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Topics - C.T.

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Welcome to The Tandem Stones

This is a  plot-heavy, OC-driven RP journey based on the Warrior Cats franchise, where you have the ability to control large aspects of the plot. The story of the RP is set in a far away valley (about a 4 day journey from the lake territories that the original four clans reside), and revolves around a group of cats that have been chosen by Starclan to reclaim it.

All the information you need to join can be found here:

Please visit our discord to join:

All throughout the surrounding areas, a select number of cats from different walks of life have been having the same vivid dreams. Many of these cats are from the 4 clans, but a great deal of them are also loners and kittypets. In this roleplay, you will create your own original characters, who have been chosen to follow the special paths that starclan (or whatever your character believes in) has set out for them, and bring order back to Tandem Stones Valley.


The cat didn’t usually have dreams. When it did, the dreams were brief, fleeting, and colourless. This dream was very very different. The cat could smell the fresh rain mingled with the unknown scents of unfamiliar cats. They could feel the cover of dry, damp leaves underpaw as they entered the clearing and the ferns that brushed against their flank. There was a jet black plateau in the middle of the otherwise empty clearing. It was tall, but there were rocks all around it that the cat could easily use to climb up onto it. On top of the plateau were two huge stones, sticking out of the otherwise flat platform like ancient, jagged tree trunks. One stone was an earthy, blood red; the other, a cool, grey-blue. The recent rain shower made the stones glisten in the moonlight. The cat felt very drawn to them.

There was a voice that sounded simultaneously loud and quiet, and it was calling the cat’s name.
“Help us rise again” It whispered… or was it shouting? Hard to tell.
“Where do I find you?” The cat asked.
“The Tandem Stones.” There were lots of voices this time. It sounded like an entire clans worth of voices.

The cat didn’t realise it was dreaming until it woke up. “Who are you?!” It called out into the night. An owl hooted somewhere close by. The cat was relieved to find itself safe in its nest. Just a dream. It thought. It didn’t realise that the dream would come back night after night, calling them back to the place called Tandem Stones. The dream didn’t stop until the cat left its home. The cat journeyed for days on end until they came to the strange clearing with the plateau. Until it reached The Tandem Stones.

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Finished Maps / C.T.'s Map Dump
« on: August 11, 2014, 07:54:06 am »
Hello friendships! :D I have a bunch of my old maps here that are not being used, so I have turned them into public maps for your enjoyment! A few of these I have already posted on DeviantArt (My username is CTMURHUR), but I figured it would be best to post 'em here as well. :) Some of these maps are so old that I can't even. But I didn't want them to go to waist, and I'm sure someone out there can make good use of 'em. ^-^ A lot of these maps were made back in 2013, so it will be fun to see how much I have progressed as a map-maker. xD

The Lost Forest

OK, I believe that this is one of the very first maps that I made. It's not very detailed, but it's not that bad either. I don't think it's Warrior Cat compatible, by which I mean, the camps are not good for Warrior RPs because there are not enough dens, but would be great for any woodland creature RP. I recommend it for groups who don't want to be swimming in lag, and if you like simplicity, then this is the map for you.
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Forest of Ander

Like the previous map, this is one that I made a very long time ago. It's pretty big, slightly more detailed then the one above it, and pretty fun. I don't think it's Warrior Cats compatible. It has a few den sites and loner dens and such.
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Five Clans Of The Lake

This map is when things start to get a little better. It's much more detailed than the previous maps, and was my first ever Warrior Cat's map. As the title suggests, there are five territories, each as different as the next, a gathering island and a lot more detail. I believe that people still use this map for WCs RPs.
Link -->

Land of Creatures

This next one is a little more recent. It's a very large, very detailed map that was intended for a multi-species RP that died as soon as it started (lol). It has a bunch of smaller den sites, as well as a few larger ones for groups.
Link --->'

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