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Topics - kittycats9

Pages: [1] 2
Videos / SlashCat Pictures[New Movie: Cilly]
« on: May 04, 2013, 04:20:59 am »
Hey hey hey, we need peoples. -finish later-

Characters / Kitty's Characters
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:33:14 am »
Hey y'all FeralHearters~ So I wanted to make a list of my characters, their maps/websites/markings/presets, and stuff BD Let the fun begin~~~

Side Charrie(s):
Doc Eloise-Female-Huulf hybrid?-Mateless-Pupless-No Preset-No Mass Markings-No Map

Scarlet-Female-Husky-Mateless-Puppiless- Mass Markings-

We have a complex military and court system. We are a society of our own, with its own laws and rank-specific rules.

Water ~ Can bend any substance with water in it. They can bend mud, clouds, make ice, snow, hail. They can also pull water from the air, plants, and in rare situations, can bend the blood in another body. They are calm and the element is driven by emotion.
Fire ~ Can control lightning, fire, and magma/lava. Driven by emotion. Firebenders tend to be tempermental.
Earth ~ Can control magma/lava, sand, dirt, dust, mud, and rock. Strong, stubborn wolves.
Air ~ Can control clouds and air. Calm and quiet. These benders are very close to the earth and the spirits.

Marine Force: Mostly Waterbenders, but there are several Airbenders too. They work in the water.
Arial Force: All Airbenders. They take from the air.
Recruitees/Backup: Any bender. These wolves are either off-duty or in training.
Land Force: Any bender. Earthbenders are common, as well as Firebenders.

Military Ranks:
Admiral: High military offical. Oversees an entire division.
Lieutenant: Second-in-command.
Colonel: Advisory.
General: Oversees a group of warriors.
Private: Sub-manages a group.

Marine Division:
Admiral: Lilique
Lieutenant: NONE
Colonel: NONE
(1)General: NONE
(2)General: NONE
(3)General: NONE
(4)General: NONE
(1)Private: NONE
(2)Private: NONE
(3)Private: NONE
(4)Private: NONE
(1)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(2)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(3)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(4)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE

Arial Force:
Admiral: NONE
Lieutenant: NONE
Colonel: NONE
(1)General: NONE
(2)General: NONE
(3)General: NONE
(4)General: NONE
(1)Private: NONE
(2)Private: NONE
(3)Private: NONE
(4)Private: NONE
(1)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(2)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(3)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(4)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE

Land Force:
Admiral: NONE
Lieutenant: NONE
Colonel: NONE
(1)General: NONE
(2)General: NONE
(3)General: NONE
(4)General: NONE
(1)Private: NONE
(2)Private: NONE
(3)Private: NONE
(4)Private: NONE
(1)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(2)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(3)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(4)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE

Admiral: NONE
Lieutenant: NONE
Colonel: NONE
(1)General: NONE
(2)General: NONE
(3)General: NONE
(4)General: NONE
(1)Private: NONE
(2)Private: NONE
(3)Private: NONE
(4)Private: NONE
(1)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(2)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(3)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
(4)Soldiers/Warriors: NONE
Obey all the FeralHeart Rules. No cursing.

Request a Preset/Marking / Kitty's Presets(Taking up to 5 requests)
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:26:10 pm »
I am am making PRESETS!!! Yay~ I will be showing my private presets, but they will only be PMed to the person I choose.

So, if you want to request, here:

*:Costs 2 dA points or 4 Floofs.

Request 1: Accila

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Young People in FeralHeart
« on: December 04, 2012, 11:03:43 pm »
This isn't a rant on how I want them gone. This is a rant on how I want them to STAY. They're not all stupid, iliterite idiots. Most of them are. I met a 9 year old who started cussing Cape to death because someone and I were derping around on how a rock was ours. We were messing around. But back to the point.

Some of us are more literite and smarter than most of the 14-17 year-olds on here. The teenagers hate on us hecause they're JEALOUS. JEALOUS OF OUR BRAINS, OUR LITERACY. I am here to rally the literite, smart 7-11 year olds on FeralHeart to fight back! We need to lead a revolution in our community! We're not all spoiled brats. I read at a collage level and I'm 11. I'm telling you that you MUST FIGHT AGAINST THIS STUPID MINDSET. So gather your wepons. Muster your courage and strength. Prepare to fight for a new era in FeralHeart!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Legend of Korra RP
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:08:01 pm »
We are literite. Current open characters are:

White Lotus Members
Any other characters I may have forgotton ;3;

That's about the scoop. I'm Korra.

Request Maps / Kitty's Maps(Requests=Open)
« on: November 17, 2012, 10:43:31 pm »
Hello. I'm kittycats9, as known on-forum and in-game. I make maps for the heck of it mostly, but now I will do requests. As according to my friends, my maps are beautiful and well-laid out. I don't beleive it as much, but who am I to compare it to others' work? Anyway, here you can request maps from yours truly, Kittycats9. Please give credit when advertising, though, as I would enjoy more people to come here. Here are some elements you will find in a truly KittyCats9 map:

-If you want a forest, you'll get one! No mile-apart trees in a KC9(c) map!
-Rivers, lakes... Oceans, bays? They'll get done.
-Open plains? They're a cinch!
-High-quality, beautiful, lovingly-made scenery and hangouts.

Now that you know what to expect of a KC9(c) map, request it! Look at this signup sheet:

Map Display Name:
Terrain Type(Plain, Forest, Water-feature):
In-depth description of map:

Thanks for visiting this thread! Hope you're satisfied with the map you get from KC9(c) Studios!

*The ability to press a button and enlarge your map, like on WolfQuest. And mark places on the map, as well as leave a trail-like thing. And mark landmarks! Such as Stone Bridge, Stone Stacks, N/Z, etc.
*Drop-down list of characters option. When you roll over the name, it will display the character. Click the char. name to be able to edit, create, etc. This would be really, relly nice for those who have a ton of characters.
*More tails. Canine needs a short tail, like a rabbit or pug/boxer dog has. For felines, maybe a very thick tail? Thicker than the Thick Tail.

Thanks. I hope that these are added!

Request Maps / Warrior Cats Map Requests
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:24:35 am »
Hello! My name is kittycats9, also known as Kitty, Kit, Midna, or Kaylee. Call me any of these. . . AANNNYWAY, back to the original topic: Map requests. So, fill out this form:
Map Name:
In-Game username:
Roleplay name(optional):
#Of Clans(up to 6):
Camp Details:
Territory Detail:

Anyway, I have none currently. Here's the slots:

Hope you enjoy the maps I've made!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Horse Roleplay
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:14:20 pm »

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