Author Topic: Thank you  (Read 5205 times)

Offline RallyTally

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Thank you
« on: August 28, 2021, 09:55:13 pm »
Wow. To start off I haven’t logged into this game since 2016. I was a freshman in college. I originally started playing in 2011/2012 when it was first released and was filled with hundreds of players. I remember how badly my computer would lag and I’d have to leave the area to do anything. My family thought it was weird if could spend so much time playing as a cat and talking to strangers.

This game randomly came back to my thoughts today and I had to check out what’s happened. This was my safe place. Somewhere I felt heard and accepted. I’d spend countless hours online and met so many people and made friends, something I always felt like I lacked in the real world growing up. The groups actually helped me with my writing skills haha. It’s just amazing to look back at these memories and appreciate that this site is still up and running.

I’m now almost 24, married, and have two kids myself. I don’t know if I’d be who I am or where I am if it wasn’t for my escape to this world growing up. Seems cheesy but it’s true. So for that, thank you, to everyone who’s been a part of Feral Hearts journey. I hope this game gets another chance to repopulate and a new generation is able to also appreciate it. Life’s busy and chaotic but I’ll still watch from the sidelines for now. Maybe one day I’ll have the time to log back in and checkout all my old creations and appreciate everything a bit more. <3

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2021, 10:19:10 pm »
I'll be moving this over to the Praise board as it fits better there~

Aww that's so sweet! Thank YOU for being here on it's journey. FeralHeart as definitely helped me along so much as well, from groups to creativity, it's been there. I'm glad it's been such a big part of your life. If you do come back for a visit, we will surely be here =)

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Thank you ;u;
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