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Author Topic: How To Be A Successful FeralHeart User.  (Read 2033 times)

Offline ritat

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How To Be A Successful FeralHeart User.
« on: September 05, 2013, 04:58:51 pm »
Ok, since I don't know where this belongs I will just post it here because it shows you how to become. I've been on feralheart for 1 year now and I think I am a successful mature person. Now to be one you should agree on stuff and always make sure you follow orders to take you to the right stand. I would say some people when they get angry they start to swear, mubble stuff and things like that but that won't fix it. Would it? Swearing isn't suppose to be in FeralHeart because you wanna proof that you have listened to the rules and conditions. Since people might find the rules too long I have pasted here some important parts for you to know to be a successful person. I am not the boss to tell you to do things xD Lol, just wanted to let you know. Ok? c:  

  • Here you will find the game rules for FeralHeart, these are here to keep everything in order and make sure it's a safe and friendly game for anyone. If a user is caught breaking any of these rules actions will be taken.
  • Keep Appropriate Language And Behavior. (Did you know that good language and behavior teaches you a lesson?)
  • Respect The MODs And Their Actions (Respecting a mod is a good thing as well then they will repect you the same way)
  • Respect Each Other (This is a very important thing, If you are caught Harassing and/or threatening other players inside the game it can result in a warning/kick/ban all depending on the severity of the case, having conflicts or arguments is one thing but personally attacking users with hurtful, racist and/or offensive language within the game will not be tolerated.)
  • Gratitude (This came from me, gratitude is when you thank people, get less things and give more etc. Something like that and you earn better things in the future. If you wanna say "I want everything!" you want get anything back.)
  • Discussion Of Bans And Reports (It is illegal to banned someone for no reason then you will feel guilty and the other might have a broken heart. You only banned people when its in the appropriate time!)
  • Keep It To Appropriate Usernames/Character Names (Now, since you people are nice. You don't wanna get all crazy and write bad names like "Sexyme, clumzyme, fish butt etc.) lol.
  • Do Not Impersonate Any Of The Staff/MODS ( This is a serious offense and can get you banned for a longer time or even have your account deleted.)

You should follow these main things, I thought that they were the most important because the others I know you would understand because were all big girls and big boys. You can set goals of how to improve your selves and get your friends to help you. IFFFF they are appropriate, not silly because that won't show you improvment. You can buy a book and write all the goals you want to improve and when you think you have fulfilled your goal then your partner could put a signature beside it. Simple, all it needs is practice.