Author Topic: Cyanide Sunshine [Inactive since 06/01/2013]  (Read 32609 times)

Offline okami129

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2012, 02:17:10 pm »
((... -Chibi face- I give in, -Sigh- I can't resist an awesome rp no matter how busy I am. (Especially an R rated one)
Also I detect a hint of oblivion in the dark brotherhood thing. And if I could suggest a Tinychat...))

Subtract the cat ears
Name: Shar Venaran
Codename: Feather
Age: 16
Gender: Female
History: Her history, like most characters, wasn't that bright. However it is typical so i do not have to give it much effort. She was adopted and grew up in an abusive foster home. She was treated poorly and one day she caused a car wreck for the foster parents by sabotaging the car. And with that, she packer her stuff and left and the rest isn't much importance. -Facepalm, Facepalm, FACEPALM-
Personality: She prefers to look at the world in a calmer, more peaceful perspective, which is ironic for she at the same time enjoys video games of zombie hunting or something of the sort. She likes feathers because they symbolize freedom to her and her own feather is the symbol of freedom from her past, however she secretly envies birds for their ability to be so free as to fly away and travel without second thought. She prefers archery instead of guns for even with a silencer a gun still makes more noise than a bow and arrow. She often can be found hidden in her room doing some sort of activity that allows her to ignore the real world.
Likes: Anime/Manga/Video Games(OF COURSE), Crossbows, Archery, and Feathers
Dislikes: Idiots, Being interrupted when playing games/reading manga/watching anime, Being pestered constantly, Being awoken, And mornings in general (Not a morning person)
Hobbies: Practicing her archery, and writing in her journal
Theme Song: You've got no clue how fitting the theme is to her
Extra: She has a collection of bows, arrows, crossbows, and then some
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 03:56:13 pm by okami129 »

The liar and the thief

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2012, 03:09:25 pm »
((Accepted c:
Choose another code name and we can begin roleplaying)).

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2012, 03:13:40 pm »
[(This is a W.I.P. cause I need to go to bed. xD Curse my night owl ways!])

"You just have to remember, don't fly to close to the sun."

Sam has very pale skin, blackish grey hair, and always wears dark, skintight clothing. His eyes have a dark red hue to them and he always seems to have a playful smirk, unless he's around strangers.

Name: Sam

Code name: Cyanide Sunshine

Age: 18

Gender: Male

History: [( I'm having trouble with this. >.< )]

Personality: Sam is very shy around a new face, he refuses to make eye contact and becomes mute until he has gotten used to being around them. He is normally calm and collected, but can get overly exited. Sam can be a sadist at times, humiliating and sometimes inflicting great pain to anyone he does not like. He also has a intense craving for knowledge, its almost like he needs more of it to survive, where ever he can get it, reading, he internet, or from someones very brain if need be.

Likes: Sweets, energy drinks, night time, the internet and bacon.

Dislikes: Sunlight and computer viruses.

Hobbies: Hacking into data banks, gathering information, and cooking.

Theme song: [(because everyone else put one)]

Extra: Sam has developed fangs similar to a vampires fangs, only his fangs suck out any and all knowledge you may have threw a painful bite to the brain stem, though this is only a last resort.

Offline jesija

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2012, 12:16:16 am »
((Mind if I have Nat here swoop in and pick up Scythe? I just don't know how to introduce her quite yet LOL
But still, I like long posts, so long as they are interesting :3 And believe me, it was~ I don't think Scythe is too much of a Mary-Sue though- She only has one post so far so there isn't much to judge.
Just to clarify, her flashback takes place after Scythe sneaks in through the back door, so she didn't see her go in.))

The girl was small, almost bird-like in stature, skin just a few shades darker than her short-cut white hair. The dark green clothing and black ribbon in her hair stood out in contrast to her pale complexion, making her easy to spot in the back lot of the school. She was alone (or at least she thought she was) in the area, the teachers and whoever inhabited the building after school hours were inside. The white-haired girl paced back and forth along the side of the brick building, her grey eyes reading over a paper in her hands. They flitted over the page, left to right, over and over again as if trying to process whatever was on it. Just a few minutes ago, this letter was given to her by pure chance. The only reason it had been given to her in the first place however, was because she was a member of Phenomenon.

"You're from Phenomenon, I assume?" The voice as male, she thought, eyes analyzing everything about his appearance since she had heard the name of the organization. He had a hood pulled over his face, shrouding his eyes, and was leaning against the side of the building. The other students had left already, but she was certain that if someone had seen him right about now they would call the police. He was all too shady.
"What is your business?" She asked flatly, ignoring the last question. Obviously if the man came after her in the first place, he must have known she was in Phenomenon. Her eyes flashed cautiously as he raised a hand. Grey eyes fixated on the envelope in his hand, all white, no return address to track back to or anything.
"We have a job for you." 'We?' The girl thought, face displaying no emotion at all despite her bewilderment. She shoved her hands in the pockets of her skirt and turned on her heel.
"I don't do jobs for strangers. Especially idiots like you who think they can just stroll up, talk about Phenomenon in public, and hand me the message in person." Her voice held no malice or venom, the words lifeless and dull.
"It won't take you too long, it's not that difficult," The man said, sounding like he wanted to say something else entirely to the girl. "What if I told you that these orders are from Phenomenon?"
'What?' She felt the letter being slipped into her hand and listened to the man's footsteps plunk away.

That letter had but three words printed on it in bold typeface.
Save the sunshine
Phenomenon had done a superb job of rendering such an emotionless girl speechless. 'Is it a test?' She wondered, stopping by the back door into the building. 'Though there is a possibility that this guy is messing with me...' Sighing, she pocketed the letter just as the back door swung open. Blinking, the albino watched as a girl about eleven years of age stumbled out, eyes drifting open and closed. The redhead leaned up against the wall, seeming not to notice her standing there.

What Natalie found interesting however was the fact that this girl was wearing an gas mask... and an aviator hat, but that was less suprising, considering what some children wear these days. But enough of that. 'What to do... Is...Is that... Smoke that I'm smelling?' She tilted her head up and saw smoke weaving its way out of the top of the school, and some of it snaking out of the door that the girl opened. 'Urgh... I hate smoke...' The albino thought, clamping a hand over her mouth and nose. 'I can't just leave her here... Is this what the letter meant by saving the sunshine? It doesn't make sense...'

Natalie rushed over and grabbed the redhead by the arm, tugging her away. "Let's go," She said softly, careful not to jar her around too much in case she had any injuries. 'Why is she stumbling around? Surely the smoke isn't enough to render her unconscious...I wonder why the school is on fire though?' She glanced at the girl in the aviator hat and nudged her, "What happened?"

((GRR Why do I fail so much?))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline okami129

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2012, 12:27:53 am »

The liar and the thief

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2012, 12:31:54 am »
[[ *Flails arms in victory.* I have completed Elinor's application but not Leonard's..! Kitsune, would you kindly review Elinor's to see if her application follows everything? ]]

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2012, 02:18:06 am »
((@Soaring: She is gladly accepted O.O That blew the creativity out every pore of my body....Choose a codename and begin roleplaying! Also, I'm not showing favouritism, and everyone's characters are much more creative than mine >.> I'm just complimenting someone's character! So jealous of everyone's creativity >A<.))

'What do you mean?!' she demanded, but she couldn't help but feel good inside.

Someone had actually said, 'You're one of us.' No one had ever uttered such a phrase to her, growing up with insults and back-handed compliments, and occasionally being beat up by older kids. Even though Scythe enjoyed feeling pain, it still hurt, more mentally than physically. Even though it felt good to be accepted, by friend or stranger, the redhead kept her hackles up. Similar had happened before, she felt herself having the beginnings of a flashback....

'Hey, you there, Redhead Girl!' a boy called out to her.

Layce turned to look at them, her eyes, although dismal, filled with emotion.

'I do have a name, y'know,' she replied, turning to look at them, books clutched to her chest. 'It's Scythe.'

'Yeah, Layce, whatever,' a girl, arm hooked to the boy, replied. 'I'm Brooke, and this is Dylan.'

'My real name is Scythe. Layce is the name my parents gave me. Oh, and if  this is some sort of game, I don't feel like playing,' she growled in response.

'No games,' Dylan replied with a wide grin.

He had bowl-cut brown hair with light blue eyes that were a little too far apart and small, like a hammerhead shark. He had smile wrinkles for some reason, and when he smiled, his eyes closed. He was shorter than his girlfriend, but also compact. He was dressed in a polo t-shirt and basketball shorts.

Brooke was skinny as a rail and tall, obviously with a stuffed bra. Her eyes were also too far apart, with a moonpie face. Her visage looked petty, but not quite mean. Her hair was bleached blonde, with slutty clothes to match.

Brooke whispered something into Dylan's ear, and he shook his head. Scythe couldn't make out what they were saying, but she had a feeling it was something about her. Subconsciously, she raised an eyebrow.

'You're really stupid,' was all she said, and turned.

'No really, we want you to come meet us at the back of the school. We want to say we're sorry,' the bruno said.

'I'll come if you tell me what Brooke was whispering in your ear,' Scythe said consciously, swiveling back around.

'Oh, um, just something about last night's homework,' he lied.

'That's obviously a lie, but I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go. Who knows? Maybe some of my intelligence will rub off on you.' The redhead left before they could reply.

Despite her good judgement, she went behind the building to meet them. What if it wasn't a game? What if they did want to say sorry? Scythe was desperate for friends, even if they were these bozos. However, no one was there when she arrived. Again, despite her better judgment, the ginger stood there and waited for a while longer for them to arrive. When they did, they seemed to appear from nowhere.

'You fell for it. I can't believe you were that stupid,' they said in unison.

'You're right-I was stupid, but I'm gonna leave before anything happens,' she sighed.

'Oh, no, you're not going anywhere,' they said in unison once again.

Growing a little worried, Scythe turned to look at them. They looked possesed, and a little sick, as if someone-something-sinister were controlling them, their actions. The redhead cringed a little, but slipped her hand inside her jeans pocket; where she kept her switch knife at that time.

'Come any closer, and I'll cut you,' she threatened, brandishing her switch knife, cloaking the fear in voice.

Before she could react, Dylan has pushed her to the ground. Both of them began to kick her, over and over again. Scythe relished the pain, but couldn't help but feel hurt. She had trusted them, for some reason. Lately, they had been buttering her up. And for nothing. Just so they could kick her to the ground for simply existing. She began to feel angrier and angrier, sprawling onto the ground, feeling as if her body were turning outside out, everything was numb....

Scythe snapped back into the blank world she had been transported in after burning down the school, the numbness still lingering slightly. However, soon the numbness disappeared, leaving only a thrill of anger and strength. She had forgotten that memory. Not long after, she snapped into the flashbacks, being beaten in jeuve, being called terrible names, her own grandparents expressing disgust at her existence, and white flashes of anger, and each time the flashbacks ended, they would drop away, like puzzle pieces out of the universe of Scythe. Each one would sort of connect with the last feeling she felt before the flashback would star, like anger, regret, or sadness.

The last flashback she had was the death of her father....

'No, NO, NOOOO!' Scythe protested, coughing out each word hoarsely.

The next place she was, was in her bed, four years old. She was comfortable, had sweet dreams for the last time in her little life. She still called herself Layce, still loved her mother. Today was the last day...the last day of her sanity. The last day of her love. The last day of her freedom....

'OK, I'm going to do this,'  she said to herself, grinning insanely. She knew it was going to work.

Layce sprawled out across her bed, and concentrated on her body, her soul, her self. She felt herself become peaceful, she felt her consciousness drift off, all she felt was a soft numbness. It was a surreal, calming, indescribable feeling. Suddenly, a terrible feeling grabbed hold of her, and though there were no words, she knew what it was asking....Layce was shivering in fear, but she pushed past it. She continued on.

That's when the pain began. The unbearable, bone-crunching pain or her body contorting and changing. At the same time, it felt incredibly brilliant, like being filled with power and awareness, felt as if she could do anything at all in the world. Her senses over-flowed. At the same time, she felt cursed. There was no turning back now. Layce didn't protest, she didn't fight back, she just let it happen....

After a while, she opened her eyes. They were bright red in contrast to the somber grey her eyes used to be. She rose to her feet, certain that her 'experiment' had worked, since she could see her muzzle in front of her face. She looked down, raised her sleek, russet paw. In wolf years, she was older than four, and therefore, not a pup. She was strong, yet gangly due to being in her teenage years now.

Then she felt fearful, felt herself slipping away into the mind of a wolf. This was scarier than the shift itself

The next thing she knew, she was sitting in the corner of her house, rags hanging off of her body, eyes fearful and scarred. In front of her lay her father's charred and slightly mutilated body. The rest was a blur, but when her Mom arrived, she called the Fire Department, the police, and the ambulance. Layce was not hurt very much besides a few burns, but her father was beyond help. The next place she went was the police station. She did not understand much about the situation besides they were trying to locate the culprit of this terrible arson. But the redhead knew they would never find the murderer...

Every day after that, that event plagued her mind, and she visited a therapist. Despite this, the new Scythe felt a sense of accomplishment, a thrill of being so powerful, able to do so much, to have such an effect on someone's life; in other words, she could not stop. She continued trying to shift, locking herself in her room these times around, but continued to see a therapist, and continued to commit felonies and acts of arson.

This memory took a while to convert into strength, and a lot of huddling in a fetal position crying out 'NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.'
Slowly, it died down, converted into pain and strength, too. And then her real name away, leaving only a few things:

1. The name Scythe
2. Cyanide Sunshine
3. Save the Sunshine.

'When you wake up, look for the one who 'saves the sunshine.' Remember, you are now part of Phenomenon, a killing machine. You are one of us.'

(It has only been a few seconds in real time).

'Let's go.' Scythe was faintly aware of a soft voice, female's, yet older than her.

The redhead was snapped back into reality, not sure what was going on, but a thrill still lingered inside of her, but she wasn't sure why. All she remembered where those last few thoughts....

'What happened?' she heard, the same voice.

This time, she really snapped back into reality. She instinctively pushed away from the girl who had nudged her.

'Get away from me!' she screamed instinctively, pushing away from her, panting in fear.

As she cooled down, she tried to ponder her next words, but what popped out next was,

'Are you the one who Saves the Sunshine? From Phenomenon?'

((Gawd, this is so long again. I was kind of lazy, but I tried to include important things >A<. I feel like I'm writing a novel.))

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2012, 11:10:48 am »
she turned seeing Sophie and her best friend Claire standing at the top of the stairs

Sophie and Claire are best friends i meant, Iris isnt really friends with anyone in her class. Sorry if that confused anyone.))

Iris turned around hearing footsteps following her, it better not be any of her classmates. She lowered hand into her pocket, feeling for her pocket knife. Seeing a familiar face she loosened her grip on the knife and pulled out her hand carefully, trying not to let her flesh rub too much against the denim material. Iris smiled warmly at the tall gent as he offered her a bandage, she took the bandage out of his hand and began to wrap it around her wrists. "Thank you" she smiled, then tucking in the end of the bandage. She didnt expect the bandage to be so soft and light on her skin, it didnt sting her wounds luckily for her.
Iris suspected he was the quiet type, perhaps maybe a bit shy? No, probably just the quiet type.

It was common for her to count her footsteps on her way back to her aunts house. She liked the sound of each step, especially over the dead leaves in the fall. Normally she would enjoy her way home, the wind rustling the trees, the birds singing as if it were a perfect day, the soft sunlight seeping in through the clouds. Iris would feel so serene but now she had only been thinking of a single thought, repeating itself over and over again. The screams of a certain two people, the ringing sound of a metal blade, the blood stains splattered all over the clean walls. Iris gave a sly smile at the thought, repeating itself again.

Iris began to feel kind of awkward, it probably would've have been polite to ask the question suddenly bombarding her mind. Still walking on the cracked footpath, she looked up to him and asked, "What is your name?" as she was curious to know and waited for a reply. 

Will be inactive due to work and exams.

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2012, 12:58:00 am »
(I've decided on Jack's codename. Trigger Fingers ;3)

Without tilting his head, silver eyes glanced over to the other cult member. "Welcome," He mumbled. Slowly, the older teen stared up at the sky. Wind brushed up against his exposed neck and he shivered at the cold. Fall was a beautiful sight. He just wished that it wasn't as cold as it was. Jacqueline was pondering a bit. There was no harm telling her his name. She was a cult member after all. But his wary nature was interfering. In the nervousness that was accumulating, seeing as selective mutism was also a cause of anxiety, Jacqueline tried to prevent himself from stuttering. He wasn't shy by any means. Jacqueline was fine talking to a person face to face. Guy or girl, it wasn't a problem. However, crowds. That was another thing. But having less contact with others had its effect.

His posture had changed.

With his back straight, shoulders a part, and chest puffed out, the teen kept walking. After a few minutes of silence, Jacqueline chose to spoke. "It's... Jacqueline... And... Uh yours?" He asked. His blonde hair ruffled by the wind as it breezed by once more. Slowly, he turned over to Iris, taking in a better sight at her. His hands clutched around his mother's book. The crimson string was loose, about to fall off. That was from finagling with it after the bandages got cought inside.

The cold air had begun to bother him once more. Jacqueline hoped it wasn't rude, but he put up his hood, keeping his ears warm. It would also be best if he took out a headphone. If she was going to talk, being polite and listening was something to do. Gentleman like. He turned down the music volume too. Flipping through the pages of his pleather book, Jacqueline skimmed to a clean page and wrote a few things down. Nothing important. Just some thoughts he had in his head. Who knows when his next assignment was. Who his next victim was. It was best to stock up on more bullets while he had the chance. Jacqueline wasn't called Trigger Fingers for nothing.

Even if that had sounded like all the older teen was doing was wasting bullet's, it was far from it. His aim, albeit not that good, was good enough for someone using just a pistol and a sniper rifle. The occasional trips to the shooting range had helped him slowly grow better at aim. Re-loading a gun was a walk in the park. Jacqueline was better at pistol use. Only owning one, he preferred using just one. But any gun could suffice. A sniper rifle being his second favorite gun. It was obvious what was his first. Despite all this, he got his code name from both the quick re-loading skills and being pretty much a gunslinger. No cowboy could stand a chance against him. Okay, maybe they could, however it seemed like he was one of the top best gun users. Out of how many there were. Nevertheless, Jacqueline was always training.

Back to the book. His knowledge wasn't exactly the best. Especially with math. Seeing as that's what he was doing. The poor teen had nothing else to use, so his book was a replacement. He was counting up the money he would need to buy his bullets. Living by yourself in an apartment and juggling both a job and the cult activities wasn't exactly easy. And when you work a job at just over minimum wage, it was hard to keep yourself afloat. Jacqueline however, managed. Even if it was just by a bit.

"Sorry, I was distracted," The older teen apologized, bowing his head slightly and closing the book. Slowly, almost robotic, he wrapped the crimson string around the book. It was wrapped a certain way, one that couldn't really be memorized unless you watched him do it a good amount of times. This book was important to him. Not only poetry and stories were written in there, but also his kill list and a couple of journal like pages, having deep secrets in them. If someone was to read the book, he would know by the way the wrapping was done. Then it was only a matter of time before he'd find you. The book was placed back into his pocket and Jacqueline looked back at Iris, smiling slightly.

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness)
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2012, 02:32:19 am »
Get away from me!
Natalie cringed at the mere shrill tone of the redhead's voice, stumbling a little as the girl pushed her away as if she were dripping with acid. So perhaps the girl was only tired out from something, running or whatnot, and not going to faint anytime soon. That was fortunate, because if the white-haired girl had to carry the lifeless body away whether she wanted to or not, she wouldn't be able to do it considering her under-developed muscles. She was never a very athletic person, and though the girl was a few years younger, the albino would still have troube carrying her.

Having regained her composure, Natalie straightened up and stared at the ginger expectantly. She seemed to be shaken about something as she panted heavily, and she could read fear in those scarlet eyes. Was witnessing a fire really that traumatic for her? She looks as if she has just seen someone die... The white-haired girl almost smirked at that. Almost.

I don't blame her for acting surprised though; if I came to and was being led away by some stranger I probably would have done the same. She knew that this couldn't have been the only reason for the redhead's over reaction, there seemed to be some underlying tension. Starting to become antsy, she shifted on one foot and looked over the distressed girl's shoulder at the school. Flames were now licking at the sky, engulfing the entire building and leaving a menacing black cloud in the sky. She could hear the crackling from here, along with the drowned out screams from whoever was burning to death in there. She turned back to the ginger to prod her for what happened again, but the girl seemed to have calmed down.

"Are you the one who Saves the Sunshine? From Phenomenon?" Finding herself dumbfounded once again, Natalie only blinked and gaped. Had the cult planned this? It seemed like the pieces to the puzzle were simply falling into place...

"Uh..." It was unlike the emotionless girl to stutter, and she suddenly averted her eyes, letting her ivory locks fall over her face as she dug a hand into her skirt pocket. Fishing out the letter, she handed the paper to the girl, not looking up once. "More or less. And judging by how things are moving along, I'm guessing you are the 'sunshine'."

Natalie did a half turn on her heel, thoughts whirring through her head at rapid fire speeds. Do I have to keep "saving" her beyond this one incident? I don't have time babysit. "So, if you could explain what's happened here, that would be great. I'm with Phenomenon as well, so your secrets are mine."
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;