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Topics - nubeees

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From what I can tell, no.
But now I'm curious. How are animations stored in FH? Are they hard-coded? Are they in the mesh file? IS there a hidden file somewhere with all of the configs for the actions menu?
I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas. :3

Game Help / Some height map problems...
« on: May 07, 2014, 11:00:05 pm »
So, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I made a height map, can't find anything wrong with it... But whenever I try to load it up in-game, feralheart stops working...

Here is the height map, all help is appreciated.

Game Help / Waterfalls and splash effects not showing up
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:33:18 am »
So I exported my map, and the waterfalls were showing up in the editor, but in game they're not there. If I test the map from the editor, its fine. If I access it in Feralheart (The exported map), there is no waterfalls nor splash particles. I'm sorry if this is a bit difficult to read, I am sleepy...
Someone help me out, my friend wants me to have this map ready by tomorrow...

Game Discussion / Exclusion
« on: March 12, 2014, 06:13:25 am »
If you acknowledge me as part of the roleplay I expect to be included in it.

I have been wanting to create this rant for a while. I have been having an issue in-game where people will acknowledge that I am a part of their roleplay, but they will entirely ignore any of my posts, and at times I feel like I'm being actively avoided. This makes character introductions which rely at all on other characters nearly impossible. I'll take my most recent problem as an example. I have a rogue lion character who is joining a pride in the roleplay, but I cannot advance his plotline due to the fact that whenever I try, the character needed  finds some reason to log off. This isn't the worst of it though... People will seemingly attempt to avoid me by making it so I can't enter into the roleplay, but once I did they instantly began to screw around in OOC chat until they had to go. I hope you can see my frustration here, and I'm hoping to get advice on what to do about this.

Shoutout! Thank you to Brookcresent (Don't know your forum name) for not doing this to me, and including the... I guess I'll call them 'underdogs' of roleplay, like myself.

Species / The Yitabi, AKA, the Forest Lions
« on: January 18, 2014, 01:51:29 am »
The Yitabi
AKA, the Forest Lions
(Thank you,"Akatariel" For all the help in the creation of this species.

The Yitabi, also known as 'Forest Lions' (In the same way one might call a cougar a Mountain Lion), are a race of felines which live, unsurprisingly, in forests. Specifically, evergreen ones. Well, mostly. You may find one or two in other locations. They are around the size of a cougar, and are pretty decent tree climbers. Their pelt is a brown-ish color, much resembling tree bark. The body structure of a Yitabi is a very basic feline one, pretty similar to a Cougar.

Yitabi can growl, yelp, hiss, spit, grunt, roar (Not like a lion's roar, a lot less feirce sounding), and make a low grumble sound which is below the range of human hearing.

Yitabi will eat anything they can catch. Given their huntin strategies, this ranges from rabbits, to larger prey, such as elk. They will attack humans, and in fact, are notorious for doing so.

Yitabi are born in massive litters which are multiples of three. Every three cubs is nearly genetically identical. These cubs form groups known as triads, and stay together for life. If a triad looses a member, depending on the current situation, the parents might abandon them. Behavior in general, these cats are violent. Triad members constantly compete for dominance, while making sure not to harm eachother at the same time, usually the oldest member is the most dominant. When hunting, this group of three splits up, and surround their prey without it even knowing. Once all in position, the dominant member uses a low rumble (The one below human hearing) to signal the others, thus they all attack at once coming at their prey from three sides. It is difficult to escape this.
The only time in which the triad splits up is during mating season, but once thats all done and over, they return. How all of this exactly works, I have never taken much time to think of. Probably something very similar to Cheetah coalitions.

Yitabi have a brown, tree-bark colored pelt, with faint markings on it. The markings are pretty difficult to make out, and really are insignificant. They have back manes which are the same, or at least very similar color of brown, and the females have cheek tufts as well. Their tails are leonine (of lion like appearance), and are really the only place where their markings really show.
Their bodies are normally long, slightly wide, but short.



Part 2: Tail, ears, and tufts
REMEMBER - Females have cheek manes, and all Yitabi have back manes.

Part 3: Eyes and markings
Remember, the markings can be slightly different as long as they look at least similar...
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Part 4: Skipped, what items you put on doesn't really matter... (well, depends on realism.)

Part 5: Colors
Remember! Just close, not exact! :3

Eyes don't have to be this, I honestly have no idea why I even included them. But heres the eyes on my Yitabi character, Serak

Roleplay Information
This section will give some information to help you know how to roleplay as Yitabi.
Some example names:

The three siblings within a Yitabi triad are incredibly close, and while they do compete, they are always watching out for each other. They are only really very violent towards 'outsiders' as one might call them.

I usually roleplay Yitabi with a fun accent which makes them more entertaining and usually pretty humorous too. For an example, my character Kelvin uses "Aye!" a lot before phrases, while Linnt uses "Ey!" I also have had one temporary character use "Oi!" before. They tend to replace the word "Yeah" With "Yeh" and pronounce words derpily. (DERPILYISTOTOLLYAWORD!)
Here is an example rp line:
"Ey! Kelvin! Wanna go find somethin' ta eat?"
"Yeh! I'm starvin' "
"Explains yer puny size!"
"Oh yeah?"
(Yeah, those twos' conversations almost always result in them tackling eachother. XD)
Another funfact, they often snigger and snicker in roleplays where animals can talk (Which is most roleplays from my experience)

The accents are not entirely necessary, but I find it fun. :3

Other Random Facts

  • The back mane which Yitabi have is intended to make them appear more aggressive.
  • If a Yitabi's two other siblings die, that leaves it a rogue. Rogues usually team up with other rogues in a very unstable triad. Backstabbing is not uncommon in these. If only one sibling dies, usually the two remaining siblings will stick together, and try to survive without the missing member.
  • The name 'Yitabi' was a button mash, and actually, I made the name 'Forest Lions' first.
  • Most of this forum post was actually typed up on notepad.
  • I was hungry when making this forum post.
  • the last three lines of this list have nothing to do with Yitabi whatsoever.

Game Discussion / How is the character selection screen sorted?
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:49:08 am »
Title says it all. I can tell its not by date, nor is it alphabetical... How is it sorted? Ideas?

Other Games / Kerbal Space Program
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:58:54 pm »
Here is possibly one of my favorite games ever... Yet almost no one knows about it. X3 I got it back when it was only 15 US dollars, now the price has gone up to 20-something.
What is Kerbal Space Program? Well, this video should give a slight hint:
Do note that most of this is older footage and this game has many updates.
It is also extremely modifiable, there are LOTS of addons for KSP, including things like a project orion ( mod, and even things that allow you to change the positions of planets! (That mod is specifically called Hyperedit in case you're wondering)... There are a few people who are working on multiplayer mods, because the game itself is singleplayer, but none of those have come out yet, and also there was an additional planet mod which was being worked on, I'm not sure if it still is...

Further videos which are neat, and that you should watch:

Species / []
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:34:56 pm »

Introduction / another very late intro
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:40:59 pm »
I'm a bit late on the intro, but I don't think that really matters. My ingame name is nubeees, so you might see me around sometime. :D

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