Author Topic: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.  (Read 10458 times)

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2015, 08:01:33 am »

"Happiness is when what you think, what you do, and what you say are in harmony."

Name; Fern
Age; Five years old [5]
Gender; Female, Doe.
What type of Deer; Whitetail deer.

Mate; None, at the moment. Subject to change.
Offspring; None, although she wishes to have some in the future.
Herd; New member of the Meadow Herd, formerly Forest Herd.
Family; She was abandoned as a fawn.

Personality; Not someone to be taken seriously, Fern is full of laughter and jokes. Her lips are almost always pulled up in a smile and her sarcasm is never far away. With her being very optimistic, her lack of seriousness can switch off immediately if in times of trouble. Her playful attitude towards conflict can be seen as annoying, but her talent for combat is not something that should be underestimated.

History (optional)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 09:02:34 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2015, 07:15:04 pm »

"I am strong, because I've been weak. I am fearless, because I've been afraid. And I am wise because I've been foolish."

Name: Sienna
Age: 5 Years
Gender: Cow
What type of Deer: Rocky Mountain Elk

Mate: Subject to change.
Offspring: None at the moment.
Herd: Meadow Herd, rank of Queen.
Family: None at the moment.

She is able to see what is going to happen in the near future, whether it be a few seconds away, or around a year away. She is able to see it. This gives her the ability to stop one running in to the wrong path, or doing something bad if her visions are precise and she is able to do so in time. It has rook her many years to master this power, which means it now comes naturally to her and there seems to be no way in which she is able to block it out.

She is able to summon mostly anything to do with nature. This power gives her the ability to communicate with trees, boulders, flowers and even the odd animal on occasions. Although this isn't her first power, this is one she has more control over. Having this power allows her to summon boulders from anywhere, cause grass to grow, trees and even vines. This power can be used to her advantage, even if it isn't the most 'fancy' one there is, she has her ways.

Sub Powers:
This is one of her less used powers, however one of her more powerful ones. As she is able to see in to the future, she is able to see what is going to happen. Therefore, being able to get in to ones mind and being able to talk them out of things is only something she'll do in a serious situation. This is one of her more mastered powers, but it pushed towards the back of her head often. This power will allow her to communicate with one if they're a distance apart. She is able to hear them speak, although they won't have this power, she can still communicate with them. Got this from her mother.

Mind Control
This is a power which was passed on from her father. Even though she is aware she has this power, she is also somewhat unaware. Like her father, she's able to master this power immediately, and what she can do with it is very effective. She can stop one or make one do this, unless something prevents her from controlling ones mind. With all her powers, something acts as a weakness which prevents her from using the power. This power also is only used unless it is needed.

Her sub-powers are powers which have been passed on through generations of her family. Being more of a 'Royal' member gives her the ability to have more than two powers. However, the sub-powers aren't used unless needed. Her main powers are ones which she has mastered herself and uses on a regular basis.

Personality: Sienna is a rather laid back deer, who doesn't often show her angered side too much. She's always willing to help one out should they seek her for advice/help on anything. A great listener she is. Although she comes across as very wise and sensible, she can also come across as relatively playful towards younger members of the herd, but very caring towards all. However, despite her relaxed side, Sienna can be rather stern towards most, and rather dominant at that. She is no push over, and will stand up for herself, the herd and what she believes in. Don't let her fool you. Si isn't afraid to hold her ground, showing her more stubborn side. and she isn't afraid to show her more angered side when the time is right. Sienna has a good sense of humour, and doesn't seem to take things too seriously, unless need be. A true loyal and protective member of the herd.
History: Will be added as the roleplay progresses.

(I hope you don't mind that I used this from an rp which I was in a long time ago. If you're wishing to wait until a Queen is selected, I'm more than happy to change my rank.
Also, I was wondering if it was ok that I have more than 2 powers? Just with her being of a higher rank, like your character, I assumed it'd be alright. Of course if not I'd be more than happy to change it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 03:28:49 pm by Taylor »
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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2015, 08:51:39 pm »
Still accepting?

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2015, 01:17:47 pm »
Sorry for not replying in a while! I updated all the pages, too!)

Yes we are still accepting! We will start rping any time now :3

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2015, 09:20:28 pm »


"I am strong, because I've been weak. I am fearless, because I've been afraid. And I am wise because I've been foolish."

The cow had woke from her slumber not too long a go, a bad dream seeming to be the cause. Although, the Queen knew this wasn't one of her visions, as they'd come regularly, and she'd had them for years. Her powers seeming to drown out the worst of it, she'd still receive the short nightmares. One which she remembered as being chased through the forest, by something she couldn't make out. This thing was powerful, and would often target her. Yellow glowing eyes, dark coated and horrid grey antlers. However, something was strange about this creature. It was faceless. These nightmares weren't anything of the unordinary, and Sienna had been use to them for quite some time. Sienna would simply push the dreams aside, though, seeing as they weren't too important, and just her imagination running wild. When would there ever be dark pelted, faceless deer running around the forest? Never. She knew she was safe, and the herd was too. Despite her ability to stop these dreams, she'd let them run. Scenarios and scenery of the forest would often change, as well as some things being added or taken away. She was yet to get to the end of this dream, and was reluctant to officially brush it aside until this time came.

Slowly peeling her lids apart, the lass would remain silent, casting her gaze over the floor of the meadow. It appeared to be early hours, and everything seemed relatively quiet, apart from the creatures which would stir in their slumbers. Allowing a smile to curl at her lips, Sienna would gently pull her legs from under her, and push her heavy frame off of the ground. Quickly regaining her hoofing, before taking a few strides forward. To prevent herself from injuring her legs, the Queen would walk in small circles, pacing back and forth quietly and slowly, stretching out her long, slender yet strong legs. The tightness in her legs had now vanished, and the small walk had woken her up a lot more than she had previously been. Flicking her ears out, the female elk would cast her gaze over the lands once more. The grass was still, barely a breeze blew through it, now did anything stalk through the long shreds. The trees didn't seem to sway either, but the birds had begun their usual morning song. Singing the herd awake with their soft, mellow tunes of the morning. Getting louder as the sky grew lighter. The sky would cast a pink ish glow across the meadow, making everything look a lot more beautiful. It was always a beautiful site early in the mornings. And very peaceful indeed.

Taking more quiet steps forward, Sienna would soon stop once more. Puffing out her chest, the Queen would cast her chocolate gaze over the herd whom rested near by. Contempt looks on their faces, this bringing a smile to hers. It was always nice to be the first awake. As she assumed anyways. This time of day was most peaceful, and the only time which allowed her to put her powers to rest. Her energy needing to be saved for when the members, and the foal/fawns woke. Turning her attention on to the distant lands, she'd simply nod her head in satisfaction at its sheer beauty. This free time allowed her freedom and relaxation, and she'd abuse these advantages. Craning her neck, the higher rank would keep her dominant stance, whilst devouring the long, tasty shreds which tickled at her legs. Her small, stumped tail flicking out behind her as she went with her morning graze.
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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2015, 10:20:32 pm »
Hmm. I would consider checking your group out~ It sounds interesting

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2015, 10:35:46 pm »
OOO, I love deer role-plays, yet sadly I never make my self join any forum role plays.. Maybe I will? haha, anyway, love what you guys have done! Keep it up.
pm for free art i need practice

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2015, 12:02:41 am »
Mein gott.Must join nao! I love this!

Marching out of time, to my own beat, now.

Seir (pronounced: Sayur)

2 Years | Buck
Piebald Whitetail Deer

Mate: None- subject to change
Offspring: none
Herd: Meadow Herd
Rank: Messenger
 Does not know biological parents

Antler size:
 3x3 *Self conscious huff*

Seir is a very playful, care-free young male. His favorite past times are fooling around and exploring. While he still behaves immaturely for the most part, when it comes to herd life and his duty as a messenger, he can get serious very quickly. Being only fresh out of yearling-hood, Seir is a child a heart. Trouble is always quick to follow him, as he has quite a curious nose which often leads to mischief. Despite his flaws as a silly, sometimes immature buck, he has a very big heart, and hates to see injustice or others in pain. He's still a bit of a loose cannon, and a diligent, yet easily distracted mind. He works hard, with great determination, to gain full control of his powers. Though he was born with it, fire is one he actually struggles with the most- and his mishaps during his self-taught training often leads to burnt fur and irritated herd-members.

 Much of Seir's history is a mystery, even to himself. As a mere fawn, he was found by his current herd alone in the woods with no signs of any other deer near him. He considers the Meadow herd to be his family, as he has known little else.

Seir inherited the power over flame. Currently, he only has a full grasp on heating his extremities and creating your occasional fire ball with his hooves. He works constantly, and is very tough on himself to master this naturally gifted ability.

His secondary power is air. This one is easily obvious due to his swift and speedy nature. He has not yet worked much with this power, other than using it to make swift getaways. At the moment, it is more of a tool to show off his speed and agility to his peers. He is focusing at the moment on fire.

[[holy crap huge picture. I'll edit that down. XD
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 12:18:01 am by Jackkdaw »
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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2015, 02:27:20 am »
I'll join soon!))

Offline Conicalcite

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Re: .:Antlers to the Sun:.Fantasy Deer RP.:Open and Accepting:.
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2015, 11:06:32 pm »

"And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all!"

Name- Atbash
Surname (wanted him to have one)- Cipher (referring to the Atbash Cipher)
Age- 1 year 9 months
Gender- Male
Type of deer- White-tailed
Mate- None
Offspring- None
Herd- The Forest Herd
Family- The universe None
Antler Size- Tiny.
Personality- Arrogant and smart, Atbash uses his skinny frame to outrun. Mischievous, impish, and knavish (Use a dictionary, please!).
History- Atbash was a descendant of the most evil deer who ran in the streets. They adapted to hiding in dumps, being driven from their swamp. Atbash learned about this, and was descended from the Forest herd.

WIP (Cause I feel so bad others have better forms than me).

« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 11:09:02 pm by Conicalcite »
Formerly Yelli!