Author Topic: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]  (Read 36172 times)

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2014, 01:10:39 am »
Carlos walked down the hall, humming happily to himself when he felt a sharp jab in his side. "Agh!" Groaning, he turned to see a larger boy standing over him, laughing. "Hey, hopefully you don't cry this time!" he chuckled, but was suddenly shoved away. Ingi had seen the entire thing, and growling angrily, she shoved him to the wall and put her forearm against his throat. "I suggest you leave him alone before I turn your mouth sideways," she huffed, and after letting him go she walked to her brother. "You 'kay?" she asked. "Uh, yeah! Thanks," Carlos said. "I have to hurry to class, bye!" He took off down the hall. (-kinda terrible first post-)

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2014, 04:54:39 pm »

Charlotte Black

Charlotte had only been in the school for a short while and already she was sick, for her Monday's were the worst. After a weekend of either work or partying she would come back to school completely exhausted and often rather grouchy towards anyone who approached her; it was a usual thing so no one took it to heart when she done so. It had been around 10 minutes into the school day and it had already seemed like forever; just a few more hours to go and then she could romp around the forest freely, as she sometime's done after a hard day at school. Despite only being in school for a short period of time the corridors had already begun filling up with handfuls of annoying younger people, who would mess around in the corridors, along with some of the jerks from her year. However, she wasn't going to let those stupid little things annoy her, the faster she got thing's done and the less argument's and drama she stayed out of, hopefully the day would finish faster. Lessons were yet to start and this was more like a social time for the students, to meet up with friends or to get their book's and other equipment sorted before going to a lesson; sadly, it wasn't enough time to catch up on any sleep. Not like there is anywhere she would be able to anyway's.

As the dark haired female pushed her way through the crowds she twisted her face a little, feeling rather uneasy as the loud noises echoed into her ears causing her to grunt and groan; something she would often do, but this was what she tried not to do, it made her seem more wolf like and maybe she would be figured out. Shaking her head she ran her hand through her hair and began now physically shoving herself through the halls, moving people out of her way so she could pass; sick of feeling like a ping pong ball when walking through the corridors. Allowing her mouth to part in a yawn she lifted her hand quickly to hide her fangs; unlike most people, her fang's are a lot sharper than the average humans, even when in human form. Despite not being much bigger some would often question it because of the sharpness, but she would just make a smart remark to change the subject. Dropping her hand, the faint image of Erin her friend came in to view which did bring a smile onto her face. "I can not wait until this day is over!" she moaned in a raspy tone "Neither can I..." Erin mumbled back in a lazy yet much softer tone to her friend. Before classes started the two needed to meet up with the rest of their group.

What she's wearing;

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2014, 07:50:31 pm »
I`ll be inactive for a bit since I have other interests so I`ll just leave you guys to it.))

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2014, 05:01:39 am »
Colin Abell

His icy eyes glittered dangerously as he eyed the girl who had slid against the wall next to him. She was slightly shorter than himself, and Colin slowly breathed out a plume of gray smoke as he examined her head to toe. Bringing the cigarette back to his lips, he took another drag with a small smirk plastered on his face. Her name was Keena, this he knew from listening around the school, and right now she was munching on a Mars Bar; one of his childhood favorites. Pushing off against the wall he sauntered over to her, his long legs taking large strides and he reached the dark headed girl within a few seconds.
Placing one arm on the wall above her head, Colin looked down on her with a blank face, crystal blue eyes studying her carefully. Relying on intuition, he could infer that she lived a life with little money, and if rumors were true, she actually lived in the homeless shelter. The tattooed boy cocked his eyebrow slightly when his gaze settled on her half eaten Mars Bar, and with the hand that  still held his cigarette, he swiped it from her hand. Breaking off a corner with his gleaming white teeth, Colin swallowed it quickly before giving the girl a small smile, taking in another lungful of smoke before releasing it in her face. His eyes darkened though, and just as silently as he came, he disappeared back into the building after stamping out his glowing embers.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2014, 05:39:43 pm »
On phone))

Keena chews on her Mars bar absentmindedly, keeping her unkempt head down. The girl blinks as she suddenly notices a shadow over her. When she looks up, she lets out a squeak at the sight of the same male standing over her. She lets out a cough at the smoke from his cigarette. She couldn't help but feel intimidated by his height and the fact that he was looking down on her. She was going to say something but before she could she sees him swipe her Mars bar from her hand.

"Hey!" she snaps, standing up suddenly. She was about to say something else but stops when he blows smoke into her face, making her cough and step back a little. When the girl recovers, the male had already left. She lets out a frustrated sigh. She would shout at him to give back her chocolate but she didn't know him by name.

Keena sighs and puts her hands in her pockets as she trudges to class. She was hungry but she guesses that she'd get something to eat either at break or lunch or tomorrow. her stomach rumbles as she thinks about this so she tried to think of something else. She lets out a frustrated sigh remembering that there was homework due  which she couldn't do. It was too loud at the shelter and at some point some mad kid got a hold of it and decided to make paper dolls out of them. Seeing no one around, she slides back down against the wall next to the classroom and waits to be let in.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 07:05:59 pm by Rumble_Fish »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2014, 06:05:10 pm »
My phone is being screwy sorry))

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2014, 11:09:21 pm »
Colin Abell
Colin meandered through the halls, not really wanting to go to class, but not having anything to do he slowly wandered towards his class. Swinging the door open he sluggishly dragged his feet into the room. "Well Mr. Abell. What at pleasent surprise" the teacher, a man whom Colin called Mr. Tums due to his rather large stomach, glared at him with poop brown eyes and he crossed his arms over his protruding belly. Shrugging Colin slid into an empty desk near the back of the room as his teacher continued to glare. "Mr. Abell, would you mind wearing the proper uniform in my class room?" He hissed "I'd rather not, thanks for offering." Colin gave him a sickly sweet smile and kicked up his boot covered feet into the wooden desk.

((On phone, sorry it's so short))
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2014, 12:35:37 am »

Name: Montana Leon Thornpatch

Age: 15 years old

Year: 8th grade

Personality: Montana is a friend everyone wishes they had. Montana is very sweet, loving and protective. She tries to do her best for her friends and family, even if it has a negative impact on her. Montana is also pretty competitive, and gets really hyped up when winning is involved. But when she turns into her shape shifter animal, she is mysterious, but also a little on the fierce side, but nothing else changed.

Shape shifter form: A mountain lion. Montana Leon is also Mountain Lion in Spanish.

Shape shifter gender: Female


Offline greenart6

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2014, 02:46:12 am »
Ingi walked away from her brother, soon merging in with the sea of people. Carlos pushed himself against the wall, letting other people pass by. Struggling to get through, he attempted to slide through the crowd to get to his next class. "Sorry! Sorry!" he kept saying, feeling himself step on a few people's shoes. When he finally made it through, he stumbled out into another, more open hallway. With a few minutes left to spare, he looked around at the other students, staring in shock at the one scene he had saw. One of the students had taken a Mars Bar from another student. He was all too tempted to scream out "JERKFACE!", but managed to keep his mouth shut. He didn't want to have to deal with anything like that today. So, he quickly walked down the hall, scanning the sides for his next class.

He and Ingi had recently learned about a strange power he had, that was shapeshifting into a cat. It happened randomly, but only once, he wondered if it was only a dream. But, every day from then on he kept worrying. Would he change into it again? Could he control when it would happen? Carlos shuttered. It had to have been a dream. A really, realistic dream. Afterall, his sister hadn't brought up anything about it... and he knew shapeshifting wasn't real. Superheroes aren't real (although Carlos wished they were). "Shut up brain," he muttered to himself. "It was a dream. I can't shapeshift. That's not a thing. Oh Betsy, stop worrying."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2014, 06:17:47 pm »

Charlotte Black

Continuing to shove her way through the crowded halls, the young lass would receive a few blows by the passers by; this causing her to snarl, like a wolf would do however she just managed to stop herself as she stepped outside with her friend Erin. Slowly walking down the stairs the dark haired lass glanced around, people were still entering the large metal gates that were located at the far end of the yard, others already being here and either having a smoke, kick around or a chat before lessons start. Sighing, Char made her way towards the bottom of the steps and took a left, then dropping herself onto a metal seat and crossing her leg's she looked around. "What you got first period?" Erin questioned tilting her head ever so slightly "I'm not sure, I know I have that plump ish teacher though." she spoke with a shrug "You?" she questioned "Oh, I have history with Mrs.Knox so I better shoot off if I want to avoid getting my head chewed off!" Erin chuckled as she lifted up and waved  farewell to her friend; Charlotte doing so in return. Running her hand through her hair the 18 year old pulled her phone from her bra and looked at the time -Time to be heading to class- she thought to herself as she shoved the phone back into it's usual position, then lifting herself from the cold, black seat the young woman walked back up the stairs and shoved her way back through the slightly less cramped halls; soon enough she reached the class room.

Placing her left hand on the door and her right hand on the handle Charlotte shoved open the wooden door and looked around. The bell was yet to ring however, she was still in class with another student; one she assumed to be known as Collin. Walking in she allowed the door to slam behind her "Morning Miss.Black, where is your uniform?" the bloke questioned with a disapproving gaze as he looked at the young gentleman then back at her "Well, I assumed we wouldn't be wearing that 'uniform' since we are in one of our last year. Like a normal school y'know?" she replied rolling her eyes, walking up to a seat nearer the back of the class; pulling out her seat she dropped herself down and pulled the seat in so her stomach was almost touching the table, then folding her legs she sat back. "We are a normal school, next time wear something a little more like the uniform." he spoke with a gruff tone; narrowing her eye's the lass chuckled then shook her head, still remaining sat back in her seat. The bell was yet to go off for another 3 minutes so she assumed that they would be sitting in silence for the time being; so, she decided to pull out her phone and scroll down her Facebook newsfeed whilst she waited.

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