Author Topic: A Poetic Lilac~  (Read 1503 times)

Offline Nightlilac

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A Poetic Lilac~
« on: June 13, 2014, 08:11:14 am »
[Don't ask about the title. I didn't know what else to call it. o3o]So, I'm just another girl with her poetry. It's not that great, in my opinion. Average, really. In any case, I'll let you get on with it, and you can form your own opinion.


Turn Back

I'm a lone Nobody,
On Nobody's Road,
A Road that leads Nowhere,
For those with Nowhere to go,

It's a place in a field,
That leads on and on,
Past the forest and the field,
The endless road has gone,

I'm a somebody now,
Somebody finally noticed,
That I could go somewhere,
If somewhere hasn't gone,

I'm older now,
Turning gold to grey,
My spirit cannot forever stay,
Leaving me to only wonder how,

There is a road out there,
Somewhere in the field,
It's overgrown now,
But all the same is here,

And if I was given the chance,
To go all the way back,
If given the choice,
I would turn to the road,
And look,
Past the Forest and field,
the meadow and flowers,
past the mountains and trees until I found,
All the way to the very beginning, a sign that said 'Turn Back'.

And looking at that lonely sign there I would confess,
That for not heeding it's warning I got into this mess,
But in the end when all was done,
And nature's forces had finally won,
When I lay dead or dying,
I would not be lying,
If I told myself,
Commend oneself,
To the road that follows the heart.

And if that is the road that leads
past the forest and fields,
the meadows and flowers,
All the way to a tangle of plants and vines,
Just know one thing, that underneath,
Lie a sign that once warned 'Turn back'

Trees in the Forest

We are all just trees in the forest,
Growing up so tall,
Driven by a soft 'lest',
For someone might penetrate our oaken walls.

Some of us stoop low,
Some of us stand high,
'We've got only to grow',
I've found that that's a lie...

For the thought that we,
Have only one direction is untrue,
Many find that hard to see,
And that's a thought that I must add to.

Because we are all just trees in the forest,
We say there's just one way,
For the other is the darkest of darkness

Decay will eat away,
At our roots all day,
Until the hour until the moment,
When we decide to own it,
And break from out roots and fall
down, down, so far down.

If a tree falls down in a forest,
Will it make a sound?
I have to be honest,
I can't say that we are all bound,
Even if someone is around.

For when some trees fall,
They make a sound,
They let out a mighty call,
And land with a painful pound,
Unable to get back up.

We are all just trees in the forest,
And all I can say,
Is that on the morning when I broke,
And that morning was today,
I looked down, down, so far down,
And knew
That when I broke,
When I fell,
Ever so gently to the ground,
I wouldn't be the first,
To fall without a sound.


A small heart, light yet strong,
Is surrounded by walls, so tall and long.

Outside of these walls,
Knights in shining armor,
On horses with terrible calls,
Guard with fierce honor,
Ready for the coming brawls.

Past the guards so bold,
And a living tree, ancient and old,
A dragon o' so fierce,
Awaits a hero's armor to pierce.

And further outward from this beast,
Yet before you've gone too far east,
A moat of poison stretches out, o' so deadly,
Yet draws you in, with a dark and terrible medley.

Past this moat of foul design,
There upon the horizon line,
Dark, grey, and tall,
There there stands a wall.

And out of this wall, you can see,
A hill as barren as can be,
And upon this hill is a dreadful sight.
Surely to see it is to die of fright.

For upon this hill,
There lies a wall o' so tall,
A moat o' so deadly,
A dragon o' almighty,
A living tree o' so old,
Guards o' so bold,
And finally,
There stands a heart, o' so guarded by a wall.

Yet at the bottom of the barren hill,
And outside of the tall grey wall,
There stands hero, ready to brave it all.

My heart goes out to you,
Hero so bold,
But you must win it first,
An act that's grown old.

Yet, if you break down the walls to my heart,
Through courage and love of any art,
Then perhaps, young knight,
My fears and worries despite,
Then perhaps,
you'll win,
And perhaps,
Perhaps I'll love again.

And that's it. I have a few more, but they deal a little... direct with death and/or depression, and I wasn't sure it'd be best to upload them.