Author Topic: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]  (Read 13580 times)

Offline crystwolf

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??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« on: May 24, 2014, 08:03:20 pm »

It's a usual Friday for you, waking up and getting ready for whatever activities you've planned, be it working to death or socializing with friends. It may be tiring, but you're looking forwards to the weekdays - though they only last two days before you're thrown back into the terrible pit of your life.

It never occurred to you that this day would be the moment your life flips around.

It's 5:43 PM and you're doing your own thing, be it sleeping, working, lazing about, or eating. All of a sudden, there's a rather loud Bang that sounds outside, but it's pretty far away from where you are. Whether you're suspicious or not, the rest of the people around you aren't. They shake it off as some loud construction work or another dumb accident. Not being able to do anything about it, you continue.

An hour passes, and the streets are suddenly filled with barks, meows and chirps of the animals, the birds flying off to who-knows-where while the dogs and cats turn restless.

Fifteen minutes later, and the ground shakes.


It takes you a quick moment to realize you're in the middle of an earthquake. However, unlike most earthquakes, this one starts out violent - it's only a few seconds until objects start falling off from tables and ledges, the shrilling sound of glass breaking surrounding you. With the surface under you shaking terribly, you stumble and stagger your way to safety, someplace to wait this disaster out.

It doesn't stop.

The earthquake lasts for nearly an hour, it's force increasing minute by minute until your "safe" shelter threatens to fall on you. No other choice, you get out and run for your life. Of course, nobody can outrun an earthquake, and it's not long before something whacks you on the head or you clumsily trip over the many huge cracks that split the ground. You lose consciousness...

And when you miraculously wake, it's not a pretty sight.

That's not the only horror you face. You look around you and find nobody - it's just like the TV shows you've seen, but now it's reality and you really don't know what to do. Luckily, there's no zombies, but the silence around you is loud, and there's dead bodies around you, buried under rubble. The buildings are completely wrecked, and though many still somehow stand, and a few are totally intact. The ground is completely filled with pieces of concrete and rather large gaps that could trap you should you fall in. Having an uneasy feeling, you get up and prepare to walk when a loud animalistic sound breaks the silence.

You look up and realize you aren't alone.  There's some weird things flying up above, and when you squint it's clearly not a helicopter or plane, and it's too big to be a bird. Plus the fact that it's obviously four-legged. You don't know any four-legged flying animals. One of them lands close to you, slowly lowering it's head to pull out a corpse from underneath rubble.

You don't notice that it's eating your fellow human because you're too busy staring at a griffin. Something straight out from the myths that you've seen, a bird's head and a lion's body. You stare for a while longer before a loud thump erupts somewhere above. You glance up to see a dark red dragon screeching at another gold one, both barely balancing on a broken building. [The dragons are smaller than you've expected, but they're bigger than the griffin and that's enough of a danger to you.] another sound to your left, and you look just in time to see a chimera running into a building.

...This wasn't your usual Friday.

You've lived past the horror of an abnormal earthquake that broke the whole world and is now forced to survive or die. You have to search through the rubble-filled streets to find sustenance and possibly a place to hide and rest. However, that's not going to be easy either.

Though the main Earthquake that caused the destruction has ceased, there's still occasionally a smaller but still deadlier earthquake that shakes through the ground. It can last for maximum 20 minutes, and though it sometimes is short, it's still violent enough to  cause weakened buildings to fall. That's not your only danger, though.

Something has gone horribly wrong and now mythical creatures are taking over the land, obviously furious at being transported to a unfamiliar place. They range from griffins and dragons to wraiths, sirens and sea serpents in the lakes and oceans. While some are passive or skittish, most are hostile and would see you as food, or just that you're trespassing on their territory. Either way, you're more likely to die than make friends with one.

If that wasn't enough, there's a finally danger roaming about the streets. You aren't the only survivor in this destroyed city, many others have also survived - and a few of these survivors have gotten together in a group, mainly to survive. There's two - and neither of them can quite be called friendly, or be trusted.

The Groups

There's only two, but there's a lot of people in those groups. Both have got a bunch of weapons, and both have dangerous people, some of which wouldn't hesitate to cut your throat open. However, these two groups clearly arent allies.

? ?onquest ?
This group is definitely larger than The other group, and is rather hostile. Their leader is Kenneth, a harsh and cruel man who would shoot you if you even sneezed funny in his presence. He's said to be a little bit insane, mostly because he doesn't flinch when he kills somebody. His group is filled with equally ruthless people, but you'll find that not all his group members were willing to join him.

In order to get more survivors to help him get food and build up a sturdy building to withhold both the creatures and earthquakes [Though it seems impossible], Kenneth threatens anybody he finds with the end of his rifle or the edge of his knife - It's either to help ?onquest, or die painfully.

? ?olace ?
They're the more "Peaceful" Group, but still dangerous as ever. Though they treat their fellow members equally, they'll still kill if anybody threatens them. They believe that ?olace is a group where anybody can join if they  want to have people to help them survive, or have accompaniment. Still, the group can still be filled with untrusted people, especially since they allow nearly everybody who 'looks safe enough'. Their leader is ______.

Unlike ?onquest, they do not attack anybody they see on sight, but rather spy on them closely to see what they're up to. If it needs no attention, they leave them alone. However, cross into their territory and they'll aim weapons at you.

[Kenneth will be a NPC controlled by me. He won't have an actual application, and he'll only appear when needed.

?olace, however, currently doesn't have a leader! Feel free to create one for them, but make sure you are literate and can handle it.

Most group members will be NPCs, so go ahead and make your character stumble upon one of them or something.]

Siggy & Avatar drawn by me.

Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2014, 08:04:27 pm »
>As always, follow the normal RP rules.
>Try to be literate, please.
>Do not godmod/powerplay. It can get annoying and it's hard to Roleplay with anyone who does that.
>No, you can't make those mythical creatures your pets. They're angry as a cat in a confined space and your character ain't no voodoo creature-tamer, no matter how kind and gentle.
>I'll be controlling when the Earthquakes come and go, as well as the weather.~


(It's optional for personality, history and description. Feel free to add whatever else you want!)

Group [?onquest, ?olace, none?]

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2014, 08:04:57 pm »
? Plot/Story ?
It's been a month since everything went to hell. Everybody has been trying to survive as usual.

The clouds are darker than usual, and there's the faint rumble of thunder far off, threatening to rain. It's cold, and there's a lot of wind.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 08:57:05 am by Crystwolf »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2014, 08:05:59 pm »

? ?onquest ?

Group: ?onquest ? 33 Years Old ? Leader of ?onquest  ?

Njal Sverrsson
Group: ?onquest ? 21 Years Old  ?

Kolr Sverrsson
Group: ?onquest ? 19 Years Old  ?

Evelyn Sawyer
Group: ?onquest ? 10 Years Old  ?

Natalia Sofress
Group: ?onquest ? 21 Years Old  ?

? ?olace ?

Lynn Nivalderr
Group: ?olace ? 18 Years Old  ?


Analyse Mcallister
Group: None ? 21 Years Old  ?

Aja Eldridge
Group: None ? 14 Years Old  ?

Bryce Eldridge
Group: None ? 22 Years Old  ?

Ava Collins
Group: None ? 20 Years Old  ?

Shilow Argento
Group: None ? 19 Years Old  ?

Jake Williams
Group: None ? 25 Years Old  ?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 04:52:53 pm by Crystwolf »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2014, 08:06:44 pm »

Njal Sverrsson




Group (Solace, Conquest, None?)
He originally joined neither, but was recently forced to work for ?onquest, together with Kolr.

Njal is generally pretty friendly, compassionate, and enjoyable to be around with. He wears his heart on his sleeve, showing his emotions clearly. Njal, despite being kind, isn't quite gentle in his actions. [Basically a Giant lovable bear, as Kolr had said.] Despite all of these, he can be rather protective and will not hesitate to fight back if somebody is threatened, especially if it's his loved ones. As he's not gentle, when he fights he will be violent, and will probably hurt more than he was supposed to.

He and Kolr, his young brother, originally lived in a small but comfortable house in a quiet valley, and as they grew up their life was rather carefree. However, when they were around 9 Years, their father grew bankrupt as his company shut down abruptly. They were forced to move to the noisy city, where they constantly moved about, trying to find a home, though they often found themselves spending the night in the streets. Njal always looked after his brother, and they spent most of their times together. The older would usually help their parents and try to gain money, and was mostly responsible, while the younger would quietly disappear randomly and mysteriously return with a bag of food in his hands. Soon, though, their mother grew sick. Without any money to get medicine, she passed away.

The Earthquake came and the small family only managed to find a tunnel as shelter, but that soon collapsed in no time. While running out, their father was unfortunately caught in the falling debris. The brothers barely had time to grab for him before a piece of concrete crushed his head, and they were forced to continue running. Both eventually found themselves in a store, under one of the buildings which miraculously survived. When the earthquake was over, however, they were chased out by a huge two-head snake.

They spent three weeks wandering the city and got caught by Kenneth himself while they were searching for edible food in a abandoned restaurant, apparently having wandered a little too close to ?onquest Territory. Faced with more than one gun, they had to work and help get food for the group unwillingly.

He's blonde with deep blue eyes, 6'3 in height, rather tall for his age. He's more muscular than anything, has a strong jaw and a perfect face that makes him look more like a model than a poor man. He wears a plain grey shirt with dark blue jeans, covered with a torn jacket. Has a strange gold ring on his middle finger with the imprint of a lion on it.

-Kolr, his younger brother.
-Vendla, the brothers' female greyhound.

Kolr Sverrsson




Kolr and Njal joined neither, but was recently forced to work for ?onquest.

The total opposite of Njal. To strangers and most people he's cold-hearted, rude, closed-off and selfish, one who wouldn't care if another fell down the stairs. He's often seen as cunning, using his own ways to get what he wants. Not friendly, more of a stressed-out leopard than anything.

To close people, however, he's protective and gentle, and can even have a good sense of humor. Also quite mischievous, nothing like the act he puts up to strangers. Kolr is also rather intelligent, and though he uses words more than actions in situations, it works better.

[Read Njal's History.]

A tall pale man with messy raven-black hair that's around shoulder-length. Standing at 6'1, he follows his brother in being too tall for his age. He has greyish-purple eyes and a sharp face with high cheekbones that give him an intimidating look. Like Njal, he wears a plain black shirt with grey trousers and a long black coat. He also has a ring on his middle fingure, but it's imprint is that of a snake.

-Njal, his older brother.
-Vendla, the brothers' female greyhound.

 ?Though both brothers have an Icelandic accent in their speech, Kolr sounds a little more British.
?Njal is excellent at swimming.
?These two have a great relationship and hardly fight.

Vendla is a beautiful adult female greyhound that's loyal to Njal and Kolr. She only responds to their call. Kolr found her in the streets when she was a pup and got the habit of feeding her his share of food. As a result, she started following the brothers around, though she's more closer to Kolr then Njal.[/size]

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2014, 08:08:31 pm »
Feel free to post!

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2014, 09:22:26 pm »
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2014, 10:40:56 pm »

Her name is Aja Eldridge. [Pronounced as: Asia]

She is a female.

She is currently fourteen years old.

She is British.

She is part of no group.

Aja has a very strong mind, body, and heart, being the silent but strong type. She often remains quiet, but she does speak to those that she trusts. She prefers to spend her time in the company of others instead of noiseless solitude. By taking the time to observe others, Aja is very understanding of feelings and how others work. She can read emotions easily and sometimes feel them, although she doesn't understand everything she sees. She has a kind heart and doesn't mind helping people. But sometimes, she hardens herself and shuts out the world. She is a master at concealing her emotions and slipping emotionless masks over her face, much to the frustration of some. The more time you spend with her, the less you seem to know about her. She does open up to those she really trusts, although she doesn't share too much. She has the ability to quickly figure out new things with or without help. She has the tendency to act violently at times, and she can kill others without qualms. She thinks quickly under pressure. Aja has a hard time admitting her limits. She doesn't like to confess to feeling "weak," even when she is obviously exhausted. This shows a bit of hid stubborn side. She occasionally judges people a little too quickly, and she can be a little too wary at times. She can be relentlessly stubborn, proud, and discreetly defiant. Aja can be a little defensive of herself at times; she doesn't always like admitting to her mistakes. Last of all, she is easily provoked and has a temper at times.

Aja's family in the past was disordered. Her parents had two children (a boy and a girl), but her mother left the family when Aja was at the age of eight. Her father never told the children why their mother had left, but Aja didn't need him to exactly tell her. She had overheard from a midnight argument about the family struggling with finances. However, that was all she had heard when she left, seeing that her parents moved into a position where they could see her eavesdropping. It was the following day that her mother packed up her bags and moved to Colorado. They never received any calls, messages, or communications from her. Six years later, while her father was at work, and the two (Aja and her brother) stayed at home, a sudden earthquake hit, shaking the ground with such force Aja was sure the house would collapse. Because it did. With that, Aja and her brother fled their house, running frantically to any shelter that they could find. Yet, her brother tripped and cursed, making Aja turn around to trip herself.  The two lost their balance and tumbled into a rather deep ditched, where they were knocked unconscious. Soon enough, they later regained conscious to find what had happened.

?Aja has an older brother at the age of 20.

His name is Bryce Eldridge.
He is of the male.

He is currently twenty-two years old.

He is British.

He is part of no group.

Bryce has a jagged appearance that causes people to look twice at him when he walks past. He attracts much attention with his rough clothing and the mainstream black leather jacket. Normally, you can spot him at the center of the party, always being the first to take on a dare. He is full of confidence, and it makes him one of the hardest guys to approach. As the official troublemaker of the college, he makes sure that no one else claims that position. He constantly disrupts class, often dissing the teachers. With an intimidating stare and loyal friends by his side, he seems like the last person anyone would want to mess with.

In reality, Bryce struggles to maintain his reputation and hardcore style. He does have a kind, soft heart that he shoves deep inside of him, where no one can see it. He hesitates when it comes to making the right choices, always thinking about his reputation first. This, in most cases, could be considered self-centered for him. He roughens up his appearance as much as possible.

Bryce cares deeply about his sister, and she knows it, although it is a subject that is to never come up in their conversations. He hates admitting that he loves her, so he shows it in subtle ways. While she might sometimes notice it, she never says anything because she knows he will just deny it. He has always been secretly jealous of her, which results in him making a competition out of everything they do. However, behind that jealousy is a strong pride that causes his love for her to swell. He tends to be extremely overprotective of her, not letting any guys come near her if he doesn't approve of them. With his intimidating reputation, it has gone well for him so far.

To sum things up, Bryce has a kind heart, but he hides it by acting tough and uncaring.

[A few phrases are copied from Aja's history.]
Bryce's family in the past was disordered. His parents had two children (a boy and a girl), but his mother left the family when Bryce was at the age of sixteen. His father never told the children why their mother had left. Bryce had faintly heard the shrill voices of his parents arguing one night, but he didn't care at all, but instead jammed up the music in his room to block out their voices. It was the following day that her mother packed up her bags and moved to Colorado, and Bryce never came out to say goodbye. A few days later, they never received any calls, messages, or communications from her. Six years later, while his father was at work, and the two (Bryce and his sister) stayed at home, a sudden earthquake hit, shaking the ground with such force Aja was screaming that she was sure "the house would collapse". Bryce had scoffed at that, but soon, he regretted did, because it did. With that, he ushered his sister out of the house, but turned around to grab the first we?pon he could find, which happened to be his hunting knif?. Soon, he followed his sister, and the two began to run frantically around to any shelter that they could find. However, Bryce stumbled over a fallen rock, causing a curse to wrench from his jaws. Unfortunately, that made Aja turn around and trip herself. The two lost their balance and tumbled into a rather deep ditched, where they were knocked unconscious. Soon enough, they later regained conscious to find what had happened.

This is Selcia, a German shepherd who was a rescue dog at first. She's full of energy and enjoys playing around with her humans. She can be aggressive when needed and is extremely loyal. Yet, she can be overly protective and selfish at times. She often gets in the way.

?Bryce has a younger sister at the age of fourteen.
?Carries a hunting knif?.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 12:51:19 am by OreoHeroz »

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2014, 11:58:27 pm »
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline FallingStars

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2014, 02:21:34 am »

"Don't you find it wonderful how this world has turned into a living hell?"

Shilow Argento
19 Years
Above|She usually wears shorts and a tanktop, her knife strapped on her thigh and her .45 on her hip.
Serious when needed
Shy at first
She prefers not to tell
She has a blue heeler named Mickey.