Author Topic: Suffocated in this game  (Read 2434 times)

Offline Alliegant

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Suffocated in this game
« on: July 17, 2013, 09:28:50 pm »
Everybody can love and talk nice,right?But in a moment everything has changed for me.I've been falled in love in this game,with a boy.I did not knew him very well,so he started talking to me nice,also flirting and loved me.Once a day,he gived his skype,and I started to like him more,we started to talk more and more,even we didn't knew if it's night or day.The hours passed quickly,and we still talked too much.Also we argued,we fighted we each other,just to see who's right and not a FAKE.He started to bully me,to offend me,to call me a .....and it hurted me too much.I've been started too cut myself,and  I know it's not even NORMAL to cut yourself,but I loved him too much,and everytime I just cried.

 Later,I registered into a new account,so I was kinda..spying him.I entered in his map,and I was hearing that she loved another girl,and he said there to his friends that "Alex is a stupid girl,she does NOT KNOW with who's talking.I was kinda scared,because I was thinking that he is a person stealer,he will find me one day,and he will take me away from home.When I logged on my normal account,he started to fight with me again,later,he just apologized to me.He was sending me random pics of random guys,preteding that he is that guy,and once a day,I founded those pics on google,and I was totally shocked.I released that I've been falled in love with a fake.

I didn't joined on the game for like 3 months.I stayed all night,all day,thinking at himself,and just not doing anything learing for school,doing homeworks and stuff like that..and I did it!I played the game,and I started to search him,because it seemed like,he was not entered into the game too,all those 3 months.I was on the MSN one day,and I was on the invisible,he sended me messages like "Why don't you play the game anymore?" "Where are you,I miss you!" and etc.

I played the game,without him,and I stayed here,and I was like the most stupid player ever.I started to make chars like "WannaKillMyself " or "Died" ....A week passed,I entered on skype,and I saw a hundred of MESSAGES.He started to talk about himself,that he is a kiddo,he don't know what means friendship,he wanted to be an another guy because he thinks he's ugly.He also said,if I am not sending him a message back,he will kill himself.I was like "What".Yea,but I was in the same sittuation.

I remember that last  Christmas,he stalked me too much,and he started to send me pics of the real "him".He started to suffer that,I don't talk to him,so he choosed a friend to tell me that "He loves me".I was so darn confused,and he explained me why he loves me that so much.I understanded him,and I said him too that I love him.I did not sleeped all the night,because tomorrow was the day when I'll finally say if I do wanna be with him,or not.And then,it was really difficult..I said that I do not want to be with him,we have nothing in common..and he started to suffer again.I was felled right,because he maked me suffer too.

So,this is my game in 8 months...I started to like this game,but the conflicts was getting more bad.Now,I am a good friend with that guy,we also met each other in real-life,because he also lives in the same city which I also live .My life is getting worse,because I lost all my FH true FRIENDS,they called me fake and....many other things.Yea,I will never play another virtual game anymore,I'll stay playing FH,but I am afraid to love again.I wanna meet someone else..nope,not anymore!I've got my own 2 friends,which are still supporting me,and still loving me,the way I am.Thanks Guys for making time for reading this...I wanted your opinions,about fake people and fake friendship.


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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 10:36:57 pm »
I wouldn't speak to anyone on here outside of the game. Game friends are games friends only, like work friends are work friends, school friends are school friends and so on. Never let it go any further. What happens in the server/interent, stays there.

Offline Ex0rcist

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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 10:56:45 pm »
Before I state my opinions, I'd like to point out that this topic should belong in Offtopic > Discussion Board perhaps. While you stated bits of information about the game, this thread in my opinion focuses mainly on that of certain people who disrespect one another, who are called "fake" in the point of view of many. Though, I could be wrong... As always, correct me if anyone may.

Agreeing with what Monster said, 'tis best not to bring further discussion here... Discuss it with your family or closest friends, for the community may have no concern for the likes. Though, I will shed some advice for you in hopes you cheer up.

Now, with problems such as these, you must ignore it. By "must", I mean must. It doesn't matter how difficult it is to do such, let alone forget. But to things like these, you are certain to fall below the lines in sorrow or even achieved guilt for being who you never wanted to be. There are those people who show no remorse for the things they say... But that doesn't mean you should listen to what they have to say. It is merely just their opinions.

There are many wonderful people you will meet throughout your lovely life, no? There are always up's and down's, but things can only get better... never worse. Everything happens for a special reason, you just don't realize it until it shows truthfully. A great future is planned for you, and what I'll tell you is to not listen to those who are rude or impolite towards you. If they apologize for their actions, give them another chance but don't be too forgiving... not until they redeem themselves as great friends.

Now, ending your life is not the answer. Suicide is a terrible thing to do, and should not be attempted no matter how much you think your life is going down te drain. It is not... Your life has a strange way of showing how much you are important to the world... and bringing in those types of people that show hatred towards you is the step to making you feel more aware about yourself in a positive way. You have people who cares about you, people who love you and you should not forget that.

I know this wasn't an opinion at all, rather.. I don't give much opinions to things like these.. I give advice, in hopes to make people feel a bit better from the things they've went through. My thoughts go with you, lass.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 11:13:28 pm by .exe »

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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 02:17:33 am »
I sort of disagree with you, Monster, when you say that internet relationships should stay totally on the website that you guys met on. I've met a few people on a virtual petsite, and we talk all the time on skype and are extremely close. (Not dating close, though, we're just friends, so I suppose that's a little different)

To the OP: Please, do not kill yourself over this. It's definitely not worth it. Block him on Skype. Block him on FeralHeart. You need to get this guy out of your life.
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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2013, 02:36:34 am »
I'll try to bend away from these other posts' meaning, though I do agree with them. I know that many girls on virtual games 'fall in love,' when in reality, they have never seen, heard, or met the person at all. Tell yourself this; it's just a game. You did not fall in love with a real person, whoever you supposedly love is fake, nonexisistant, pixelated. Think of it this way, wouldn't you rather love someone first, rather than they love you? My point for that, is basicly the old Love at First Sight sort of thing; actually seeing and knowing the person before deciding you love them. For younger people...relationships you have in elementary-high school will not last, or at least notvery long. On rare occasion, they turn out perfect, but for the most part, 'loving' someone when you're that young is just a way of saying that you're extremely good friends, and like each other alot.

Back to not stress over this, trust me. In a few months, you won't even care about this person anymore, much less love him. He'll be out of your life, and you can go back to fun filled things ^^

Offline Alliegant

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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 12:15:04 pm »
Thanks guys for telling me those,but,Im still suffering,cause that boy still loves me....Of course,I am trying to be happy anyways,I just wanna make friends...I can not trust anymore!I will be more careful on the future,because here are the most mysterious faces ever...if you know what I mean x3.

Offline Whinp

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Re: Suffocated in this game
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 10:56:09 pm »
Well, be careful next time. There are people that really don't like you. I'm so sorry, but this happens.
Beware in the Internet!

lawl. I didn't read the text before posting this. *faceiPad* I am lonely too in real life, I have only like 3 friends.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 10:58:46 pm by Kijiako »

In-game name as: Whinp