Author Topic: Ask Dionysus  (Read 2292 times)

Offline .Dionysus.

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Ask Dionysus
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:42:26 am »
Hey deeer!

Whelp, since I'm knew, I thought this would be a good way for everyone to learn more about me!

Feel free to ask what ever you please!*

*as long as if follows the rules you goofballs

Soooooo *throws confetti* ASK AWAY!

Offline greenart6

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Re: Ask Dionysus
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 12:47:18 am »
Well first, I should say welcome to Feralheart! :3

1. Do you like dinosaurs?
2. Favorite soda?
3. Do you like turtles?
4. How did you come across Feralheart?
5. Are you liking the game so far?

Offline .Dionysus.

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Re: Ask Dionysus
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 01:00:11 am »
Well first, I should say welcome to Feralheart! :3

1. Do you like dinosaurs?
2. Favorite soda?
3. Do you like turtles?
4. How did you come across Feralheart?
5. Are you liking the game so far?

Thank you ^.^

1. I do in fact like dinosaurs! When I was younger I was like obsessed with them o3o
2. I would have to say either Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew! (I'm so classic *fabalous hair flip*)
3. I looove turtles!! They so cayute!
4. Actually, I came across it about a couple years ago in a YouTube video. I didn't have the time or technology to support the game and put it off until I got a computer and whelp... Here I am!
5. I am loving the game so far! So many nice people and wonderful potential role plays! I'm so glad I joined ^.^

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Ask Dionysus
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2014, 04:22:50 am »
1.) What is your favorite kind of sandwich?
2.) What is your favorite dinosaur? (Mine is either the Velociraptor or a Spinosaurus - I'm indecisive about both.)
3.) Are you in any fandoms?
4.) Who are/is your favorite music artist(s) / music group(s)?

Offline .Dionysus.

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Re: Ask Dionysus
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 04:51:10 am »
1.) What is your favorite kind of sandwich?
2.) What is your favorite dinosaur? (Mine is either the Velociraptor or a Spinosaurus - I'm indecisive about both.)
3.) Are you in any fandoms?
4.) Who are/is your favorite music artist(s) / music group(s)?
1. Hmmm... Let's see... I guess I'd have to go with the classic old PB&J
2. Definetly Velociraptor or Tyranasaurus Rex!
3. Supernatural, Teen Wolf and Orange is the New Black (these are my life and soul o-o)
4. Ooh that's hard as I'm in love with all types of music! I'd have to say: Skillet, K Camp and Demi Lavato