Author Topic: .:Rayne:.  (Read 1315 times)


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« on: October 16, 2012, 03:05:44 am »
So I thought of the idea for this story in a dream and decided to write it here but I get bored fast so it will take a while to finish. Enjoy B)

 'Eclipse, a rare event where the moon swallows the sun, the darkening of the sky. It fills animals with feelings of curiosity, awe, and...fear. Several magical events are believed to happen during one, all of these ideas created from the feelings...but all but one is real. I have witnessed it's horrors with my own I survived it where I was at, I still don't know yet myself. But I do know this - as soon as you notice the sky start to darken in the middle of the day, Run. Get away from every living thing because one of them might be the eclipse's monster...'


 A small, light brown wolf with strangely long ears slept inside a hallowed-out log. She squirmed around a bit and then slightly opened an eye then shut it as the sun's light hit her eye through a hole in the ceiling. "...Morning?", she growled. "Why does it have to be morning again?" The she-wolf let out a long, drawn-out yawn and crawled out of the log, stretching her aching legs. Wolves all around her sat around and chatted loudly in little groups of two or three, not noticing the wolf. Other dens were spread out among the area. A large wolf with a hideous pelt ripped with battle scars let out a growl, turning to look at the long-earred wolf. "Hey, pup! How abou-" She pulled back her lips into a snarl. "My name isn't pup, it's Rayne, you stupid fleabag!" Rayne took a step forward, her tail high aggressively. The large wolf stood up and took a step forward as well. "Oh no, I made the poor little omega upset." "Atleast i'm not a free chew toy for the rouge packs!", she spat. By this time half the camp had their eyes on the two nervously. "Well," he started slowly, "...You may not be a chew toy for them, Omega." He shot off the ground and into the air towards Rayne, his jaws parted revealing long, deadly teeth. Rayne started to leap to the side but was too slow, too in-experienced. His fangs sunk into her shoulder and she let out a yelp, then turned her neck and bit into the side of his neck. They turned around in a blur of fighting, biting whatever they could get ahold of and clawing at the other to try to get them to release. Dirt and fur flew around in the air, little red droplets dappling their pelts.

 "Stop this fighting immidiately!", a voice barked from behind the crowd. A large white wolf with deep green eyes lept out, tackling Rayne with his teeth bared. The wolf that had been fighting Rayne lept back yelping and immidiately dropped down submissively. "A-alpha, I thought you were with the morning patrols today...", he whined. The rest of the wolves that had been watching the fight turned like nothing had happened and resumed their usual morning stuff. Alpha glared at him. "So you think you two could get away with fighting while I was gone?" The scarred wolf begun to speak but was cut off. "Rayne! Leave. Get out of our pack, I gave you a chance to join us but you've ruined that chance. "You", he said speaking to a nearby wolf, one of the Betas. "Escort her to the borders." She nodded and waited a second for Rayne to get up. "Go on, get moving already!" She snapped her teeth at the air just inches away from her leg. Rayne jumped up and quickly trotted forward, the two leaving the camp. Rayne tilted her long ears and glanced behind her shoulder to see what the alpha would do to the wolf that attacked her, though it seemed he got no immidiate punishment. A sharp pain then flooded into the tip of her tail, the beta releasing her grip to look into Rayne's eyes mercilessly. "Get moving!"

 An hour had passed since then. The farther away from camp you got in this land, the thicker the forests got. At this point, nearly no sunlight passed through the green canopy above them.  The beta followed Rayne close behind, who seemed to go faster everytime she neared her. Sure, maybe she had given the brown she-wolf a few chomps when she moved like a turtle, but she could tell something else was wrong with her. At the beginning, she seemed slightly off but now the beta could sence Rayne's stress increase with each pawstep. She glanced up at the high tree branches, colorful birds watching them with creepy black eyes, then smacked her cheek on Rayne's rear without realising that the she-wolf had stopped walking. "Ow...HEY!"

 Rayne slowly looked back over her shoulder at the large, silver beta, her pupils contracted to tiny dots. The world spun around and shook in her eyes, not paying attention to what she was yelling through the confusion. The tree's bark begun to melt, a puddle forming at the wolves' paws. No, wait, not just the trees were melting. Rayne turned to look back at the beta, saw for a split second the half-melted, silver blob, then nothing but black. Complete black.

 What...? A dream? Rayne squirmed around, her head hurting like crazy. She felt her paws laying in something warm and wet, slightly sticky. The she-wolf then lazily rolled over onto her side, her head now laying in the same liquid. 'Oh, great, more. Perfect for naps...' Rayne let out a sigh, then sniffed the air. "...No!" Her eyelids flung open, and she jumped up onto her paws gasping at the sight. She was back, standing in the center of the camp.  The scent of death lingered in the air, dirt stained red with blood, the ground littered with the mangled bodies of her former packmates.

( Ehh, haven't been on the forums hardly at all. Sorry about the super slow updates....really tired lol.)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 04:09:06 pm by Onyx »

Offline wolvenland

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Re: .:Rayne:.
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 05:33:30 am »
Wow.... :O I read the first sentence and I couldn't stop. Holy cow. That was really well done. Keep it up! *le now stalks topic* >)


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Re: .:Rayne:.
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 07:10:10 am »
Thanks alot! I'm glad someone else likes it besides just me XD

Wrote some more, now time to go to sleep!

For some reason the two times i've added to the story it's exactly 2:00 am when I look down at the clock...

« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 04:06:53 pm by Onyx »