Author Topic: How has Feralheart changed your life?  (Read 12330 times)

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How has Feralheart changed your life?
« on: March 30, 2016, 04:46:03 am »
Just a question I want to ask you all. :) How has Feralheart changed your life?

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 04:53:20 am »
Nice Topic ~?

I'm going to be straightforward with this answer - Gets out a very tiny speech card -

One way Feral Heart changed my life mainly , was being able to be a bit more confident in what I enjoy doing. I've meet a lot of welcoming people , this community has been nothing but kind for me , in my opinion of course , and I've actually opened up more on both the virtual worlds and in real life. Of course , something like this develops overtime but with Feral Heart , it seems like it didn't take long & I usually come on the forums / game sometimes for a little relaxing moment. ?

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2016, 08:38:24 am »
It changed me alot! I learnt how to speak english the way I do now :3 Gramma is waaaay easier to me now! I can understand almost everything and Mr. Google Translater is not a 'must have' anymore :) I met many kind and creative people who taught me how to code, make maps, presets. With FH people beside me, I improved my abilities in digital painting. My fursona was created and I found myself. It changed my views  on many things. Like cats. I was more of a dog person before... But now I have a big dog pack several hamsters and one lil' kitten <3 If It wasn't FH, I would never have a real cat. I started to work with computers more and I have to say that I can repair my own computer now :P No need to ask adults anymore! FH forced me to work on myself and so, It gave me new chances :) Thanks for this topic, friend. -Nuzzles-

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2016, 09:49:51 am »
I'd certainly say so.

Feral-Heart has changed it in such a way it close to has been my life for the last 5 years which is both a scary thought as it's interesting. Even though the last year or so has slowed down a little for my own sake giving some more time to reflect on the lifestyle of it, but this game has pretty much adjusted how I live my life and how I get around. Things like work, relationships with friends, hobbies and anything you'd really spend time on has been affected one way or another by this game.

If not speaking of the game itself and how it affects the every-day, it has changed a lot in how I see people on the internet, how they portray themselves and how you can never really be too certain about anything. Social and less social aspects of being in the place you are. Sometimes I kinda wish how I could go back quite some years to a more naive self, where things just felt more open and it was a tad bit easier to piledrive through whatever people might've thrown at you at the time, but I hope whatever experiences I'm given from this place will help me later down the road.

Since this game has been a part of my life during some quite eventful years and how it has managed to remain on my pedestal, I don't think I'd be honest with myself if I said that it has changed my life, but rather how it has shaped it(take that as you please). I've not really gone after a career, not really set any other goals or climbed up any ladders to really improve my life off the computer but rather aimed most of my time an dedication here, and I hope it can be remembered by not only myself. I'm simply a Feral-Heart nerd and if the day comes where my "break-up" with it comes it will not be easy.

How my life would look today if I never spent any time here I honestly cannot know, neither something I probably want to think about, the thought is quite daunting.
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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2016, 03:45:25 pm »
I agree a lot with what Red said there.

Personally before I got around to being a part of this community I was always confident about myself and expressing myself but I feel like I am even more so since being here xD I am also a lot more comfortable with being my total self around people and not giving a heck about what anyone thinks about it ;)

 I've gotten the privilege to meet so many interesting folks here and learn so many different types of personalities. As Red said it has been very interesting to see the way people behave online... some good most TERRIBLE :P So in a way it does make me dislike the online community since I feel like some people have a little too much mouth while hiding behind their screens lol.

...but I've met some of the most beautiful people out there as well and made some really beloved friends especially amongst the staff team.

I've dealt with some of the roughest pits in my life while in this community so this place has always been a second family and home to me in a way... it has been a place of refuge on my dark days.

Feral Heart has also helped me find my way into other medias like art programs, interest in game design & development, websites etc. I always have had an interest in working with games & game communities so this has furthered my interest to do so but on a larger career scale rather than just a hobby & fun place.

Feral Heart means a lot to me because well it has slowly become a part of my life. It is hard to explain the personal connection I get with this game & community... Basically I know that the memories I've gained here will be life long ones <3 & hopefully the friendships as well.

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2016, 03:49:26 pm »
I'd certainly say so.

Feral-Heart has changed it in such a way it close to has been my life for the last 5 years which is both a scary thought as it's interesting. Even though the last year or so has slowed down a little for my own sake giving some more time to reflect on the lifestyle of it, but this game has pretty much adjusted how I live my life and how I get around. Things like work, relationships with friends, hobbies and anything you'd really spend time on has been affected one way or another by this game.

If not speaking of the game itself and how it affects the every-day, it has changed a lot in how I see people on the internet, how they portray themselves and how you can never really be too certain about anything. Social and less social aspects of being in the place you are. Sometimes I kinda wish how I could go back quite some years to a more naive self, where things just felt more open and it was a tad bit easier to piledrive through whatever people might've thrown at you at the time, but I hope whatever experiences I'm given from this place will help me later down the road.

Since this game has been a part of my life during some quite eventful years and how it has managed to remain on my pedestal, I don't think I'd be honest with myself if I said that it has changed my life, but rather how it has shaped it(take that as you please). I've not really gone after a career, not really set any other goals or climbed up any ladders to really improve my life off the computer but rather aimed most of my time an dedication here, and I hope it can be remembered by not only myself. I'm simply a Feral-Heart nerd and if the day comes where my "break-up" with it comes it will not be easy.

How my life would look today if I never spent any time here I honestly cannot know, neither something I probably want to think about, the thought is quite daunting.

I agree a lot with what Red said there.

Personally before I got around to being a part of this community I was always confident about myself and expressing myself but I feel like I am even more so since being here xD I am also a lot more comfortable with being my total self around people and not giving a heck about what anyone thinks about it ;)

 I've gotten the privilege to meet so many interesting folks here and learn so many different types of personalities. As Red said it has been very interesting to see the way people behave online... some good most TERRIBLE :P So in a way it does make me dislike the online community since I feel like some people have a little too much mouth while hiding behind their screens lol.

...but I've met some of the most beautiful people out there as well and made some really beloved friends especially amongst the staff team.

I've dealt with some of the roughest pits in my life while in this community so this place has always been a second family and home to me in a way... it has been a place of refuge on my dark days.

Feral Heart has also helped me find my way into other medias like art programs, interest in game design & development, websites etc. I always have had an interest in working with games & game communities so this has furthered my interest to do so but on a larger career scale rather than just a hobby & fun place.

Feral Heart means a lot to me because well it has slowly become a part of my life. It is hard to explain the personal connection I get with this game & community... Basically I know that the memories I've gained here will be life long ones <3 & hopefully the friendships as well.

You both had beautiful answers and they are very understanding. :)

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2016, 11:01:23 pm »
I've never been one for speeches, so mine is going to be kinda lame compared to everyone else here. ^^'

Before FeralHeart, I didn't have any friends.  I was very quiet in school, and just overall very nervous around other people. I was a bookworm, and would rather read than converse with other people. That lead me to getting bullied a lot. It got worse when I failed a grade and all of my friends moved up ahead of me. And it got even worse after they graduated and moved on. I found FH around that time, and for the first bit, I really didn't get involved with anyone. But last fall, I took a 5 month hiatus, and when I came back, I made so many new friends. They helped me build my confidence, and they are the best friends a person could ask for. Without them, I would probably still be sitting in my room alone, with no one to talk to. I will always be grateful to FeralHeart for introducing me to such an amazing and friendly community.  :)

*ducks away and hides*

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2016, 02:31:17 am »
This is such a deep and interesting question, and everyone has had such great responses so far. It's so interesting to see just how much of an impact a little, simple game like Feral Heart can have on all of our lives.

For me, I think Feral heart was more of a motivation to keep doing what I love to do. Art and writing has always been a large part of my life, and Feral Heart gave me a place to express that, through role-play, preset making, map making, etc. It also opened me up to a whole new hobby of coding and a bunch of other things associated with video games, like creating mods and such. It kept fueling my creative side, even when I thought I'd had the worst art block or writer's block.

FH has also introduced me to some of the best internet friends I've ever had, and even though some of them aren't around nowadays, I still had some awesome, fun memories with them on this game, and I always love to look back on them. And to this day I continue to keep making amazing friends on this game, and I'm thankful that the community here is so warm and welcoming to everyone, whether you're a FH expert or just starting out here. I've never played another game with such a lovely community of floofs <3
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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2016, 04:50:29 pm »
I must say, it's a very interesting question indeed - and quite frankly I can not form the words to come up with a complete answer; so I'm just going to try my best and hope it all makes sense to whoever reads it haha.
What FeralHeart has turned me out to be is a very confident person in-game and around the forums itself, as beforehand I was a very anxious lil' hooman with not a lot to do except doodle, browse other games, and have a bit of fun with friends.

After passing through Impressive World Entertainment games and growing bored after reaching max levels, going through a phase of having huge admiration for Dino Storm and then getting fed up of how their newest update works; FeralHeart has always been the number one game I've never left or grown bored of.

Sure, the game never gets updated and probably never will with Kovu's disappearance- however what keeps this game going is the community itself; without all of us we would be elsewhere trying to enjoy other games with an entirely different community and an entirely different gaming experience with a different attitude towards Staff and other people. What drives me back to this game and keeps me close with this family-like community is the enthusiasm and the thrill of being able to talk to anyone and grow more confident in myself by starting conversation and having lots of fun, even if I'm not having the best of days.

So in conclusion, FeralHeart has changed me in the sense that every single day the longer I spend with the friendly community, the more I feel both confident and comfortable with myself as a human being - and quite frankly I can not thank everyone enough for putting me in the position I am in right now. I actually wouldn't be here without FeralHeart, not without the amount of support I've had and the amount of kindness that has been giving down my lane; it's incredibly unsatisfying to know that I didn't find this game much earlier, back in the years, but hopefully those years I can make up for by being here forever more. <3

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2016, 02:49:33 am »
Feral Heart has become a part of my life in ways I didn't expect. Much of what has been said before me, which I won't be able to repeat in the same wonderful way, I also can relate to.

Feral Heart has first and foremost been a home to me. It's strange to think about how such a small community compared to the masses of the earth can bring so many people together and weave into their lives. Feral Heart has been a childhood friend, but also a growing and (hopefully) long-lasting companion. Just as you learn about life and the world through and with a friend, I've learned a few of many things through the people I've met on the game- both good and bad, mixtures of reality and fiction, the darker things and the brightest. It hadn't occurred to me when I was younger, but reflecting on how something like Feral Heart has affected you, personally, can really change your perspective on things. Seeing and hearing about how Feral Heart has affected the people around me has also, in turn, shaped my thoughts.

The entire experience of the game as well as the people I've met has always sort of intruiged me, which is one of the reasons why I think I have stayed for the length that I have. Some of the wonderful people that I've had the fortune to meet have become, in my eyes, friends- Kind people, encouraging people, similar people, dissimilar people, people I just want to be around.

In conclusion, I think I've learned a far greater deal than I intended to by entering into this game we know and love. I feel as though I have learned not only about the individual people who make the game what it is, but also life, in general- a knowledge and understanding of different people with different views and outlooks, the good and bad things about human society, how to learn to communicate and work with people who don't always share the same view as you do, and to be able to reflect on things beneath the bigger picture. In most ways, I think that it has also taught me about myself. At times you may ask yourself a question that you cannot answer, and sometimes the only way to find the answer is by deliberately not looking for it. Feral Heart has in a way been an answer I was never looking for. It's an odd concept, and one which I'm not too familiar with, but it has become one of my greatest friends.

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