Author Topic: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.  (Read 5199 times)

Offline Oddonelynx

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Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« on: August 13, 2019, 05:21:19 pm »
Ah yes my favorite animals, hyenas! I want a shirt of all the members of Hyaenidae! But of course, there are sadly not good shirts of hyenas.. But instead..
Spotted hyena have a terrible reputation... And no matter how much people try to fix their reputation, people never listen, they say stuff like;
"Hyenas deserve to go extinct!"
"Hyenas are evil!"
"Kill all hyenas!"
"Hyenas are weak!"
And if you try educating them sometimes, they'll literally call you dumb. I can be considered a hyena expert, but I still learn new things about them!
Like; they have a cat tongue! How weird is that?
Here are some facts:

There are 4 species of hyena
Spotted hyena
Brown Hyena
Striped Hyena
Aardwolf ( Still a hyena)

Spotted hyenas hunt more than scavenge
I don't see why people hate scavengers, they're like school janitors! Cleaning up so nobody gets sick, or in this case.. A disease.
Lions steal prey from other animals like big bullies, yet everyone calls them "noble" and the "king". Male lions are like big fat cats,
they make the lioness do almost everything for them, and when they take over a pride they just kill the cubs and lay their fat
butts doing nothing most of the time. Spotted hyena get their prey stolen by lions a lot, yet people still like flipping lions.

Hyenas are not canines!!
If you look closely, they actually look nothing like canines at all.
Well they aren't canines either, they are more related to cats,
and mongoose, what is a mongoose? Think of a meerkat with
oval pupils like a goat. Their family is in Feliformia for doggo's

So in conclusion, hyenas deserve way more attention.
I like wolves too, but  grey wolves are fricking overrated and have too much attention.
What about Indian wolves who are fricking cute? Or dholes who are an endangered
canine? We need dhole shirts!

 Okay I'm done.

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2019, 08:53:54 pm »
I love hyenas, they are great!
But honestly though,

people never listen, they say stuff like;
"Hyenas deserve to go extinct!"
"Hyenas are evil!"
"Kill all hyenas!"
"Hyenas are weak!"
And if you try educating them sometimes, they'll literally call you dumb.
I've never heard anybody saying stuff like that around the public.
Perhaps the people you've heard this from were only trolling or were sarcastic? If not, then I don't know what to say.
That's really weird if they were genuine. :P

Anyways, yes hyenas are as cool as wolves, and deserve some love. <3
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 08:55:42 pm by Ellen11v »
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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2019, 09:16:29 pm »
Gonna have to mad agree with you on this one. Hyenas deserve more love. (I didn't know they weren't canines until like a year ago. Yeah oof) They're pretty hardcore animals.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2019, 09:34:06 pm »
Hyenas are amazing predators and are sadly underrated and stigmatized. It’s a shame that a lot of the negative feelings people have about them steams from ignorance and their portrayal in media like the Lion King. Often times people also just choose to believe nonsense rather than research things for themselves. Wolves are popular because of the primordial kinship we as a species formed with them. They helped us develop as a species and grew alongside us. Wolves gave us our beloved dog companions so we’re so familiar with them and admire them. We don’t share that same relationship with hyenas so it’s understandable. All animals deserve to be respected and appreciated, so it’s nice to see a thread aimed at shining a little light and love for hyenas. <3


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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2019, 09:48:30 pm »
I can understand your frustration and I am sorry you had to experience undervalued opinions about Hyenas.

Hyenas are quite interesting as some people may think they're not. Females are known to be the dominated ones, while the males are the submissive ones.

BBC and National Geography give insights about Hyenas or any animals in general, so it is a great way for people to educate themselves. Either way, people can have many unpopular reasons why hyena lack attention. Let's be honest...Hyenas aren't the cutest when you first look at them; it looks like they rolled in the mud. Maybe, let's think about the size difference of the male and female: Female is fairly larger than the male. I guess people think their lifestyle is just different from any other mammal... I am sorry if this something you dont want want to hear. And from someone who loves Lion King, I guess everyone can relate not everyone enjoyed the hyenas' throughout the movie. Maybe some don't like them from certain movies.

Either way, you are right; Hyenas do need the attention. Perhaps, if you want to gain the attention for the hyenas, maybe decide to make a group? Making a group will hopefully make you feel better that you're not the only one who likes them.

I like Hyenas them because of their "giggling".

Chin up...I know there are some people who loveesss Hyenas <3333 They are pretty smart mammals.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 09:54:48 pm by Rhakorra »

Offline Oddonelynx

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2019, 09:59:12 pm »
I love hyenas, they are great!
But honestly though,

people never listen, they say stuff like;
"Hyenas deserve to go extinct!"
"Hyenas are evil!"
"Kill all hyenas!"
"Hyenas are weak!"
And if you try educating them sometimes, they'll literally call you dumb.
I've never heard anybody saying stuff like that around the public.
Perhaps the people you've heard this from were only trolling or were sarcastic? If not, then I don't know what to say.
That's really weird if they were genuine. :P

Anyways, yes hyenas are as cool as wolves, and deserve some love. <3

Actually on videos where the spotted hyenas are hunting you might see those comments, and they're being serious.

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 11:52:55 pm »
never take youtube commentors seriously and don't take part in those kind of debates
they solve nothing and just waste time

i adore hyenas with all my heart[brownies ftw] but if you want to be proactive for them the best way to help is by supporting research groups and conservation efforts

or better yet - create content about them and spread the 'good' word.

my first year of speech and debate i did an illustrated oratory on hyenas and was able to change minds that way. i would never call myself an animal/hyena activist but this is something i'm certainly passionate about. public speaking isn't for everyone but that's a crucial part to these kinds of things.

the brain scoop did a small striped hyena oriented bit concerning the chicago field museum's exhibit on them. that also brought attention to the lesser cousins of the spotties.
it really is just a matter of i guess making art and showing that these creatures exist consistently.
not much else one could do.

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2019, 02:10:27 am »

Hyenas are very much underrated. The amount of people I have to correct in saying they're canines is ridiculous, but it shows how little most of the world knows about them. They deserve more love.

Offline Oddonelynx

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It's Not Fair!
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2019, 01:32:49 am »
A while ago I made a post on how spotted hyenas and their cousins are underrated.
Well I've noticed, they're never the good guys! In the Lion Guard, for once they actually had good hyenas! ( Janja and his clan eventually became good like Jasiri!)
That's probably the only case of good hyenas. Most of the time when hyenas are bad, it's probably from some TLK fans who think it's true, it's a fun fiction people not a documentary!! Or it's made by some hyena hating wolfaboo who thinks a wolf could win, ( Despite wolves only having a bite force of only 400 and spotted hyenas being the biggest of the hyena family have a bite force of 1100..) they lie about a wolf being stronger because they can't accept that their "mighty" "majestic" grey wolf can't beat everything. The those wolfaboos usually only love grey wolves! What about those indian wolves?  Or the  Mexican grey wolf! Those wolves are underrated compared to the grey wolf! Okay anyways, here is an example of a wolfaboo doing something with spotted hyenas:
(Those spotted hyenas are hideous..)

I don't get it, spotted hyenas aren't bad or evil, they're just animals! Why do people demonize them?? There is literally so much proof that they're pawsome animals! They're awesomely intelligent, successful hunters! And if you want to know who the real scavenger is, it's african lions. They are more scavengers than hunters, they steal prey from smaller predators, including spotted hyenas, and maybe the other 2 bigger species too! (Striped & Brown!)
I'll leave some information here if you're interested:
(Checkmate wolfaboos, the grey wolf is nowhere to be found on these bite force countdowns, and the spotted hyena is on all of them.)
(While the grey wolf is found, it's number six, while the spotted hyena is freaking number fifteen, that's where you see their TRUE BITE FORCE, anything that says higher for the grey wolf is probably a wolfaboo trying to make grey wolves look stronger than they really are!)

Copy and paste those links to anyone who is uneducated about spotted hyenas!
Goodnight everyone! Enjoy learning new knowledge or educating someone else on these misunderstood animals!
Peace out!

(Credit to artist: Nordeva)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 08:47:00 pm by Oddonelynx »

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Re: Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated.
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2019, 02:42:02 am »
Merged your new topic “It’s Not Fair” to your original topic on the same subject “Spotted hyenas and their cousins are super underrated”. The latest topic is discussing the same subject and adds further feedback to it so to keep things organized and points from getting lost try to keep it on this one thread ^^