Author Topic: Coded Into (CreepyPasta)  (Read 2523 times)

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Coded Into (CreepyPasta)
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:26:39 am »
Ahhh, Feral-Heart. Old memories that got pooped away when I got coke on my computer... So maybe I was playing Animal Jam like some 2 year old kid when I placed my drink of coke in my bed and felt something wet on my leg after 10 seconds, but the past is in the laggy past, and through broken screens, messed up keys and who knows what, I finally somehow managed to for real, break my PC.

But it didn't end there, in fact, the about the month or two before I broke my PC, I went onto my old character, Twilight, a dumb, noobish grey wolf as big as possible that I changed into a black, noob-blood-red, scary looking character, but roleplayed with my new mate, which got off after we fought and our pup had left and Twilight had become a loner, so that's just great!

I wandered Fluorite in hope of something to do when a person had logged in right in front of me with a really creepy grin, until I saw it was just a Purple Guy character, nothing to be startled by, and after soon running off to do what ever Purple Guys do, I went on what ever I was gonna do.

Time passed, about an hour and I thought it would be the best idea to climb to the top of Sky's Rim, until I saw I already had it set to my home, and would be kinda useless if I did so. So, I think I'll chat with my friend. I get on Steam and she's not on, "Weird, she's normally on this time." I mumble to myself in my head, clicking out of steam and going back to Feral-Heart.

But when I got back on, this creep was staring at me while literately as close as possible to my character's face. Without thinking, I say in the chat, "Hello?" As I would if someone was being weirder then me somehow to me. A whisper appeared in blue text, "can i b ur m8?" It said, just some noobish mate beggar, as I just walk off, hoping he wouldn't follow.

But as soon as I left the spot, he began to get up and follow me, just my luck, some freak on my tail. I turn around and say, "No, I'm not roleplaying right now, and even if I was, my wolf is a loner." and then walk off, but he still followed.

"I already said no!" I shouted, turning to look back at him after hearing footsteps come from behind my character, but when I turn around, thinking I'd see that noobish, 'scary' character, I noticed it was frowning, "Gee, there's thousands of other females that can be your mate! Just go to Bonfire, there are plenty." I said, still confused how he added the tears so quickly.

So just to not make matters worse, I log off, as it was already 5:10 AM (I usually go to sleep by about then anyways)
and clicked "quit" on the menu, but nothing happened. I clicked again and again, but nothing, "Just lag." I said to myself, sense it happens a lot to me after installing mods and items and maps and all sorts of useless junk, even making my own sometimes.

I had enough and just clicked out of the window, but it didn't work as well, "Just lag... Ugh..." I then again thought, until the menu finally loaded. My finger slipped and I clicked "Log In" by mistake, but while doing so, it said "You have been banned for 15 minutes." and I looked, then remembering if it says that, it means you misspelled you password or username, even though I was just logged in and hadn't changed anything I typed when I first logged it.

I though nothing about it though, and just clicked out and click out of my other pages, then clicking "Shut Down" on my start menu and it shut off, but instead of saying, "Shutting Down" it said something else, but it was gone to quicly for me to read it, and for all I know it could have just said "Shutting Down" for all I know.

I fell asleep, having some some random dream about Five Nights At Freddy's then something about Spongebob anime? I have no clue, but it was weird. So I got up from my bizarre night and flopped out of bed... Literately... Uncovered my 7 birds, ended up face planting into some food while nomming and then watched TV.

It took a while, but I finally moved my butt to Feral-Heart, or at least my computer. I looked around my desktop, but Feral-Heart was missing from my files. I searched for it on my start menu and found it, it was probably just moved by mistake in an update or something.

I get on and notice I'm still banned, waiting for the time to pass, I just retype my password and get in, that's all it was. So I go to my character and notice the markings have been changed of every character. I don't think a thing about it since it's an easy fix and I remake them all the time, so it wasn't much to me, even if it was weird that it happened.

I got on Twilight after changing her marking back to normal, and see the same wolf in front of my character that was there last night, "Oh, hi!" I said, looking at his bowed head, still having the tears on him, "Did you get my message?" He said in the chat, "I don't know... Like, a gmail message? Or did ypu whisper me just as I went off?" I asked, thinking he would reply to one of those, but he said nothing.

My game suddenly crashed and I was pretty much like this:  >:( Why game?!

So I wait for it to send me the little message when something crashes, but instead of "Feral-Heart.exe has stopped responding." It says, "This." on the window. Freaked out, I just begin thinking that the idiotic troll just hacked my game, so running to the forums, I put a new topic up, but another message came just seconds after I posted what happened, and said, "I'm sure it's just a glitch, maybe you changed the name of the window to say 'This.' and forgot? Or maybe it's a chat error?" I read, but replying back, I said, "I have no clue how to change what it would say if a window crashed." and clicked post, but it then said "This Topic Is Locked." Or something like that.

So I try to message the person who just posted, but they're profile didn't load or even come up. So I post it again, saying that I didn't change it, and the post wouldn't send. Thinking this was an internet problem, I restart my PC, and it's fixed.

In fact, it stayed fixed for a month or two, until I make a new character named Lizi, a very pretty wolf with a dark crimson pelt and golden orange ringed eyes. I log in, existed to try her out, but when going into Lonely Cave (Which I must remind you is a one-player map without a server (I guess)) I see that wolf, staring at me where my character should be, as a message appears once again in my chat, "Did you ever get my message... Mate?" It says, but starting to piece together what his message was, I looked at my screen, "Yes, I did." I typed, thinking I'm starting to go insane.

I tried to move, but nothing happened, I couldn't even move my camera or change it. Aggravated, I say, "Why did you pick me to be your mate?" I asked, "I know your afraid, but I'm alone in this world, all my friends died and the only place I could go... Is here..." He wrote. "Man, what a dramatic story! I'm sorry for your loss, but Feral-Heart is not the place to spend the rest of your time." I said, but then a tiny post came up, "It's not just Feral-Heart... It's you PC..." It said.

I stumbled with my eyes upon the post, "Uhh... Well, how did you hack my PC?" I asked, dumbly, thinking it was just some guy who can't face real life and is some troll, but a message changed that forever... "I'm not hacking it, I AM it." The post reads, as I begin to force shut down my PC, but a message appeared in the chat, "Please, I wont cause trouble on you PC anymore, I just want to let you know, when ever you get on a character, when ever you spawn or attack a mob, when ever you walk on little pixel rocks, I can feel it. Just don't let that limit what you do on your games." I stop and look sad, actually feeling kinda sorry, but then again, a ghost haunting my computer? I'd rather play normally.


« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 07:17:22 pm by Angelica Smith »

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Re: Coded Into (CreepyPasta)
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2015, 06:50:35 am »
I also made an error saying that I break my PC by spilling coke on it, but then it says a month after that I'm still playing, pardon for the error.

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Re: Coded Into (CreepyPasta)
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2015, 11:43:21 am »
Lovely story! It was very engaging and put together well.

You can simply edit your posts at the top right of your post beside the report button.

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Re: Coded Into (CreepyPasta)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 07:15:43 pm »
Ah! Thanks! I'll remember to change the date a bit.