Author Topic: ~Tyzerah~  (Read 1949 times)


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« on: February 26, 2011, 05:49:19 am »
My Current Characters:

Species:Lion Spirit/Godess
Cubs:None ( wanting 1 when has mate)
Mate:None (currently lookiing for one)
Age:3 Years
Story: Her pride was killed by poachers a weel after she was born, still blind. She was the only survivor and the spirits of
her pride helped her through her current life. There is a rumor saying she has a sister who had survived the attack..
She currently looks for that female while keeping an eye out for herself. She hunts usually alone. No one notices her
and probably wont for a while. She was attacked by poacher once again a month ago, she managed ti run away
but the other lions around her thought she was a wimp, not fighting back the humans. Today she hunts her own prey
is searching for a mate, and trying to keep her life stable all at once.

Picture: (if not shows up it will be there later lol)

« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 05:50:55 am by Taylor »