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Topics - JackJackleHound

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / Ryu's Journal of Randomz 3/18/14 UPDATE
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:09:42 pm »

Warning I don't always think before I type and also have ADHD so thing may be all over the place
I apologies for that, hopefully you'll be able to understand most of what I have to say. <3

-Taps Mic and clicks mechanical pencil-
Kon'ichiwa Floofs!
And Welcome to
Ryu's Random Floof
Here I'm going to share with you
Parts of my daily life that don't
Normal happen in my day to day
Schedule, events, happening and other nubby stoofies
To get to know me a bit more ey.

So first off, last week I went on a show choir trip and we won grand champion, which was awesome because my school hadn't done so since 2005, it was amazing, half the choir cried, I didn't though...I'm not really a crier, but still I felt really awesome afterwards.
The next day however, my family got hit with some shocking news, my younger sister the second oldest was complaining of pain near her stomach, she went the ER at 3 o'clock in the morning and found that her Gallbladder was about to burst, she went into emergency surgery and had the sucker removed ;u;  I was worried to beat 'ell. She's currently in the hospital incapacitated and in a lot of pain. I skipped lunch to visit her a got her flowers and a huge plushy teddy bear ;u;.
x'D and the Random keeps coming, today I was walking through the halls of my grand high school, constructed from the blue prints of a prison house xox and suddenly felt a pang of pain in a my toe, I didn't think much of it and kept walking thinking that mayhaps it was a hang nail of some sort and that I would deal with it after school, so I continued my day, visited my sister and after school took my sisters home. I came into the house and went into the bathroom to examine want had been causing so much pain. I yanked of my shoe and pulled my sock off, what I came to discover really shocked me. Apparently one of my toe nails had slit open a layer of skin off the side of the toe beside it which was hanging off, there was blood everywhere. I must have a high pain tolerance because the thing was deep and must have been getting more damage throughout the day in order to get to where it was. I know what you're thinking, god her toe nails must be three inches long! Not true, there just...awkward. -o-
Anyway...|D That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading about my life;. . . ^U^

So I'm back with a little news, my sister has been released and is back home with us. She's In a lot of pain but in no immediate danger, thank God. I've just started to pack my bags for yet another vocal jazz and show choir trip, my last one of my senior year, so emotional ;3;. I just can't wait to get on the road, it's a three day trip packed with fun and long bus rides -gets motion sickness meds and packs them twice- I've already gone through one trip without them....never again...never. X~x
Also guess what I checked out at the library today? The Sight by David Clemens  Davis [sp? I think that's how his name is spelt] anyway if you're in to anthropomorphic Fantasy Novels about wolves. This is the book. I'm so excited to read it I about died when it came in.
-scurries to begin the adventures with in the masterpiece of the godly DCD  <3-

So hey! I may be getting a job soon. ^-^ working under the hospital staff was amazing but I find my passions have stirred elsewhere, I've decided to pursue my passion for web-design and work under some web companies and stuff. So exciting, I can't wait! I start tomorrow with a job interview, hopefully I wont mess up ;3;. Wish me luck! |D

Art Gallery / Ryu's Request Board[closed for now]
« on: March 17, 2014, 06:37:58 pm »

-Taps Mic-
As an artist of trades I've decided to devote my
Talent to the floofs of the FH Forums by making
A request board. I love my characters but it
Would be an amazing experience to be given
The opportunity to draw something different.
I will only be taking a few requests at a time
1-5 just so I don't get messy and over whelmed
I don't draw very fast and I'm quite busy
A work may take me a couple of days depending on
What it is.
I specialize in feline and canine works as well as
MLP Characters, Bears and Otters |D
If you'd like to see some of my work
feel free to visit my DA page :

I look forward to serving you
Thank you ^_^
Request Outline:
Picture of your character:
Style preference?:
Character Angle:

Here are some of the pieces I've already done
For Rustys

Ask Me / Ryu's Open House [[Ask away~!]
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:09:30 pm »

Kon'ichiwa Floofs!
I made this page for you guys to ask me whatever you wish
Just keep it some-what sane yea?
Shoot away kiddies.~ >3<

Member Bio & Journals /
« on: February 28, 2014, 08:57:53 pm »
[A lot will be added to this page later, since I'm currently in class there isn't much I can do from there e-e]
If you haven't seen me around before, I go by the name of Rui commonly [Shosui/Ryu] I change my name a lot >3< [In Real Life its Rainy or Rai]
In-Game I go by the Users: Defying  Gravity, Indivergent, and JackJackleHound
Back in the day I also had an issue with names and created more then one User which I've alternated and dismissed over the years, I would sell them or give them away but since I could get myself banned for any misbehaviour I have them still.
I also, at times go into dual gaming, and playing on two accounts a t once with my many monitor systems.
Along with these many accounts I Nubbed around the Forums, I do confess I floofed myself a few times, but it messed with my conscience so I ended up restarting and earning my floofs on this account, the one I've actually had the longest. I realize that if I would have stuck to one account I could have over 1000 posts by now, but oh well, I'll get there eventually x'D [I've been a terrible trouble maker, I've learned from my mistakes and I'm stable now CX]
 At home I'm quite an introvert, staying in my room and gaming. >3<
I'm in a lot of theatrical activities at my school such as Vocal Jazz, Show Choir, Musicals, Drama Club ect.
As I said in my introduction I'm a Senior this year C:, back in the day I was going through a lot but I must say I turned out quite well.
I'd categorize my self as: Spunky, Esoteric, Outgoing, Caring, Crazy, Shy at First, an Anime psychopath @~@, a duchess of  Sweeney and Gore stoofies, a DJ of Animes, a Writer, and a Listener.
Things I find To Be Allurin' [x'D]
FH Buddies
Dr. Pepper
Sweeney Todd
Beating Boys at they're favorite video games [>3< Madame Power.]
And Mr. Q Cumber

Things I find Distasteful:
People with a Stuck-Up Nature
When FH goes Down
When the Dr. Pepper is gone...[XOX]
When my cat decided to pop a squat on my Lap top when I'm not looking
Web page crashes
Flappy Bird.
And. Americanized Monga [It's Right to Left Nubs...]


Art Gallery / Rui's Artwork >u< [Updated 2/5/2014/]
« on: February 04, 2014, 02:10:35 pm »
Yo >U<, an welcome to my Art page.
I hope you enjoy some of the Art I have here
Though a lot more will be posted in the future
I've just been too busy to perfect them.

Anyway here we go ^_^

This here picture was a B-day present for my six year old sister who loves ponies, I'm not really into them much but I must admit they are fun to draw >u<

This is a picture I made for a pack forum I was in, it was a little X-mas gift I was delighted to give.[I guess it was one of my good days, I don't have a consistent stream of artistic talent, there are some days that come along where It's difficult for my to draw a simple circle. x-x]

Hello Again ^^ As requested here is some more of my art work, I'm sorry I don't have much of a variety at the moment ^^', most of my digital art consists of my Rengineko buddies from my 'book' I'm currently writing. I'll transfer the rest of my Sketch book to my I-pad for reconstruction soon. >U<

This one here should be a little familiar as he is listed as one of My characters on my Charrie Page, which also consists of some of my Art work. Rui's Kitties

This next one is ok, It's kinda a mess because I was trying to cover up the note book paper back ground. I haven't revealed this little beauty yet so you're in luck, this here is Devour a rengineko and one of only two females in her division. She's a rather insidious character, using her charm to trick her opponents into underestimating her, which usually ends with a rather superfluous blood scene.

[Update: 2/5/2014]
^^' I just finished this picture today, it's of Cross another Rengineko of mine

Just finished my signature ^^

This is a Cat charcter named Nibbs that I am quite fond of still

Characters / Rui's Kitties~ [Updated, Enter Cross.]
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:39:28 pm »
A species of yokai who's purpose in existence is to harvest the souls of the faithfully departed, and purify the souls of the fallen Akuma, other wise known as demons.
Before we begin, you should be aware that there two types of Akuma, those turned to darkness by loneliness which is a common fate for souls who remain among the living after death and those who have turn to darkness in life through sin. The latter when harvested is devoured by the Rengineko and enter into a vortex which leads to the Underlands never to see the light again.
[There are also many different species of Yokai which take on as many forms as that of the creatures in the world of the living.]

My Yokai in particular take on the form of a domestic cat-like creatures, with masks of bone, hollow eyes, large neko ears and vixen-like tails.[^^ All are drawn and Owned by yours truly~]

This one is not an actual member of the Rengineko division, however it's a good illustration of what a common Rengineko looks like~[Based off of Prida, my dearest luff.]

An't it just adorabrew >u<
There are eight total members in the Rengineko division, I do have an unfinished picture  of all of them but for now I'll have to reveal some of my finished works until I find time to finish the rest~ ^^

This one here is DraKetin, the oldest and most advanced of the Rengineko, though he's past his prime his power exceeds that of any Rengineko ever known, making him a rather formidable elder. >3<

As you may notice, this is the same picture though the design is different~
[Mue, DraKani]

This one here is Umbra, an elite member of the Rengineko division, commonly referred to as the Captain when Uoe Devour isn't around[Devour is the dominate overruling Female of the group whom even Umbra tends to submit to].[ This is probably one of the first Rengineko I ever drew so it' pretty basic, I've gotten better at drawing them since then =3=]

This fellow here is none other then Cross the only ranked Assassin in the Rengineko division, he's feared by many and considered to be a unofficial cannibal, since he takes pride in eating Yokia after battling and defeating them, Cross is also quite a sadistic charmer and likes to go after Akuma of the opposite gender so that he can sweet talk them all the while devouring their souls in order to transport them a world of suffering and eternal darkness.  

Well..I see.., '.' It appears my excitement got the best of me and I posted this topic twice. -/////-
^^' Well I guess whats done is done, I would clean this mess up myself but it appears to be out of my hands.
I guess there's little else I can do other then to apologize for this unintentional post.

-Leaves a large box of Pocky-

Introduction / Yo~! >U<
« on: February 01, 2014, 12:54:54 am »
Yo, I'm Rui Prida [Aka] TWNR.
I've been here for quite some time
However I thought maybe It's about the time to check out
the forumz. I lead a busy life and I don't keep a regular online
Schedule so don't count on seeing me very much. o~o
I. Have. A. Wonderful. Life.
Anyway..just came around to say hello.
~Hope to see some of ya around~


Introduction / 2013..Might as well check out that forum~
« on: October 03, 2013, 02:32:32 am »
JJ [JackJackleHound] here, I've come to say hello to all those forum people I've neglected to introduce myself to for the past three years [Huehue...]. Dunno why it took me so long to pull up the forum page, I guess I was just too caught up in the game. Well as it turns out, not a lot of people I use to hang out with in-game remain, most have grown up and signed off to live their lives elsewhere and do other things [;w;]. So with that said, I decided to contribute my time to other things like the forum, and FH Activities. /woot!/ I like to keep busy and get involved with the current goings on, though I'm going through my Senior year of high school I want time to enjoy myself in the company of by Webster Floofs. To me, the forum seems like the most convenient option for my Hectic schedule.
|Music|Reading|Writing|Drawing|Sports|Plays|Psychology|Role Play|Making Friends|Manga|Anime|J-Pop|FH|
^ Some of the things I like to Do/Study/Learn About/Live/Excel In [Give Yah a Tidbit]
I guess if you want to know more about me, things I didn't cover that you have questions about feel free to ask me about it, I wont bite'cha x3

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