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Topics - SilverTW

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Characters / SoftDiamond - New Official OC!
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:54:44 pm »
SoftDiamond is a very nice male wolf. SoftDiamond's eyes are yellow. He has white diamond markings on him that glow during the night sky. SoftDiamond's origin is unknown, yet wolves have said that SoftDiamond's origin was near diamonds. SoftDiamond is called by many nicknames that he likes such as Soft-D and S-Diamond. When he is angry with enemies, his white diamond markings glow and will be very hot, if a enemy were to touch it they burn, however if it glows but he isn't angry then wolves can't burn. Others think of SoftDiamond as the 'Light of the Night' or the 'Sunlight of the Dark sky'. SoftDiamond is a wolf, yet part Diamond. He is a very healthy, fast, strong wolf. He is not shy. He can find Diamonds, but normal wolves can't. SoftDiamond still loves to hangout with wolves, but used to play with wolves, and now that he isn't a pup anymore he needs to find a female wolf. SoftDiamond dislikes enemies, etc. SoftDiamond can speak Canis Lupis, and Human English.

Game Help / Full Animated Preset Script?
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:12:16 am »
I know how to make presets, I am just wondering if anyone has the script for the Animated Script. If you do, then thanks a million!

Member Bio & Journals / SilverTW's Biography
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:53:12 pm »
Hello, FeralHeart users! And now were goin to talk about SilverTW!

Before we get started, I am not sharing my name or age,etc.

My name is SilverTW on FeralHeart. I love to play FeralHeart. I love to make Presets and maps on FeralHeart. I do think that one day I will be one of the best preset makers. I don't make particles, and they can mess up your FH if they make their own copies. Presets are easier however because I can make my own design(s) and maps can be fun to make because you can make your own places to share or not share! I live somewhere in Canada. I do speak English (Main) and French (Learning). I like wolves, FH, Okami, my family, Me. What I hate is: Trolls, Tigers, etc. My gender is Male, I love the color Purple. I am Canadian, American, British, Brazilian, and Native American. I love making friends. I do draw! Alsomy hobbies are playing on Pc, FeralHeart, Spending time with sister, etc.

Now that you know about me..I have questions for you Fh users.......

Fav Color?
Fav Animal?

Game Discussion / How active are you on fh?
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:54:17 am »

Stories / The 7 Elemental Tribes(Contains Blood and Gore)
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:15:23 pm »
The 7 Elemental Tribes - Series

It was just days after the war between 2 packs. Many wolves had died from a pack called BloodStone the Dark Tribe which belonged to Feraskun (Fair-uh-sku-ng), like the BloodStone, several wolves had died from Fanged Dragon Wolves - Fire Tribe which belongs to Sandu Hashino.

Sand slept in his "so-called" comfortable spot, located in his den. Nightmares of this  war had kept many wolves awake, mostly the pups. It was morning. Fang woke up, seeing many of the Fire tribe wolves standing near him, he heard Fire. Fire repeated his name."Fang.....? Are you awake yet? You still need to see the medicine wolf, Ivy. Fang  had risen to his paws, replying in a soft bark "Huh? Am I bleeding or something?". The other wolf has lick his muzzle, and continued "Nope, she just wants to see you.........". A few paw-steps later, and already into the medicine den. Ivy looked up, seeing Fang and Fire."Fang? I guess you've gotten older, since we have last saw each other....right?". Fang took a second to remember."Actually, Maybe it is because you are siting. It's only been 4 howls since we saw each another!".

Feraskun licked his sharp claws."Oh, Those other tribes! We must kill Sand(Fire), Barrier(Strong Speeds - Wind Tribe), Tikrim (Final Hour - Time Tribe), Northern Star ( The Stars in space - Space Tribe), Mineral (Combined Rocks - Earth Tribe), Puddle (Flood - Water Tribe)" BlackLight added."Wait! Tikrim and Northern Star are dead!" Fang had listened to this conversation and then told Sand it.  

Sand stood up on the Flaming rock ready to tell the Fire Tribe what Fang's report was."Fang has a message that is about all the tribes!" he continued."The Dark Tribe has a plan to kill all tribes, except thier own tribe. The dark tribe has killed 2 of the 6 tribes, the seventh is dark tribe, which is not into this Kill-plan. With both Time and Space Tribes dead, which was stronger than the 4 remaining tribes in this kill-plan. Water,Fire,Earth, and Wind Tribes are remaining. We survived the attack. I almost died, luckily didn't though. We need to get this message spread to the 3 other tribes ASAP! Only three to five F-T wolves will go. The 4 tribes left need to work together. If not, Guts and blood, and bones will be left in many different places in each tribe."

Read it here --->

Game Discussion / Feralheart for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, etc
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:59:14 pm »
Do you think it should be? It should be, if the votes are mostly in the Yez section, maybe we could convince Kov to due it. If it's no, then nah.........

I can take preset requests. If you need a preset to be done by somebody then ask me.

Also if you have an image of what your characters looks like that would be great (Deviantart,etc)

I will take any request but I might need an image.

Okay Thanks~ and ALSO don't forget to check out my Deviantart which is

Don't forget that my FH username is SilverTW  Okay thanks xD ~

Characters / LOL Dark the pup
« on: September 29, 2011, 12:23:22 am »
? talk in rp?

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