Author Topic: An Old Funny Story  (Read 1815 times)

Offline OutofBreath

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An Old Funny Story
« on: July 26, 2016, 03:10:55 am »
I made this story way back in 2014
Maybe someday I'll continue it XD
very very long it took many days to write it
Sorry if it has a lot of punctuation and spelling wrong, it's a pretty old story

Henrietta was sitting on the laptop, watching videos, when there was a blur of black and her pillow was gone. She looked around, but when she leaned back she found all the pillows were gone.
Sprinkles was sitting on the Kindle Fire, when she too soon found that all her pillows vanished.
Noodles was on her DSi, but then she saw some black and she fell over when her pillows dissapeared.
That night, when all the hens were going to bed, they found their mattresses and pillows and bed sheets gone.
Henrietta wondered if Eggy was facing the same problem, so she peeked into Eggy's room and gasped in horror.
A huge tower of pillows filled the entire room, with three mattresses and blankets and bed sheets on the top, with Eggy bouncing happily on the very top.
"Eggy, did you take all our pillows?" she sqwacked.
"Yeah, but I made this really fun tower that reaches all the way up to the ceiling!" she sqwacked back.
Noodles and Sprinkles, when they saw it, ran in circles around it, trying to find a way to climb up.
"NO!" Henrietta clucked, dragging them away. "It's time for bed."
Eggy was also dissapointed when she was forced to climb down and go to sleep, after giving all the pillows back.
In the morning, Eggy had to put away all the sofa and chair pillows before school so that every hen could be comfortable.
"Polyester," Henrietta clucked, looking at Eggy. "Is a fabric that makes up blankets and pillows." she took a pillow from her chair. "This is polyester, Eggy. It is used for sleeping, snuggling, and hugging, not for jumping." she put the pillow back and took a blanket that was draped over her chair. "This is for keeping warm when sleeping, not for covering your polyester pillows to keep them from falling over while you jump on them."
Noodles and Sprinkles's chairs tipped over they were laughing so hard, and Eggy blushed and started laughing too.
"I like your ideas, Eggy!" Sprinkles said, starting to pick up pillows.
Henrietta sighed and put them back as she took them away.
"But Hetta," Sprinkles looked at Henrietta sadly. "It looked like so much fun last night when Eggy was doing it."
"I'm sure it was fun," Henrietta said, continuing putting the pillows away. "But it is not what the purpose of pillows is."
Eggy and Noodles jumped on the sofa and took the pillows off.
"But I want to do it Hetta!" Noodles, Sprinkles and Eggy clucked all at once.
With three hens working against her, Henrietta failed to put the pillows back before they made a huge tower and stood on top of it, then began bouncing.
"Nooo!" Henrietta said, climbing up to grab them. She slipped and fell back down. "It's time for school, not for making pillow towers!"
The hens did not listen to Henrietta, but continued to bounce around on the tower and had a lot of fun.
Eggy took the softest pillow she could find and threw it at Henrietta. Henrietta fell down and threw it back at Eggy.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" Noodles sqwacked throwing a pillow at Sprinkles, who in turn through a different pillow back.
"No!" Eggy said, putting the pillows back. "It will ruin the tower."
Noodles and Sprinkles saw the truth in this, and started putting the pillows back in their correct place in the tower.
"Come on, let's finish school!" Henrietta called.
"But Hetta," Eggy cried. "This is more fun."
Henrietta sighed again and attempted once more to climb the tower and grab Eggy. She succeeded this time, and grabbed Eggy and dragged her down. Eggy squirmed in an attempt to get away.
"Eggy!" Noodles called, grabbing Eggy's wing and pulling against Henrietta. Sprinkles helped.
Henrietta won and she was soon holding Eggy and putting her in her chair in the classroom.

"It won't be as fun without Eggy," Noodles clucked as she climbed down into the classroom. Sprinkles followed behind.
"Polyester," Henrietta continued. "Is also used in toys and other everyday items."
Eggy squirmed in her chair, wanting deasprately to leave and play. Noodles doodled about on her pages where she was supposed to be taking notes, and Sprinkles found bits of string and tied them together.
Eggy didn't hear interesting information coming from Henrietta's beak. This is what she heard.
"Polyester... blah blah blah.... Eggy blah blah blah..." It continued like this for what seemed like hours. Finally, when she announced that it was snack time, the hens jumped out of their seats and ran into the kitchen.
The doorbell rang, and the hens froze in their tracks. Eggy started to tiptoe to the door, but Henrietta held her back.
"Don't open it Eggy." Noodles clucked, holding her breath.
Henrietta quietly peeked out the window. No one was there, so she opened it quietly and saw the mail truck drive away. A package lay at the door.
The hens instantly sqwacked and crowded around the door. Henrietta left it on the table while she went to go get a knife to open it, but when she came back she found the package in shreds with a kindle fire in the middle of a huge cardboard mess.
The hens had already installed a few games on it and were playing them.
"Noo!" Henrietta pulled away the device. "It's still school time, you can't play on them yet! After school you can!" she ran upstairs and hid it so that none of the hens could find it.
Noodles, Eggy and Sprinkles went upstairs as well and searched while Henrietta trailed after them, trying to catch them and put them back in school.
"Polyester!" Eggy recalled. "Look in everything that is polyester!"
Now, Henrietta had hid it in a polyester item, so she was quite worried that the hens would find it.
Henrietta crawled behind her chair in fear, scared that the hens would find it, and then the words she was afraid of drifted down the hallway.
"I found it!" the sqwack came from Noodles.
Then the second noise came: the patting of two little pairs of hens' feet running to continue to play games.
Henrietta instantly crawled out of hiding and ran over to take it from them once more. As soon as she had it in her beak, she ran downstairs and hid it under the sofa, covered in a blanket.
Eggy guessed that it would be in a polyester thing again. But Henrietta smiled remembering that she didn't hide it in something polyester.
Unfortunately, Henrietta forgot that the blanket she hid it under was made of polyester, so Eggy found it and continued to play with it.
"No!" she sqwacked, grabbing it again. "You can have it after school!"
Henrietta ran upstairs with it again and hid it in a silk bag with a drawstring, and put it in a drawer. So Eggy searched and searched through polyester items to look for the thing she wanted.
Finally, Sprinkles remembered Henrietta's favorite hiding place, and ran to the drawer and dug out the silk bag, opened it, and played her games.
Henrietta thought of an idea. She could build a pillow tower to distract the hens. She picked up pillows and started throwing them on the floor, and sure enough, the hens came charging to play with her.
When they were staring at her, Henrietta threw the pillows at them and destroyed the pillow tower, and ran to take the kindle fire. She grabbed it and hid it behind some curtains.
Henrietta sighed and dragged the hens back to school. She continued talking about polyester and showed pictures of how blankets and pillow cases were made.
Finally, it turned one thirty and the hens popped out of their seats and crowded around Henrietta, begging her to tell her where the kindle fire was.
Henrietta moved the curtains aside, and there sat the kindle fire. The hens were shocked at the brilliant hiding spot, and grabbed the kindle. They trotted off to play with it.
Henrietta was very tired from chasing them all day and fell asleep on the sofa. All seemed well, but was it..?
A few hours later, Henrietta woke up and stretched. She walked into the room where the hens were playing their game, but she found nothing.
"Eggy?" she called. "Noodles? Sprinkles?"
She listened closely and heard quiet sobbing outside. Henrietta opened the door and found the hens sobbing as Noodles dug a deep hole.
"What are you doing?" she clucked.
"Be sad, Hetta!" Eggy cried.
"The kindle fire is dead!" Sprinkles sqwacked.
Noodles continued crying. Henrietta observed the kindle, which was laying on the ground. The screen was not broken, but the orange light on its side showed that it had a dead battery.
"Oh, calm down," Henrietta clucked, picking it up and carrying it inside to charge. She stuck the wire into it and it turned on.
The hens rejoiced and made cake for the celebration. The hens started singing about how to make cake.
"You make the cake by adding eggs," they began. "flour, sugar, water and salt! Then you mix it all together and put it in the oven!"
Well, the hens forgot many important things. They forgot oil, milk, and the actual cake mix. Not only that, but they put it in for two hours.
It came out as a black, burn crisp that tasted nothing like cake. The hens took a bite then spit it out.
"Ew!" Sprinkles clucked.
Noodles and Eggy agreed.
"Eggy, remember the time you made cookies but you forgot the eggs?" Noodles chuckled, recalling the memory.
"Oh, you just had to bring that up," Eggy poked Noodles.
Henrietta left them to their things and went to the laptop and started pecking the keys, typing in YouTube so that she could watch some videos.
Henrietta heard the usual chatter, and and sometimes a scream from Eggy, but then suddenly there was a loud burst of screaming from all three hens.
"Oh what now?" Henrietta sighed, putting down the laptop.
She walked into the kitchen and found Noodles in the sink, Sprinkles on the counters, and Eggy perched on the oven's handle.
"Hetta hide!" Noodles sqwacked.
A tiny jumping spider crawled across the floor. Henrietta took a jar and a peice of paper and took it outside.
"See, there's nothing to be afraid of," Henrietta clucked, trying to help Eggy off of the oven handle.
Eggy sighed with relief, calling Noodles and Sprinkles from their hiding places.
"Oh, look at the time!" Henrietta clucked. It was already nine thirty, so Henrietta grabbed the wiggly hens and put them to bed.
Henrietta went to bed and slept very well, but when she heard a scream she knew instantly the hens were up to something.
She walked into their room and what did she see? A tower of pillows. She peeked around the edge of the tower and saw Noodles and Sprinkles holding Eggy's beak shut.
"Look Eggy, you woke up Hetta!" Noodles said, letting go of her beak.
"Noodles, Sprinkles, Eggy, really." she clucked, putting away the pillows. "Why don't you just get a bouncy castle and play on that?"
Henrietta realised her mistake as the hens stared at her with hope, then grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote down the jobs they would do to just get the bouncy castle.
"Hetta, I'll make an offer," Eggy clucked in a serious tone. "I'll clean the bathrooms and the living room if you will get the bouncy castle."
"No," said Noodles, holding up a paper with scribbles on it. "I will clean the entire downstairs for the bouncy ca-" she was cut off by Sprinkles.
"I will clean the entire house for the bouncy castle," Sprinkles clucked, very seriously drawing scribbles across some paper.
"I will just get the bouncy castle for you, no jobs needed, so long as you don't ruin the pillows." Henrietta clucked, putting away more pillows.
"Okay Hetta!" the hens clucked.
The rest of the night was quiet and peacful, but Henrietta knew that in the morning, she must get the bouncy castle and then face the noise of excited hens bouncing merrily on it.

In the morning, when Henrietta woke up, she found pillows scattered across her floor.
"Eggy!" she called, and Eggy came running in with a pillow.
"Yes?" she clucked.
"I told you not to mess with the pillows anymore!" Henrietta sqwacked putting the pillows back.
"But Hetta," Noodles clucked as she walked in. "We want the bouncy castle!"
Sprinkles ran into the room. "Bouncy!" she sqwacked, scratching the pillows and pecking them harshly.
Henrietta pulled Sprinkles away. She held Noodles and Eggy back from the pillows.
"You won't get the bouncy castle if you mess up the pillows!" she washed her beak and came back out of the bathroom. "And if the pillows are still messed up when I get back, I will return that bouncy castle."
The hens instantly started cleaning up, and Henrietta went to buy the bouncy castle.
She drove there and searched up and down the toy isle until she found it, then she picked it up and put it neatly in her cart. Henrietta payed for it and came back.
But when she walked in, she found not only the pillows put neatly away, but the tables were shiny clean.
"Oh, I see you put the pillows away," she was rather dissapointed to find this, for now she would not have to return it.
Into the garage she went, with the hens trailing behind her. She took the pump and filled up the bouncy castle. Then she took it into the backyard and the hens jumped on it.
Eggy jumped and jumped and jumped, but then she slipped and rolled down the side, laughing.
Noodles and Sprinkles saw that this was fun. They too rolled down the side, screaming and laughing.
So the hens continued their play while Henrietta did yard work. She took the powerwasher and washed the fence, then she took some paint brushes and repainted the fence, for it was getting old and dirty.
Noodles walked up to Henrietta and tapped her while she was powerwashing.
"Henrietta," Noodles clucked. "It's no fun to bounce on the bouncy with all this noise you are making!"
Henrietta turned off the powerwasher, only part of the fence finished.
"Okay, Noodles," Henrietta sighed, "I'll just paint it now."
Henrietta picked up the paint bucket and her brushes and swiped it along the fence, painting it sort of a purple-red color.
Henrietta once got distracted from a very loud scream from Eggy, and dropped her paint brush in the dirt.
She sighed and cleaned it off in the water, then continued to paint. She could hear the hens bouncing happily behind her.
As Henrietta was finishing the last board, all grew quiet, except for quiet little snapping sounds. She finished the last board, and when she turned around she found something horrible.
Buckets of glue had been opened, some even spilled on the grass. The hens had covered the bouncy castle in glue and attatched little flowers to it.
Eggy jumped on it before the glue had dried and she was soon covered from beak to toe with flowers.
"Eggy!" Henrietta ran over to Eggy and pulled her off of the bouncy castle, taking the hose and washing off all the flowers and glue.
"Hetta, I'm all dirty!" Eggy cried, trying to pick flowers off of herself.
Henrietta aimed the hose at her and then she was nice and clean. Eggy shook herself and said sorry to Henrietta for making the bouncy castle all messy, then she went back to jumping on it now that it was clean again.
Henrietta was very tired from cleaning the fence, so she went inside and took a nap. She dreamed that the pillows were dissapearing again. When she woke up, she found that the pillows were gone.
She went outside and found that the hens had covered the bouncy castle in pillows, and were bouncing on it more happily than ever.
"EGGY!" Henrietta squawked, pulling Eggy down and taking the pillows off of the bouncy castle.
"What?" Eggy clucked, starting to put the pillows back on.
"I told you not to mess with the pillows!" she clucked, carrying them inside.
"Yes, but.." Sprinkles began, but Henrietta picked her up along with Noodles and Eggy and took them inside.
"It's time for school!" she clucked angrily. She put them in their chairs.
She started talking about the things that made up the bouncy castle, and was reading it from her book.
When Henrietta looked up, however, she found the hens were under the table playing games on their fires, kindle fires, and laptops.
"Eggy, was this your idea?" Henrietta squawked.
"No, it was Sprinkles!" came the reply from under the table.
"Sprinkles!" Henrietta yelled. "Why would you even think of doing such a thing?"
"It wasn't my idea," Sprinkles replied out of sight. "It was Noodles!"
"Noodles!" Henrietta called. "Why would you do this?"
"It was Eggy's idea, not mine!" Noodles squawked.
So Henrietta dragged Eggy out from under the table and told her to go to her room. Eggy obeyed, but cried the whole way upstairs.
Henrietta continued school after neatly putting away the electronics and continued reading. When she looked up, however, she found a pillow in front of her face.
"What the..?" she clucked, moving the pillow aside.
In front of her was a huge mess of pillows, scattered about here and there, and Noodles and Sprinkles in the middle of it all.
"Sprinkles!" Henrietta clucked. "Was this your idea?"
"No, it was Noodles," Sprinkles clucked.
"Noodles, why?" Henrietta told Noodles to go to her room, and she did.
Henrietta continued school with only Sprinkles to speak to. She read and read about many things, but when she looked up, she saw Noodles eating many many pieces of toast, milk, sandwiches, cake, ice cream, tomatoes, salad, grapes and peaches.
"Noodles!" Henrietta clucked. "Go to your room! Your not supposed to leave class without saying so!"
So Noodles crawled upstairs to her room, just then did Henrietta realize her mistake. She bolted upstairs and found all three hens in Eggy's room, playing board games.
"I said go to your room, not Eggy's!" Henrietta squawked, dragging each to their own room.
"But Hetta," said Eggy sadly. "We're playing an educational board game, Scrabble."
Henrietta saw that there was truth in what she said, but she still remained firm.
"No," she clucked.
Henrietta went downstairs again and fell asleep, hearing no noise upstairs. But where the hens doing something?
To Be Continued...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 01:21:19 am by OutofBreath »
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