Author Topic: |:| Planet Setera |:| Horror |:| Aliens|:| Rated M |:| Age Restricted |:| Open  (Read 10714 times)

Offline WolfBrother

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« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:51:05 am by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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Feel free to skip. This just gives you a brief summary of the locations that will be explored through Rp


Name: Setera Mors
Size: 15,299 miles (24,622 km)
Population: Unknown
Status: Unknown, Potential Danger

Crash Site
This is where the Nowoga Space Station crashed on the planet Setera Mors. As you can see the surface is covered in ash and rocks. The trees located at this site are all dead, and the air here is harder to breath than normal. As you can see. the ground as large cracks about, the green light coming out of the hole is poison. If you happen to fall in, touch, or drink it, your heart will began to swell and will soon explode in your chest. This poison can be found through out the surface of Setera, so be careful.
Threats: Poison and Jurgals
Shelter:   Nowoga Space Station
Food Sources:  No sources, other than what survived from the crash
Water Sources:  No sources, other than what survived from the crash
Danger Level:  5/10

Setera Cliffs
These are the cliffs, they are home to many of the creatures that can pose a threat to you and your mates. The cliffs are located south of the crash site and through a small fraction of the forest. You may find small rivers and streams that flow through the cliffs below, as well as a few waterfalls. But be careful, that's where danger tends to lurk.
Threats: Jurgals, Lizogars, Haskos, and Globbians
Shelter:   There are a few wholes in some of the massive tree trunks, however I wouldn't call them shelters
Food Sources:   Yes, there are plenty of food sources located within the Cliffs. Howeverm just because something looks nice and tasty doesn't mean it's not deadly. Be cautious.
Water Sources:  Yes, small fresh water streams and rivers can be found throughout the Cliffs. But be careful, fishes tend to bite.
Danger Level:  7/10

Setera Forest
((Ignore tiny people))
The Setera Forest is one of the few locations that will provide every need you will need throughout you're journey. However, it consists of many dangers and  requires you to be on alert at all times. In early mornings you will need to be on a higher alert, for Lorkgans often hunt at these times.

Threats: Jurgals, Lizogars, Haskos, Lorkgans, and Globbians
Shelter:   There are a few wholes in some of the massive tree trunks, however I wouldn't call them shelters. The large vines that wrap around the massive tress allow you to climb up. The large branches provide protection from most threats, and can come in handy at times.
Food Sources:   Yes, there are plenty of food sources located within the forest. However just because something looks nice and tasty doesn't mean it's not deadly. Be cautious.
Water Sources:  Yes, small fresh water streams and rivers can be found throughout the forest. There is also a small lake (like seen above) with a waterfall flowing into it, it can be found near the center of the forest. But be careful, fishes tend to bite.
Danger Level:  6/10

Here is where the Lorkgans call home, they live within huts and caves located in the stone walls. They travel in ships, as seen above, and tend to stay on the move a lot if food becomes to scarce. Azaorn is located on the opposite side of the Setera Cliffs, however, to should still be cautious.
Threats: Lorkgans and Jurgals
Shelter:   Not for humans
Food Sources:   No sources
Water Sources:  No sources
Danger Level:  10/10
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 12:39:25 am by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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Setera Creatures



Lorkgans are as close to as a human Setera has. They walk on two legs, movable two arms. They are high advanced in technology and highly intelligent species, with operating machines, ships, and guns. You will most likely never see one Lorkgan by itself, they travel in groups of at least four. Lorkgans tend to stay near their own territory, and are sometimes accompanied by Jurgals that act on their command.
Danger Level: 10/10


Jurgals are highly dangerous. With heighten senses and fast mobility, they are one of the most vicious creatures on the planet of Setera. They live mostly in the dead areas, but can be found in the outskirts of the forest at times, possibly the cliffs too. You can see several Jurgals accompanying a Lorkgan as if it were a pet. They grow within 5 days of birth into a visous killer, and if possibly found as a pup, a Jurgal can make one hell of a pet.  
Danger Level: 9.5/10
Tamable: Yes, if found as a pup. However, it is nearly unlikely a mother Jurgal would leave it's pups behind. Also, if tamed, a Jurgal is only loyal to one master.


Lizogars are like raptors, they are fast on their feet and are vicious meat eaters. However, they have a terrible vision, (Like a T-rex), you can only be seen by movement.
Danger Level: 9.8/10
Tamable: No


Haskos are the least vicious of all the creatures on Setera. They are like cats, tend to pop up out of nowhere, however they are completely harmless. You will see them travel in small groups, and possibly may follow you from here to there.
Danger Level: 1/10
Tamable: No, just like a cat I said.

They are just like monkeys, except hairless and more uglier. However, the only real threat they have is throwing things at you, or biting. Nothing too vicious. Some even tend to mock you.
Danger Level: 3/10
Tamable: Yes, if you give a Globbian bananas they tend to be more friendly.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:19:45 am by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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* No Godmodding, Powerplaying, Etc
* This is a mature Rp, so cursing is allowed and so is sexual content, don't go overboard though!
* Each post must be at least a paragraph (5 Sentences) and please try to be as literate as possible. No text talk.
* If you wish to make any plot twists or major events, message me first, please.
* No bullying, harassment, etc. If I see or hear about it I will deal with it.
* There will be a post order. You have FIVE days to post when it is your turn, if you fail to do so we will move on without you. And it will be YOUR job to read and catch up on the Rp, I'm not your parent; if you're old enough to join this Rp then you are old enough to read and fill yourself in. Also, if you miss your deadline then you must wait until it becomes your turn again.
* Your 5 days to post will start the next day after the person before you posted.
* You will be only be granted three strikes for post missing, after your third time missing you're deadline, you will be removed. Unless you have a serious excuse on why you couldn't post.

Things to know
* You are always being watched by something. So, watch you back.
* Be careful of brown mushrooms with 4 white dots. They are deadly. 5 dot ones are fine.
* If you happen to come in contact with the green poison, you have two days until you die.
* Lorkgans hunt in the mornings, be careful. They kill anything.

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« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:36:17 am by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 08:11:44 pm by Wolfbrother »

Offline WolfBrother

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Information Board

Update: The Nogowa has just crashed onto Setera. You are currently still dealing with the whiplash of the crash and are a tad bit delusional. Once you regain your senses, you are searching for survivors of the crash. Once everyone is The You search for supplies, food, water, weapons, anything to survive.

Threats: Jurgals and Lizogars
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:48:45 am by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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Cody Martin
"Be careful who you share your weaknesses with, some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against you"

Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Description: Standing at a height of 6' 1", Cody is rather tall with a lean body shape and some body muscle. Cody has a slight tan to his somewhat pale skin and silky light brown hair that is kept short. His eyes are a deep blueish-gray and almond shaped. His apparel is usually casual and consists of your typical t-shirts, tank tops, cargo pants, jeans, etc. He leans towards the comfortable clothing.
*Cautious: Cody is someone who wont easily approach an individual, not unless he is comfortable around you. He's not one to take risks, not when it comes to his own sanity.
*Detached: He stands alone, yes, he is the boy you will see standing in the corner eating his lunch out of a bag in the lunchroom. Which also makes him quiet and tends to not post his opinion on something.
*Distinctive: When it comes to childhood, it is a sensitive subject.
*Passionate: If he loves you, he wont be afraid to show it.
*Outgoing: If you happen to take the time to get to know him, you'll see he's as crazy and creative as they come.
*Polite Goes without saying.

History: Growing up wasn't easy for Cody, his father was an officer in the United States Marines, which meant Cody had harsh and strict living policies. If he didn't live up to his father's expectations, he would usually ended up with a whipping across his bare back. His father was a drunk, and his mother was someone who just put up with it; with her husband laying his hands on her and her son, she sat back and watched her son take beatings from the man she once loved. By the age of eleven, Cody's father drop him off at a military school without a single word. 3 years later, he returned home, back to the lifestyle he oh so loved [note the sarcasm]. Fast forward a few more years, a few more years of beatings, of the torture, the fear, and he's here.
Relationships: None as of this moment. But will come close to his fellow mates soon, hopefully.
* Has military experience, knows how to handle weapons
* Protective
* Loyal

* Quiet, could be seen as weakness
* Detached
* Blue eyes
* Death
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 02:33:13 pm by Pyrik »

Offline WolfBrother

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Is now open to applicants. :)

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Amanda Vine
"You act like it's you against the world. But in reality, it's just you against yourself."

Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Description: Amanda has a beautiful heart shaped face complimented with piercing baby blue eyes, full lips and dimpled smile. She has a curvaceous frame with slim, shapely legs. Her golden blonde hair was long; she cut it short before  leaving on the Nowoga. Her skin is light with a milk and rose complexion which sums up her innocent and playful personality.
Personality: Amanda can be sweet, but for the most part, she will say it how it is. She sure as hell isn't afraid of the truth. She is a little boy crazy, and for the most part, she knows how to get them boys wrapped around her finger. She seeks the truth. Amanda is daring, brave, and courageous young woman, and isn't afraid to out do the guys, she can hold her own.
History (optional): ((Post maybe later))
Relations: Hopes to become close friends with some of her fellow survivalists.
* Fashion and Beauty
* Her humor
* Easy going with people, tends to lighten the mood when it is needed


* Boys
* Shoes
* Beauty products
* Dying
* Friends
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 02:59:17 am by SereneHope »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

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Lisa Gray

"I am what I am, and the best is yet to come from me."

Age:: Eighteen
Gender:: Female
Description:: Lisa has a small, oval shaped head. Straight bottle blonde hair cascades down from her head, stopped just past her shoulders. She has hazel eyes, flecks of gold and green appearing throughout them. She shaves all of her body except those that are on her face and keeps herself very well groomed. Her build is small, she stands in at 5'1 and only weighs about 100 pounds. She wears what she feels like and may go from bold makeup and faux leather jackets one day to neutral makeup and frills and brightly colored dresses. Sometimes she doesn't care and will walk around with no makeup wearing a sweatshirt with pajama pants.
Quirky: Lisa can characterized as peculiar, she has many unexpected traits. She is a bit strange and unconventional, but somehow ends up being interesting and somewhat charming. Lisa will make inappropriate comments about serious comments and laugh at anything. All in all she is very weird, but to her it doesn't matter.
Outgoing: Lisa is very friendly. To her, everyone is a friend until they have wronged her. She is socially confident, any situation is easily conquered by her. She loves being around people, cherishes it, craves it. Without social contact she becomes very depressed, isolation is a terrible feelings for her. She's not afraid of it, but her social nature makes it hard for her to be alone.
Imaginative: Lisa is very creative. Her talent is few, she can hardly draw a stick figure let alone a portrait. But she has ideas. Her mind wanders far and wide and she can often be found daydreaming. She can spend hours just sitting and thinking. Lisa can sit for hours at time just lost in her thoughts. Her mind is a tool, but it easily puts her in the way danger.

History:: Will be done later, probably.
Relations:: Nobody close, at the moment. She's been chatting with everyone and is hoping to become friends soon.
-She thinks things through with ease
-Skilled in the art of being social
-Works well with a team

-Hates being alone for long periods of time
-Lack of knowledge about weapons
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 05:40:31 am by Libertea »