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Topics - sanrio

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Game Help / Items not working [SOLVED]
« on: March 02, 2017, 04:50:32 pm »
I re-downloaded FH due to preset problems, and I needed to re-install Markings and Items.
Markings are working fine, but Items aren't showing up.
I've tried putting the files in one at a time so they don't overwrite each other, but nothing works.
Does anyone know why this is happening?!

Screenshots / Arreze's Screenshot Library - July 2017
« on: March 01, 2017, 10:34:09 pm »
Here you can find all my screenshots that I've taken throughout my time on FeralHeart
Feel free to post your ow!

Update 1

Say cheese!

Well hello dere

Red's Dance Line - 1

Draw me like one of your french girls

A pile o' floofs

Cuddle time

Cuddle time 2

Wave your ears like you just don't care!


Red's dance line - 2!

Party time!

Time for a well deserved nap

2017 - March

Acca! Stop trying to be a vampire!

Stop doing Yoga, it's nap time.

Say cheese!

Update 2

Snuggles with Ressy

Smol floof pile

Enjoying the night sky with Morgra

Don't ask...

I found some loins

Snazzy preset, Shurtle!

Smol floof pile #2

Smol floof pile #3

Mud hates babysitting

I'm not a bed, get off!

Snuggles with Kynvuu<3

More snuggles with Kynvuu<3

Watching over the Grounds with Kiki

I decided to give Dani a bow tie, looking very formal


-Shoves socks in Morgra's ear- >:D

Update 3

This small section is called, Sobek eats everything.

Sobek tries to eat Drake's flower, he doesn't look very pleased by it

"Tasty snout you have, Drake."

Flowers are Sobek's favourite snack.

Sobek feasts upon a rotting "deer" carcass.

Smol lion, great for a breakfast.

Sobe tried to eat antlers, ow.

And more antlers...

Now Mufasas' face...

Found another "deer" carcass

Snuggles with Toast<3


Sobe doesn't look to happy with the cuddles.

Ah, nap time...

Toast tries Sobek as a hat.

Update 4

The next couple are cuddle screenies, not much to put a title for

Meeting an old friend

Kiki found a Mate Center

Mate Center with Kiki - Part 2

Grape, Zubi (Redovan) and Gui are doing Yoga

Woah, big floof line

That be a lot of Warrior Cats

Me and Banshee decided to have a deul


Thanks for making this, Kuri

What even...


Update 5


Snuggle with Acca-butt<3

Lioness Squad

I have no words-

More snuggles!<3

I found a map and I took a few screenshots, I edited this one-

Okay, and now... I don't even know xD I found this accidently but I wanted to share it with everyone, it gave me a chuckle

Update 6

Aluze found a dragon!


Now that, is a very pink Panther

The mouth glitch strikes again

We decided to fight a OutOfBreath imposter, of course, we won!

Here you can see that graceful Tyler pulling their most gorgeous face

More cuddles!

I love when my cars have antlers

A small gathering of fluffs at the movie night!

Here, have a cute screenie!<3

Update 7

I found a chicken!

Chilling with Vortex!

A relaxing view

With some friends!

Acca, me, and Germ!

The shortest to the tallest

I found myself a Fluffers!

Dancing the night away at the Summer Festival

Stop loin' around

I'll hopefully update this when some more crazy stuff in FeralHeart occurs

Game Help / Presets Reset?
« on: February 24, 2017, 11:11:37 pm »
I keep having this problem where I make a preset, export it, reset my game and the preset works completely fine.
But when I have to restart my game for whatever reason the preset goes back to the preset I had before in that file.

Does anyone know how to fix this? As it's messing up my preset sync as well. My friends are seeing the before preset not the updated one.

Request a Preset/Marking / Glowing eye
« on: February 21, 2017, 08:11:19 pm »
  Not sure if this is in the correct place.
I'm looking for someone who can make me a glowing eye for a preset (With the coding please).
It has to be white, it can glowing as in glow in the dark, or it just glows(I dunno I'm bad at explaining stuff)
If someone can understand what I'm saying and make it for me that'll be great!

Game Help / Preset Eyes
« on: February 18, 2017, 05:32:20 am »
I was wondering on how people made presets with the normal FH eyes.
Take Morgras preset for example (Sorry Morgra)
It has the normal FH glowing eyes but yellow.
Can someone tell me how to do this?
Thank you.

Leaving / [Please Lock]
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:59:50 pm »
No longer needed.

Game Help / Preset Body Not Working
« on: February 07, 2017, 07:09:34 pm »
I was making a preset, and it's double sided. (I've made double sided presets loads of times and had no problems.)
So I finished it and checked it in Preset Maker, and it turned out like this:

I've done the coding correctly:
Code: [Select]
material preset_7_bodyMatL
texture preset_7bodyl.jpg
material preset_7_bodyMatR
texture preset_7bodyr.jpg
material preset_7_headMatL
texture preset_7head.jpg
material preset_7_headMatR
texture preset_7head.jpg
material preset_7_eyeMatL
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture preset_7eye.jpg
material preset_7_eyeMatR
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture preset_7eye.jpg
material preset_7_tailMat
texture preset_7tail.jpg
material preset_7_maneMat
lighting off
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
scene_blend alpha_blend
depth_write off
texture preset_7mane.jpg

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?

Presets & Markings / Regularities Preset Store - Free Requests - 2/5 -
« on: February 04, 2017, 07:33:40 pm »

Currently a WIP.
- Information about the preset -
FeralHeart Username: -- I actually forgot so if this design is familiar please PM me! --
Canine or Feline: Feline
Reference(s): --
Mane colour(s): --
Eye colour(s): --
Extra Information: Non textured, add boots and earrings.

Personal Preset. - Character now belongs to Demolition-Lovers.
- Information about the preset -
FeralHeart Username: Regularities
Canine or Feline: Canine.
Reference(s): --
Mane colour(s): Black and white dip dye.
Eye colour(s): Pink galaxy.
Extra Information: Double sided, long fur texture, earrings.

Personal Preset. - Character is no longer used.
- Information about the preset -
FeralHeart Username: Regularities
Canine or Feline: Feline.
Mane colour(s): None.
Eye colour(s): Green and blue.
Extra Information: Double sided, fluffy fur texture.

FeralHeart Username:
Canine or Feline:
Mane colour(s):
Eye colour(s):
Extra Information:

- Heavily graphic gore
- Stolen characters
- Overly complicated presets

- Slight gore
- Characters from video games, books or movies (These will be public downloads)
- None feline and canine characters (To an extent)

Feel free to also request over on deviantArt, I will be taking 5 requests from FeralHeart and dA.

Game Help / Can't export preset
« on: February 04, 2017, 06:53:14 pm »
Every time I try to export my preset it keeps saying "Failed to export preset".
I've deleted the exported versions in the "PrivatePresets" and "PublicPresets" and the normal "Presets" folder, but it keeps showing up with the old preset I had.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

Presets & Markings / Alani - Ginger Lion
« on: February 03, 2017, 05:28:22 pm »
I made a ginger lion cus' I like the colour orange, here he is:

The inspiration for the mane and a few of the markings came from Tearless.
He is in PresetSync but here is the manual download:
What do ya guys think of him?

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