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Topics - TheChillFangirl

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Member Bio & Journals / Tali's (New) Bio!
« on: July 08, 2018, 01:10:21 am »

I thought with my return should be a little update on who I've become since I've been here last.

First and foremost, I'm now a junior in high school (rather than an 8th grader (wow it's been a while)), and I'm a percussion section leader in my marching band!  I play a marimba, which is kind of like a xylophone.  I'll be joining the most prestigious concert band my school has to offer this fall.  Music is very important to me, and I love almost all forms of it, marching arts, concert music, pop, rock, and more.  It's always been a part of my life!

I still love the show Sherlock (even though season four was a thing), and I still love Marvel movies (I still can't get over Infinity War omggg).  I've also found and loved Youtubers like Markiplier and Crankgameplays and such.  I even went to a Markiplier tour show, which was amazing!!  I also watch Netflix and other normal teenager things too haha.

My family life has been rough, and I've been dealing with some mental health issues.  While they are the common issues of depression and anxiety, it's still been rough.  Even though my family hasn't been totally supportive, I'm still fighting my way through it, and I think I'm doing pretty well right now!  If any of you need to talk about anything, feel free to talk to me!  My DMs are always open :)

Recently, I've found the furry fandom, which I suppose is another reason as to why I came back.  When I was on here before, I had no clue what a furry was, nor did I realize that I kinda was one.  I just liked the idea of roleplaying as animals.  Now that I've found the fandom, it's really made me realize that I've been a furry for a while, but just didn't realize it.  I think it's pretty awesome, honestly lol.

I think that's pretty much it for me right now!  I might modify this if I forgot something haha.  I'm always open to talking to people, so don't be afraid to shoot me a message!  I might not be able to reply right away, but I will definitely reply, don't worry!

Have a wonderful day!

Introduction / Wow, it's been a while!
« on: July 07, 2018, 02:53:03 am »
Well hello everyone!

It's been such a long time since I've been on here - I looked, 2015 was the last time I made a post!  I was in 8th grade then, and now I'm ready to start my junior year of high school! Heck where did time go??  I have many reasons for being inactive, but the biggest was that I had my desktop (where I had the game downloaded) taken out of my room, and I wasn't able to get on for such a long time.  I can't wait to see how cringey my characters are haha.  I honestly would love to get back into this!  I've recently started exploring things like furs and suiters and all that, and it's really just increased my interest and love for this game.  I'd love to start to talk to people again, and I'm so so sooooo glad to be back! I'm still a Marvel and Sherlock stan, but now I'm a Youtube and suiter stan too (man I wish I could've gone to anthrocon this year).  I'd love to talk to all of you again!

Oh also, I'm gonna call myself Tali now.  Feels more mature.

See you all soon!

Praise / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2015, 11:08:42 pm »
Hey guys!

So, to those of you who celebrate it-  Merry Christmas!

To those of you who don't-  Happy December 25th!

This is my first Christmas here with FeralHeart, and I just wanna say, you guys have been (and still are!) amazing.  You welcomed me with open arms, and celebrated my weirdness.  I know I'm not very well known, but that's a new resolution that I'm making up right now- to make myself a little more known than I am now. :)  I know I'm not on the game a lot, but that's because I have life, and school, and band, and all three of those things take up a lot of time in my life (trust me- as Band President *fancy fanfare plays* there's a lot to do to take care of 100+ band kids, and homework keeps me up until midnight (and I'm only in 8th grade- I am not ready for high school  :-\)), so I apologize for the inactivity.  But I will most likely be on the forums more, so that's good, right?

But, you guys are great.  You're funny, nice, and you provide a lot of fun when I need it.  (To be honest, you also provide a good amount of drama too  :D :D :D)  You answer my questions, and you let me into your groups.  Not only do I find fellow Floofy Floofs, but I also find Phan Floofs, Sherlockian Floofs, Marvel Floofs, and even more.  That gives me a heck of a lot more people to connect to.  So I thank you all for that.

To the lovely staffys who work here:  Thank you so much for everything that you do.  You patrol this site very well, making sure that people are doing appropriate things, following the rules, and making sure that disputes are resolved or dissolved quickly, swiftly, and with a good outcome.  You improve this game so much, source code or no source code, just by you guys being here.  You keep everything in order, and you keep everyone happy and healthy, even yourselves.  You're all just so great, and I don't think that we (the players) give you guys enough credit.  I mean, come on.  The system had a hack in it, people took advantage of it and messed around with the game and people's stuff, and you guys had to take the game down.  But then, you cleared out the hack and got the game back up (with added security measures too!) within a day.  A DAY.  That, to me, reveals your hidden superhuman powers that only you guys possess.  And I thank you for that.

This is long, I know, but I felt like it needed to be done.  Thanks for reading this!

Merry Christmas!


Discussion Board / Help me convince my parents to get me a Tumblr!
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:10:21 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I've been asking for a Tumblr account (yes.  I don't have a Tumblr.), and I'm asking for one for Christmas.  But my parents want to know, Why would you ever need a Tumblr??? What will you do with it???  Is it safe??? and so on.  I am terrible with coming up with reasons, and I really want a Tumblr, so could you guys help?


Also.  It seems kinda weird, because my brother has one, and he has an Instagram and a Snapchat too, and all I have is this and QuizUp (and these don't really count in my opinion because they're technically not social media platforms).  I dunno.  Parents are weird.  And protective.  And that's fantabulous.


Ask Me / You can ask me questions if you like!
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:37:08 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I know I'm not big or popular *looks to the fabulous floofy mods*  *looks to MOTS winners*  *looks to literally everyone but me*, but you guys can ask me anything you like!  But be warned; I may say, "I prefer not to answer that", or "I'd rather not say", or things like that.  *pounds fist on table*  * acts official*  I reserve the right to do that!  But other than that, have fun. :)



Discussion Board / Is it okay that...?
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:30:10 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I know that it's only a day or two into Christmas Break, but is it okay that I'm already like hardcore missing my band director?


I am a huge band geek and my band director is literally one the the best people I know.  He's always happy, he always has good advice, he always has a smile on his face, and he loves music and teaching. (there is so much more that I could say about him but I don't wanna put you to sleep)  He and I are close, and I pulled the (higher) band together (there's two bands; the higher one is smaller, so it was easier (it was last minute (shut up))) to get him a Christmas gift (nice things about him/band written by the kids put into a Christmas tin), and he loved it.  It made me feel really happy, and I already miss going into band class and seeing his bubbly persona and its only FREAKING MONDAY AND I HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT OH LORDY LORD.

So, is that okay?

Also, I have no clue how I'm gonna get through the end of the year.  I will be going to the high school and my fabulous band director only teaches middle school. GAH :'(



Discussion Board / Dan and Phil, Anyone?
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:51:27 pm »
Hey guys!

So, does anyone here know who Dan and Phil are (also known as danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil)?

If so,


(b) So how didja like Phil is not on fire 7?!?

(c) The cat whiskers come from within.

If you don't,


(b) You can go watch some of Dan's videos by clicking here, some of Phil's videos by clicking here, or some Dan and Phil Games videos by clicking here.

(c) Good luck :)

If you go watch some Dan and Phil videos for the first time, come back and tell me: Did you like them?



Discussion Board / Marching Band?
« on: September 13, 2015, 02:08:50 am »
Anyone here like marching band/DCI?

If you don't know what DCI is, it's "Marching Music's Major League", where a bunch of marching ensembles consisting of brass, percussion, and color guard (no woodwinds) compete against each other each year.  It's super cool.

Marching band fans: ARE YOU READY TO BAND?!?!

DCI fans: Who did you like this past year (2015)?  I LOVED Carolina Crown :D

Love <3


Game Suggestions & Ideas / I has an idea
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:00:37 pm »
First of all, if this is in the wrong place, I'm sorry. I think it's right, but just in case :).

Okay. Here's my big idea. Are you ready for it? I don't think you are.

How about we put in a thing where you can search for characters that aren't on your friends list (i.e., searching "alpha" to find a potential pack (just talkin' about wolves lol)) that are in the game/in your area (i.e. Bonfire Island)?

Yes. I believe this should happen.


Have a flooftastic day, my fellow floofs!


Game Help / How to...?
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:17:00 pm »

As I have stated many times before, I am not experienced at all when it come to roleplaying or online games or forums or whatnot (FeralHeart is my first experience with any of it), and I was just wondering about something from the game.

I have been trying to write bios for my characters.  After I wrote the bios and went in game, I started to wonder how people see the bios or whisper people or send friend requests or whatnot.

Can anybody help with this? I'd really like to know so I can start to see people's bios for their characters.


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