Author Topic: Looking for users wo do private item commissions!(will pay)  (Read 1200 times)

Offline Vidathelion

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Looking for users wo do private item commissions!(will pay)
« on: August 21, 2018, 09:31:46 am »
((I have no idea if this is the right section to post this as I could not find a 'seeking services' section... If its wrong my apologies and please move it to the right one! Thanks!)
Looking for a user who can do private item commissions! (prefer private if I'm buying it lol)
Made this post here-

But just encase some peeps don't wanna go read a separate post I'll copy paste the important stuff..

Essentially I'm looking for a elephant nose and ear, separate items. Generic elephant colored texture, I can re-texture it to match the specific OC.
Mock up here

Prefer if the trunk was much larger, same for the ears(as I realize they're a bit small). Trunk be curled like that. I imagine the trunk would 'attach' to the UPPER muzzle/lip of the feline(I would use feline model) and leave the bottom jaw free. Ears attach to the side of the head.

I'd like the Elephant prey mesh to be used(just the trunk WITHOUT TUSKS and the ears)
Would anyone be willing to crop them for me? I know traditionally private items are meshes original made by the people paying, but I really like the look of prey items mesh there. I'd still pay you of course for your service!
That is unless you can make a way more impressive and less... stiff? Elephant nose and ears! I'd love to see examples first, I know some people are good at say rocks but not at other things. I'd love to see examples though, if someone could make them more realistic that be amazing.

I"m not sure the prices of these things, but I can offer DeviantART points or art, or both.
Lemme know if anyone's interested!