Author Topic: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)  (Read 11131 times)

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 07:08:32 pm »

"Yeah, like a little kitty cat is gonna stop me."
Name: Diggs
Gender: Male/Brute
Age: I`m guessing 2 1/2 Years?

Species: Dog
Breed: German Shepard
Sub-breed: None.

Personality: He is arrogant and rebellious. Sometimes he is a bit chaotic but he cares about his friends.
History: Diggs was a police officer who often got into trouble. His career ended when there was an accident when he bit an insane seller and caught a remote, which set off bombs. Everyone was okay, but Diggs got sent back to the kennels. That was when he met Butch. After a exciting ride into headquarters he got told the story and so he and Butch went to find Seamus. Catherine, agent of MEOWS, came and attempted to capture the pigeon but failed. Later on, the four became friends. In the end they all stopped Kitty Galore and Diggs became a proper agent.

Job role: Agent
Time on agency: 2 weeks.
Extra: He has a black collar of course with all the simple gadgets.

"Bolts and bolts, more to fix."
Name: Duncan
Gender: Male/Brute
Age: 3 years

Species: Dog
Breed: White German Shepard
Sub breed: None.

Personality: Duncan is clever but is often quite skittish. This dog is very friendly and is willing to give out advice. He barely got the technician job, because of his fears.
History: Born as a stray. He discovered the headquarters and was welcomed in. Although he was picked on because of his funny voice and, of course, his many fears of spiders, big dogs ext. But he showed off his cleverness and got a job.

Job role: Technician
Time on agency: 1/2 Years
Extra: None.

GUYS! This is the best do  age calculator ever!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 01:51:22 am by Soulstar_the_dark »

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 10:22:25 pm »

Of course you're accepted floof! I'm glad you decided to make Diggs he was one of my favourites from the film! Just, he would have been on the squad a little longer than a week however, if you don't want to change it that's fine.

If you guy's would like we can start now?

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2014, 01:29:10 pm »

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2014, 01:50:07 am »
I'll change it to two weeks. I would love to start!))

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2014, 11:54:16 am »
That's great, and let's begin!

"Be who you are, not who the world want's you to be."

As the darkness slowly faded and the skies begun the brighten up it sent a dimmed light through the windows of the large three story house. Like usual in the mornings everything remained quiet and peaceful - the only sound being Paul snoring like he usually did, which sometimes echoed through the building. Birds were heard tweeting from the trees that lined the path of the neighbour hood, and the few trees that filled their back yard - nothing was as peaceful as this, well so Diablo thought. It had just turned 9:00 am and the only thing or person in the matter, to stir in the house was of course Diablo himself. He liked waking and listening to the silence for a few seconds, it all seemed to peaceful - but nothing was to stay that way once the big pup woke up, so the family got as much rest as they could. As everything remained quiet and peaceful so did the movement in the neighbourhood, only people going to work could be seen in the streets of this peaceful area - however this was all about to change.

Sprawled across the white sheets lay a huge, horse like dog - which was of course Diablo. He would always managed to squeeze onto the bed which Paul and Jane, as you can tell the bed was already pretty full - they were sure that Diablo sometime's thought he was a lap dog. Front paw's tucked under his head and his hind legs pushed out to the sides he remained silent as he allowed his eye's to carefully shut once again - but a sudden buzzing sound rung into the pointed ears of the Dane. Eye's shooting open and his head raising quickly from the quilt he looked at Paul and Jane, a deep, echoing bark being released from his large mouth as he leapt to his paws and leapt onto the hard ground, hearing a thud behind him he turned. Eye's widened and the brute backed up with a chuckle - uneasily stepping forward letting out a few deep 'woofs'. "Paul I'm sorry, it just happened - I jumped off the bed and you were in the way an...." Diablo was cut off when his master let out a few groans "Way to go Diablo, I ought to use you as my alarm clock" she moaned with a slight chuckle Jane then popping her head over the bed with a worried expression on her face "Hunnie are you alright?" she questioned - Diablo stoop with a dopey expression and his face and his head tilted, which caused the woman to laugh. Pushing himself up Paul just nodded with a laugh. Seeing as his master was now all right and both were getting themselves from bed he decided to leave them be, and go wake up Eric and Lauren. Quietly trotting out the room he took a look back, it was like the third time he had done that, but it wasn't his fault he was so big. Shrugging it off the large dog hurried across the landing and into Eric's room.

Pushing open the light, white door he entered the space themed room - thank's to the agency he was now able to see in colour, and boy did everything look much better than it did in black and white, this room was now more colourful than ever - and looked more spacey than ever before. Smiling the large dog walked towards the rocket shaped bed and looked over the brunette lad who seemed still happily asleep. "Hey Eric wake up. It's time to go and play buddy!" he barked - stepping back from the bed to allow the young boy to get up. However, all he done was brush the dog away and turn to face the wall, then ignoring his several other barks. "Well, it has to be done the hard way!" he barked, trotting forward Diablo grabbed the quilt and began tugging it from the bed - which soon turned into a game of tug-of-war between the two. Growling he managed to tug the quilt from the boys grip and run out the room. "Hey Dablo give it back!" Eric shouted as he charged after his buddy, exiting the room the black brute was greeted by Lauren who looked at him funny "I'm not even going to ask..." she mumbled as she watched the dog trot off, Eric charged after him and leapt towards the blanket, managing to grab the end - which only resulted in Diablo dragging both the boy and the blanket across the floor. Claws clicking against the smooth surface he hurried until meeting with the stairs, where suddenly Paul jumped out and grabbed his red collar and pulled him back - forcing the quilt from his mouth "Come on it's breakfast time" he mumbled and the family headed down for breakfast.

Hurrying down the two flights of stairs Diablo was soon greeted by Jack, the Terrier the family had owned long before him. Smiling he bowed his head at the dog whom now helped mentor the big pup "I see you've been getting up to mischief already? Well, after breakfast we need a talk about the mission you will be helping to investigate on" "Of course Jack" he spoke softly with a soft tone as he headed into the kitchen - a huge silver bowl filled with bacon, just what he loved. Wolfing it down he hurried into the garden with Jack. "You can't keep acting like a pup forever, sure it's fun whilst you're at home but this is forbidden when you're on a mission, you don't want anything to go wrong. This mission all are being assigned to is hard. Not only are you mutts helping crime but you guys will be reconing with two dangerous forces - Kitty Claw and that scientist Dr.Crone. It is down to you's to stop them from ridding of the dog race but also to stop them completely wiping out the canine and feline population, this is no joke kid. You got it?" Jack questioned with a slight edge to his voice "Yeah I got it, obviously" he spoke with a slight cocky tone "You get to cocky kid, just do what you're told and it should all go fine." "Can I ask, why are they doing this?" the pup questioned, head tilted as he towered over the smaller dog "Well, the cat's have always been jealous that dog are man's best friend, so they want to break the bond. And wipe out the entire race. And as for Crone, no one know's his purpose yet, but it will come clear sooner or later." and with that Jack slowly trotted off leaving the pup alone. Sighing he dropped to his stomach with his head on his paws, he had never asked why Jack had retired, he never liked speaking of it - looking at the kennel he just lay there thinking.

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

It had only been a few hours since Keesha had woken up, the sime being around 8:00 am when the family had of course woke. Kristen was cooking breakfast as usual whilst Mark and Liam had a game of football in the back yard. Laying on the porch the merle canine glanced as the black patched ball shot across the green grass, eye's darting to and fro to keep up - but then she just let out a sigh and turned her attention onto the kennel. However, her eye's were soon taken off the wooden dog house as her ears perked to the soft voice of Kristen shouting to tell the family that their food was ready. Running her tongue across her lips at the temping scent that wafted into her snout she quickly lifted to her paws and whipped around, charging through the doggy door and Liam and Mark hurried behind her. Slowing to a trot the three entered the dining room where the table was all set out - feeling a rough pat against her back the Beauceron turned to see Mark smiling, letting out a quiet bark she watched as her bowl was put on the floor. Mouth watering she looked at the luscious greasy pile of burgers that sat in the metal bowl. Turning to make sure the family had at she nodded her head and crawled towards the bowl. instantly the she dog dropped her head and lowered it towards the bowl, jaws parted she began wolfing down the food source. This was almost and every day breakfast for the bitch, a load of burgers in the morning, salad with her dry food and at night a bowl of wet Pedigree dog food - she guessed this was an all right diet, but she wasn't going to complain. As she at the last of her food the light flashed on her black collar and the small flap opened.

Running her tongue across her lip's she turned to make sure the family was still eating, and seeing as they were she hurried into the garden "What is it Peek?" she questioned "Lou is wanting you to call in to inform you of Kitty Claw and Dr.Crone, can you come now or shall he postpone it until later?" he spoke in his usual shaky voice "Tell him I'm on my way" she spoke, her raspy tone "Ok, he will be waiting for you at his office" and with that he hung up. Allowing her tail to wag Keesha stretched all the limbs in her body before heading across the yard, making one last check she looked through the window - and there was the family still eating, smiling she then turned once again and headed towards the white dog house. When entering she pulled the leaver which was in the bottom left corner of the kennel - the large computer then opening out to reveal all the HQ things. Looking at the computer she tilted her head and read a few things first, shrugging she glanced at the large red button "Here goes" she smiled, extending out her paw she pressed it onto the large red button. Looking straight ahead the area she was sitting plummeted down into the ground which dropped her into the pod which would take her to the headquarters. "Strap me in" she commanded and a belt shot across her body - then the pod shot off through the tunnels. Looking she watched as many others travelled to and from the headquarters.

The pod jerked to a stop, she was now at her destination "You have reached your destination. Please exit to your right or left and head through the doors" a computerised voice spoke, then the top of the pod slowly lifted "Thank you" she smiled as she placed her paws on the side and hurled herself onto the platforms, then headed through the white, automatic doors. Calmly trotting through she then came to a stop as the closed behind her. Like always dogs were wondering around; some sitting chatting, others walking around, few moving things, some running here and there and the younger joking on. Sighing she smiled "It's great to be back" a smile across her face as she took in a deep breath. Turning left she headed down a corridor - stopping on her travels she glanced through a window; a tin of cat food and a stuffed toy cat, both blew up. In the next window was a toilet area, where cardboard cut out's of a human would pop out saying "Bad dog" and the dog's would drink from the toilet - rather entertaining if you ask her. Chuckling she headed towards Lou's office. hurrying in a lift and travelling to the eighth floor where his office was located. It took a few seconds but in the end the lift arrived at the eighth floor, waiting for the doors to open she then hurried out. Two Whippets pushed the door's open to Lou's office then closed them behind her "Well hello Keesha, we have a lot to talk about" he smiled and Keesha nodded her head, taking a seat on the leather chair in front of his desk.

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2014, 07:02:32 pm »
Longest posts I have ever seen! XD))

"Bolts and bolts, more to fix."
Duncan woke up with a start. He had stayed up all night repairing broken gadgets. "Gee, why do they put themselves in danger so much?" He yawned. There were only a few bits left to fix, so he worked on that for five minutes and could see some dogs were arriving. Duncan had no home, so he often stayed at Dog Headquarters.

Has Kitty Claws only just been discovered?))

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2014, 10:56:15 pm »

"Let's do this. Hopefully I won't get hurt in the process."

Spirit woke up before her boy did. She quietly jumped off the bed. Looking at the clock, it read 6:45 AM. "Good, we still have time." The border collie walked over to the door. Since the knob was a push-down, she opened it and slipped through. She lightly closed it. Seeing as Mimi's owners bedroom door was closed she sighed. She walked into the guest bedroom and flushed the toilet. Mimi heard this in the other room. But since she had a circle knob, the dogs could open it by themselves. Spirit heard the girl groan and open the door, and Mimi dashed out. They ran outside, and towards the generator. Mimi began digging quickly, and they found the tunnel. Once they entered they recovered the hole and trotted towards their vehicle. The door opened and the dogs crawled in. Sitting in the two seats, they zoomed off towards the HQ. Soon arriving, The dogs walked in. Spirit went to a broken satellite, which a careless jack Russel had broke the day before. Mimi sat on a comfy seat and began getting situated.

Mimi leaped into her seat and put a pair of headphones over her ears. Spirit had gone off to repair something. Logging into her satellite, the little dog looked at the clock. It was 6:55 AM. Mimi then began to get ready for the day.

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2014, 11:31:18 pm »

I'll give others a chance to post, so my next post will be tomorrow after school. And yes, Kitty Claw's has only, just recently been discovered so they don't have much information on her right now. But also yeah I tend to do long post's like that, sometime's I just cant help myself hehe.
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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2014, 01:23:50 am »
*Flies in*


The terrier's eyes flew open, immediately darting towards the direction of the garage door to see through the small window. It was still fairly dark out, just as she wanted, but she knew the sun was going to shine through in a bit. Getting up from the small cardboard box that was lined with soft fabric, Dixie trotted to the garage door as her nails clicked on the cement. She suddenly paused, looking back towards the door. "Nah, they wouldn't bother getting up this early. As long as I'm not noisy, they won't hear a thing. Such heavy sleepers, anyways."

Dixie pushed her head against the slightly open door, the door opening with a small creak. Her instinct was to crouch down as if she were in trouble for something, but just huffed and continued on. The canine headed into the thick pines, a path which had become dirt due to her frequently using it led her towards a small wooden doghouse. Upon pressing a button, (I am sorry about this next part, I haven't watched the movie for so long and forgot exactly how it works xD) a bullet shaped vehicle came into view, which she casually hopped into and sped at a fast speed towards the Dog HQ.

Once she reached the headquarters, she shook her pelt and hopped out, trotting around as she waited for a task to be given to her or some news on what was going on.


The lab, who had been previously resting on the couch, was quickly trotting through the kitchen and through the doggy door. Bones had heard about some new cat trying to turn humans against their dogs, and she knew that agents would have to be present. Besides, she wouldn't want to miss that! After a minute or so, she arrived at the Dog HQ.

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Re: |It's Down To Us| (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2014, 06:35:10 pm »

"Bolts and bolts, more to fix."
The canine had almost finished when Spirit, a black and white dog, came along to fix a satellite. "Hey, Spirit!" He greeted. Duncan was almost finished with a broken collar, which only needed a new lock pick. Then he was done and ready to return the object to it's owner. "Darn, Spirit? Who broke their collar yesterday?"

"Yeah, like a little kitty cat is gonna stop me."
07:00. Diggs had padded outside and into his doghouse. He flicked a bent screw and the floor opened up, the canine jumped in and ended up in the vehicle to Dog Headquarters. During the journey, he stuck his head out of the window, he had always enjoyed the cool breeze. Then he stopped at the station as he had his paw scanned. "Agent Diggs, ready to solve some crime! Oh, wait. Where's my collar?" He had a mission to stop Mr. Tinkles and he broke his new collar during that time. (That happened at the end, remember? :3) The canine was about to go and fetch it when Butch came and said, "Going to get your fixed collar now rookie?"
"Yeah, Butch. I`ll just-"
"When you do, come with me to Lou`s office." Diggs walked off after nodding, what might it be? A new mission? He would find out when he gets his collar.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 06:37:50 pm by Soulstar_the_dark »

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