. When hes not brushing up on his newest moves, shadow's probably flirting with some female. Hes known to be quite the ladies hound
~Description(only if you cant get a screenshot):
~RP sample: Shadow's chest heaved as he ran after a white hare under the night sky. He had it cornered, walking up to the trembling rabbit slowly, pine needles crunching under his feet. Shadow approached the hare and as soon as it tried to run he took it by the neck, snapping it quicky as to cause the least pain possible. Blood seeped through shadow's teeth as he dug into his fresh meal.


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 08:58:25 pm »
shadow accepted
and yes, there is a map in progress with the following places icluded:
~barado mountains
~painted meadow
~emerald forest
~laksha meadow
~hoof beat ranch
~xandarin river
the map pack is about 50% done. i probably should have put this in the thread somewhere


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 09:19:54 pm »
OH OH OH i wanna join!!! do you accept newbies?

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2011, 09:47:54 pm »
Hurr. B?

~Name: Ribbons
~Age: 3 1/4
~Gender: Female
~Rank desired: Delta. (oh yeah,I'mma cop B?)
~Personality: Ribbons is feirce and usually sits around,being lazy,stuffing herself with fresh-kill....or,she's snapping in your face.She can be quiet at times and feels awkward around males that have interest in her.
~RP sample: Ribbons padded under the heat of the sun,her thickly-dense pelt trapping heat and causing her to pant.She took shelter under the nearest tree,cooling her.Out of the corner of her eye,she saw movement;a sickly-sweet smell wafted over to her nose,and she fled.It was the scent of a bear,and by the smell she could tell it was angry.She clambered into the 'camp' and accidentaly crashed into one of the wolves. "Sorry!"
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 10:03:07 pm by .:FlatSoda:. »


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 09:51:41 pm »
i dont care if you do or dont accept newbies. im still applying cuz this chunky pup needs a pack

~Name: Bernard
~Age: 3 months
~Gender: male
~Rank desired: pup
~Personality: Bernard definetly took advantage of the fact that pups eat second. the proof is on his belly. Bernard loves playing around with the other pups and messing with nearby rabbits. He may not look it, but bernard is one of the bravest pups youll ever see
~Description(only if you cant get a screenshot)
~RP sample: Bernard stood up and shook the leaf bits out of his fur. He stepped out of his den, or the den he claimed as his, and peered across the land. Everyone was still asleep, which he was very glad about. Bernard saw a hare that he was just dying to chase. The hare jolted far out of sight just as bernard pounced at it, landing facefirst on a tree stump.


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2011, 09:58:16 pm »
yes i accept newbies, as long as you know a thing or two about rping (the reason for rp samples). and you is accepted. ill reserve delta dor you, flatsoda but cant accept you untill i get an rp sample. i hope i dont sound too rude here