Author Topic: ♦The Deluge♦ [Prologue]  (Read 1285 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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♦The Deluge♦ [Prologue]
« on: September 28, 2013, 02:34:20 am »
♦The Deluge♦

Yes, this does have a Bible-inspired theme, including the Great Flood, Creation, and Man's expulsion from the Garden of Eden. So if this offends you in some way, for some reason, I recommend skipping this prologue. And be aware, this takes place in the years leading up to the Flood, so there will be Biblical references throughout the story.

Deluge. Defined by the Miriam Webster Dictionary as "an overflowing of land by water," or "large amount of rain that suddenly falls on an area."

In the beginning times, the earth was made up of but a single super-continent. All species of animal, and humans alike, populated this vast landscape, which kept a steady temperate climate throughout its entirety. Animals that today, wouldn't even live on the same continent, lived in relatively close quarters here, when everything was peaceful and there was no existence of death or fear. All living beasts of land and sea were purely herbivores- even creatures that in the modern world would be incomprehensible as a leaf-eater, such as the wolf or lion. In this world where death was non-existent, no species of animal has gone extinct.
However, this perfect utopia was shaken from its death-free foundation. With the temptation of the humans, they fell into sin, thus breaking the holy chain that bound this once pure land. The fall of Man into sin transformed this world into one of murder and violence. As Man was exiled from the Garden, so too was beast. With a single action by the selfish desires of Man, death was brought into the world.

A couple hundred years after the Fall of Man, the world had gone downhill quickly. Humans struggle to scrape a living, and are forced to kill the animals whom they once were able to make acquaintance with for clothing. Not only was violence on the human perspective rampant, animal on animal viciousness had became the norm, as many now had to kill to eat; the predatory behavior still eminent today, now birthed inside the once peaceful creatures such as the stated wolf and lion. Little did the blood-craving creatures of the Earth know, above the cloudless sky, there was a storm brewing, being readied by the Earth's greatly disappointed Creator to wash it clean and begin anew; though giving one human a hundred or so years to construct an enormous ark in order to save his race, and that of every living animal.

Life for Earth's distressed inhabitants continue on as usual. And life for animal kind especially was often short lived. As one lone mother may soon discover...

...More to come soon perhaps...
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 02:38:37 am by JimMoriarty »
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