Author Topic: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R [Inactive since 04/02/2013]  (Read 6581 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R [Inactive since 04/02/2013]
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:36:40 am »
This much gore is actually downsized from what I had first intended =3='

The victim lay on the floor motionless, blood splattered across the room, and a number of his organs. Really, this one had put up quite a fight. Luckily, you weren't the one who had to clean up the mess, and you were thankful of that. You clutched your blade, drenched in blood, then hesitantly sheathed it.

'Wash yourself off,' you told yourself in your head. 'And you'd better get out of here before someone sees you.'

Well, no problem with that. You were trained to do this sort of thing. Besides, you had a pretty good alibi...

Sometimes you wonder what you've gotten yourself into, joining this cult. Or had it even been your choice? Whatever the reason, there's no backing out now.


You are part of an organisation called Phenomenon-you'll find out what that stands for later. Your job is to rid the world of useless humans, to control the population, and essentially make the world a better place. Well, that would be your motive if you joined, oh, about 100 years ago. Now you're basically the Dark Brotherhood. You carry out assassinations, for a fee. You and your fellow Siblings.

There is something special about the members here, though. Strange things have been happening, ominous dreams. Weird abilities are being shown, such as suddenly being able to lift a car, or growing fangs, or levitating in the air, something fishy is going on. On top of this, no one remembers how they joined, when they joined, or what their life was like before they joined.
However, you can't leave. There's nothing stopping you, but it's just something you CAN'T do.

Besides being a psychopath organisation, you, like the Dark Brotherhood, are like a family to each. You are all closer than many real siblings.

So, welcome to Phenomenon. You are one of us now.



-No god-modding, power-playing, or Mary Sue-ing
-Maintain your bonds
-Hate the character, not the roleplayer
-Not too much OoC Chat. If needed, I'll make an extra thread or tinychat.
-Be original, keep things going and active
-Be literate, and keep the posts at least a paragraph long.
-Have fun!!
-If you read the rules, put Cyanide Sunshine as your code name ;3


Code of the Phenomenon

-No harming the other members in a mortal way. You can get into scrapes all you want, but no malicious acts.
-No treason. Seriously, we'll kill you if you even THINK about it.
-No rapists. Ok, we're killers, not pedos or rapists.
-Alcohol and drugs are allowed, just no poisoning the rest of us, mm'kay?
-Petty Thievery is allowed, just not from the cult members. And no taking our sheets home!
-Everyone has to do laundry. Yes, that means you-it's a cycle. Unless you don't sleep here, which you probably do.
-Don't talk about the Phenomenon Cult. No, seriously, you don't go around telling other people you're a murderer.
-Age doesn't matter. If you're commissioned to kill a child, no complaints.
-Never question someone's reason for a killing. It's none of your business.
-Do not show your true identity to commissioners.
-If you are comissioned to kill a cult member, then you are permitted to kill the customer
-Do not kill your comissioner...until after they've paid you. Then you can do whatever you like (besides rape).

((Half of these were just jokes, so I won't hold you to them. >.> 'Cept for the laundry bit.))


Oh, and to keep this going, don't worry about turn. Sure, the thought is nice, but keeping an rp behind like that is what kills it, mm'kay? I promise to catch you up when you come back.

Likes (Opt.)
Hobbies (Opt.):
Theme Song (Opt.)
Extra (Opt.):



Name: Maxette Hirsch, but she goes by 'Maxi.'

Codename: Cyanide Bunny

Age: 14

Gender: Female

History: "You know what baffles me? That some people aren't happy with their life! I mean, happiness is the meaning of life, right? It's what we strive for. People like to complicate things, but it all boils down to happiness.

....However, finding happiness is a bit of a competition. There's only so much happiness to go around, and there's a constant "tug-of-war" for this aspect of life. Some people believe they have lost this tug-of-war. I reckon they are called "emos." I don't see why. Most of these "emos" are middle-class teenagers. On the other hand, to each their own.

My to deliver happiness to these emos that believe the world is better off without them. If you give up on the the tug-of-war for happiness already, then there's no guarantee that you'll ever find any. These people are better off without living, if they don't search for the meaning of life. They say so themselves. So, I take it upon myself to do these poor children a favour.

Yes, I kill them.

That is my happiness.

At first, I was unsatisfied with my existence as well. I felt as if I had no meaning, sheltered by my parents, smothered by them each and every day. Given everything I ever wanted, as long as I was good...and polite...and met their expectations. Ah, how boring. My happiness does not lie in worldly things! It lies in excitement! The thrill of being out and about, unsupervised! It is rather grand, is it not?

I was home-schooled with all of my other twins, each looking exactly like me. I never learned of anything my parents didn't want me to. I was never exposed to violence, or sex, or men. I never met anyone besides my mother and father. My sisters and I weren't allowed to speak as individuals, only as one...or...or...we were punished.

I finally escaped one night. Out of the window. I dyed my hair, cut my hair, bought new clothes, and learned many new things. Every night I would sneak out without being caught, until....until...the rest is all a blur. Please, allow me to rest for just a second."

Personality: Ah, she does not completely understand the concept of "death," and is bit of a sociopath/sadist. All she knows is that everyone dies, and she feels honoured to play a part in something that will inevitably occur. She doesn't understand others feelings very well, but she is very talented in a number of high-class talents. She's not an easy person to talk to, since she doesn't get sarcasm, and takes everything literally. She's originally from Germany, but when Phenomenon kidnapped her, she always assumed she was American, despite her posh accent.

Maxi enjoys tea and sweet things, as well as creepy things and teddy bears. She's a very unique person, and loves to smile, although her smile is bit a off-putting. She doesn't like curse words, but she can be very raunchy at times, even if she doesn't get ANY of the cliche pick-up lines. She's pansexual as well.

Hobbies: Teatime, baking, playing baseball, killing emos.

Likes: Anime, TV, Fire, Blood, creepy things, winter clothes, the colour hot pink, the colour black, mostly everybody.

Dislikes: Hearts, indirect statements, figures of speech, curse words, boasting.

Extra: She's what you'd consider 'mentally ill.' More bluntly put, 'insane.' Maxi does actually have emotions, though, and can be rather sensitive. She's quite unpredictable, though, since she doesn't really have any concept of "social norms." Maxi has no idea what "parents" are, or "siblings," but she rather dislikes the words. She's pretty nice, though.

Knock, knock, let me in. Let me be your secret sin.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:01:16 pm by Scallywag »

Offline Zarorah

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 04:30:32 am »
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:59:33 am by Zarorahbutt »
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 05:12:15 am »
Is this real or Anime? Before I add picture :P.

Name: Haley Woods.

Codename:   The German Shepherd

Age: 19 Years Old.

Gender: Female

History: Haley was born in the Urban area, near the secret Assassin place. Her mother was the hardest sole, always laughing at Haley, when she was crying or hurt. Her dad was the kindest sole, but died in the war.. Haley was kind of glad, because the population of Humans were going down. But she was still upset. Her mother was emotionless, not even caring.

One day, a month after he fathers death, she found a small German Shepherd near her school area, it was on a lead. It was some one elses, but she needed a friend, as nobody was her friend. She took him home, luckily he  was a puppy, so he was small. She hid the pup in her room, naming him Bruno. She used her pocket money that she got from her Grandma to get Dog Food.

When Bruno was a year old, and Haley was 15, her mother finally, found out about the dog. Her mother slapped her, and the dog and threw the dog out. He lived in the shed, with out her mother knowing. The night after that horrible incident, Haley went down in the middle of the night. Her mother was watching TV, and she went in the Kitchen, and clutched a large kitchen knife. She went into the room with Bruno at her side. She stabbed her mother in her back, and when she died she written in her blood, "The German Shepherd." She then packed her bags and left.

She lived in the forest, until she found  Phenomenon. She moved in, and they accepted Bruno to come along with her. She lived 4 years in the Phenomenon, killing people, and always writing in there blood, "The German Shepherd."

Personality: Haley is a confident young girl, taking any challenge that lies  ahead of her. She can be quite stubborn and annoying, but she can also be friendly and out going. She is very active, running around with Bruno almost every day. She can be laid back, not really caring about whats going on around her. She could be quite snappy, when people tease her saying her parents are dead because they killed themselves, because they didn't love her. She always wanted to tell them the true story, but sometimes she just hisses The German Shepherd, and nobody knows what she means. Even though her 'tag' is on the news, the kids don't watch news... So ya know. She can be quite sensitive, but she doesn't show it, and its hard to make her sensitive. And she is very very blood thirsty.... Not meaning she likes drinking blood xD.
Likes: She likes playing on her Xbox 360. She LOVES her dog Bruno, and would never kill him. She loves to sight blood, and dead bodies. She loves food, and drinks, normally drinking Alcohol. She loves fluffy small animals, and trying to make friends with them, even though they don't talk to her.  

Dislikes: People calling her crazy, or calling her names. She hates people teasing Bruno, and she absolutely hates not killing... She always hated girly girls, who always are talking about boys, and barbies and all that crap.  

Hobbies: She normally, takes Bruno on regular walks in the forest. She loves to play COD on her Xbox, and Minecraft. She loves to kill, as every Assassin does. She likes to ride on her bike, and attach Bruno's lead on the handle, so he can run next to the bike.  

Theme Song:  Evanescence- Wake me Up Inside.

Extra: She has a German Shepherd named Bruno who is 4 years old.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 07:19:10 pm by HuskyStar »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 04:56:17 am »
I've been busy with homework and unable to answer your applications. My condolences.
Oh~and I was meaning to change my character. Scythe was just a filler for right now, so pay no heed to her presence.

@HuskyStar~Can be either you want.

Why must you all kill your parents? Haha, so "pleasant." This is unfortunate for me, though, since I'm having some trouble with my parents' verbal altercations and such, however I would never think of harming them in any way, even if it is annoying. Everyone has a dark side, and many of my friends find me quite a bit creepy and "different". I'm rather proud of that, though ~<3

Ok, before I go off on a tangent, I'm going to shut up now. asdhjkl,fefihgus


Oh, and you're both accepted ~<3


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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 05:06:42 am »
Could I use my old application to join? Maybe I'll modify it a bit and finally find a picture xD
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 05:38:37 am »
Of course you can!

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 04:59:47 pm »
Edited. And thankies! This rp looks so exciting!

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 10:21:14 pm »
You can start posting if you want c:

Offline Zarorah

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 11:43:12 pm »
((Just wondering, are we allowed to put what we want our codenames to be now?))
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine REMAKE-Rated R
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2013, 01:09:46 am »
((Yes. I was thinking of changing my code name, too.))