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Messages - Sunpaw

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Discussion Board / Re: Weirdest thing you ever did in school?
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:35:10 pm »
Probably the weirdest thing I've done was crawling across the classroom like an inchworm. The second strangest thing was when I took one of those small, cheap chairs, faced the opposite way in it, and moved my body back and forth to get it to slowly scoot around the classroom. My friend did the same thing, and we had a chair race.

Discussion Board / Re: What is Mary-Sue/Gary-Sue?
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:39:43 pm »
Let me give an example of a Mary-Sue

Name: Ebony Princess Firehowl Bloodmoon Sakura-Chan Naruto Toshiba Desu Kawaii YOLO Starlight Twinkle Baka
Age: Ageless and immortal but looks 16
Species: Wolf/tiger/lion/vampire/werewolf/dragon/goddess/nuclear-power-plant/shapeshifter/demon/angel

Description: Ebony Firehowl is beautiful and perfect in every way. She has long, silky golden hair and bright eyes that change color with her mood but usually they are rainbow colored. She killed her parents and ran away because they didn't accept her for being a bisexual straight person. She has ADD, ADHD, is Bipolar and has Autism, and schizophrenia lololol she so cray-cray insane. Totes cray-cray insaaaane!!1 Everyone luvs her. After runninginging away from her house she fell in love with Tarzan. She and Tarzan got married, but Tarzan cheated on Ebony Firehowl with Shadow the Hedgehog. Ebony was a depressions. Ebony ran away and had children with Balto, and liveded happily ever after because everyone luv her lols. Ebony is sooper skinny and her bewbs r huuge and she is a perfeckts. She only lestens to Skrellix becuz onlee skrillecks can maek dabstep. Oh and her father is Satan and her mother is Britney Spears. She is goffick and emo and ttlly hardkoor and has scene haire and she only wears Blood On the Dancefloor shirts and will only shop at hot topic only becuz preps r srsly stoopid. She has a pet dragon! she donats monies to sayv the wolfs.

Ebony Firehowl + Balto = luv 5ever liek dis if you crey everytiem

...Why did I write all this. Please don't take it seriously, I just... I just HAD to.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: [New added manes? ~ Sibb]
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:38:35 pm »
I love this idea! I want the biggest,  poofiest scene mane for my dumb sparkledog characters lol.

Discussion Board / Re: Whats your favorite music genre/band?
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:10:27 pm »
(Dubstep) Rusko, Caspa, Chrispy, Skream, NiT GriT, Mt. Eden, Modestep, Dubba Jonny, Excision, Downlink, Borgore, DatsiK, Dubsidia, Noisia, Vaski, Ajapai, Cyberoptix, Poseidon, Arkasia, Ry Legit, Figure, Pride,  to name a few. I listen to techno, trance, speedcore, drum and bass, gabber, schranz, and hardstyle also.

Game Discussion / Re: Items in the next patch
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:50:05 pm »
I would love to see different colored collars, harnesses (For all those sled dog characters I see).

No problem ^^ I have trouble trying to.... fffffff how do I put it. Make words sound right.

No, I wasn't talking about you. When I mentioned people pulling facts out of no where, I was talking about people who create false statistics and try to use them in an argument.
Example: "Wolves never attack livestock"
Example: "There's only 1,000 gray wolves left in the wild"

And for the Sarah Palin thing, I've seen way too many videos, pictures, discussions, made by people saying "Sarah Palin is evil for shooting wolves, she's the biggest wolf killer, bla bla etc." I actually don't like politics (Let's not go into that, though).

And God-like animals. People of all sorts of different cultures do idolize the wolf, I know this. I'm not talking about a spiritual thing or something. I'm talking about people that take a wild animal and say it shouldn't be killed, and that humans should. People that would choose the life of a wolf over a human's life. In fact, I actually agreed with your posts. :/

I love you so much for making this thread, and I too love all wolves. I just can't stand the fanbase that tries to make them these god-like animals whose lives are more valuable, and are superior to the "evil" humans. Even worse, is when they pull facts out of no where. I'm going to lose my mind if someone comes in here screaming about Sarah Palin and starts saying "SAVE THE WOLFS".

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Searching for meshes!
« on: February 04, 2012, 08:59:26 pm »
Yes, they are! Thank you so much!

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Coming Soon- Ringo and Delay's Item Pack!
« on: February 04, 2012, 08:55:17 pm »
I love this! I can't wait to make lions with antlers.

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