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Messages - Celtia

Pages: [1]
This clan sounds interesting! Good luck!

Thank you!!

I might have joined this, if I wasn't in so many WC rps as it is.

Aw, well if you ever have the time we'd love to have ya!

Lovely map, seems very interesting! Good luck to your roleplay!!

Thank you so much, I appreciate it! <3


Fifty years have passed since the events within the books. Two legs have shifted closer and closer into the forest causing the four clans to merge into two due to lack of forest available to inhabit four. WindClan and ShadowClan decided to combine into DuskClan, while RiverClan and ThunderClan formed the new clan, BoulderClan. Little do these two clans know just what exactly is approaching. Scientists have claimed an abandon town nearby to perform their underground experiments. Warriors have gone missing left and right and panic is rising fast within the two clans. Those who have been missing return with a body part unique and modified with what appears to be a cyborg version. What have these scientists done to the warriors of the forest and what does this mean for the clans?

Hello and thank you for taking interest in Enjoy the Silence! We are beyond excited to announce that we are officially open and recruiting. Not many were aware of this project due to the fact that I tried to keep it under the radar. After months of hard work though, we are alive and ready for members to join! EtS is literate, mature, semi-realistic (as realistic as you can get minus the robotic felines), discord required, and beautifully mapped! Should you be interested please fill out a new member application upon our site (listed below) Or feel free to add the recruiter user: TrashWang

More information can be seen upon our site including a detailed description of our plot! Should you have any further questions feel free to add our admins:



Finished Maps / Re: Feral Oasis (public map)
« on: October 10, 2018, 02:49:53 am »
Beautiful Map! I'll have to check it out sometime! (:

Finished Maps / Re: Kidbay's Map Collection
« on: November 20, 2017, 06:58:59 am »
Oh my, these maps are absolutely gorgeous! I’ll definitely have to check them out. c:

Request Maps / Re: Warrior Map Request
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:33:42 pm »
PM me please! c:

Request Maps / Re: Warrior Map Request
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:16:07 pm »
Oh my that would be wonderful! Thank you so much I really appreciate it! And the timing is fine, no worries! <3

Request Maps / Warrior Map Request
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:01:19 pm »
Hello! I am trying to start up a lovely warrior cat role-play based of the original four clans called 'Lethal Storms' Everything is prepared and ready except we are missing one thing...a map! We actually did have a map but sadly it did not work out (technical difficulties) If anyone one is interested please let me know, I'd really appreciate it! In exchange perhaps you could become RiverClan leader? Or perhaps another high rank?

Things I wan't

Four detailed camps
prey scattered around the map! c:
The average lake heightmap
Training areas located in all territories
Dens for warriors, apprentices, elders, nursery, medicine cat, and leader
Many herbs within the medicine dens
Gathering area located in the middle of the map
Fresh kill piles in all camps
Detailed scenery throughout the map
Perhaps small two-leg town?
High rocks for all the leaders, which are connected or next to the leaders den
Maybe a waterfall?

Things I don't want

Undetailed camps and forest
A very small map in general
No prey! </3
Identical camps
Cave dens
All of the meshes to be the default meshes
Er..not too much lag?  xD

That's all I can think of at the moment. But if you have any further questions or concerns please PM me or add me in-game. My username is Celtia.
Also! If you are interested here is the role-plays site -

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