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Topics - Sarogon

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Bx...I've been busy..
« on: May 26, 2013, 07:30:22 pm »

BL School is finally out an' Stubby is free...
->Week an a half<- before Mother dearest sends me off to a six week college camp :'C
What can I say studies /are/ important..
Well anyway, I'll be hanging about for a bit while I await yet another stream of homework and classes. Soo yeah. ^^
I hope to see some of you out an about some before I have to leave again.

Ask Me / For The Curious Ones
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:27:47 am »

Member Bio & Journals / Stubby's Notebook
« on: November 23, 2012, 06:16:45 pm »

Entry One : The Introduction
Hello outside world,
Stubby/Alister here writing to you from the small country side of Uk.
I'm a 15 year old kid with an insane fan-derp addiction to FullMetalAlchemist o,o heh,
I also enjoy the bands: Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Skillet, uh and that other one I can't remember the name of at the moment, and many more =^.^=.
I love writing and being on the forum; hiding away from my siblings in my room e,e.. and eating, no I am not fat. I'm one of those kids that can eat a ton and not gain an ouce; v.v Which isn't fair because I'm trying to grow. TT^TT vertical wise.
I play the Clavinova Yamaha ^3^ ~Google et~ and the violin.
I have a wolf hybrid named Brigs, and a black cat named Charles <3 I love them dearly.
I don't have any friend of which I could list yet, but I'm hoping to make a few soon.
   I almost forgot to mention; I go by the following names: Stub, Stubby, StubTail, LilMits <--- >.>, Recon,and Alister/Al <-- Love et. =^.^=
Watch this if you feel as though your life is not yet complete, if you feel your life is complete..still watch it.

Entry Two: The Icon
^^ I just love the new Icon It took forever to find e.e
But it was worth the search, I mean I was happy with the human Ed, but this IS FeralHeart =^.^=
I really wanted to find a canine/feline Ed which was hard because I was looking for one with a black background and an epic well drawn form.

Introduction / (?^.^)??-confetti- Stubby's Grand Introduction
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:48:24 am »

Pages: [1]