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Messages - greenart6

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Introduction / Re: *comes back on a plane* iM BACK
« on: December 11, 2016, 06:12:08 am »
Welcome back! Glad to see you around again! c:

Mapping Tutorials / Re: Realistic heightmaps in WorldMachine
« on: November 29, 2016, 04:12:11 am »
How didn't I see this sooner? :o I'm definitely gonna have to try this out sometime, thank you for making this tutorial!

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite thing about Christmas?
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:19:56 pm »
Interesting topic! I'll have to say just the general atmosphere. It's so calming and peaceful when the snow is gently coming down, especially at night. It's one of those feelings I just love, when it's all quiet and peaceful. But then it's so cheerful and optimistic indoors, and I just generally like the Christmas holiday season when it's all cozy and generous and everything. Just good feelings all around.

And I guess I can't say I don't like the presents, too xD

Introduction / Re: I have returned, friends.
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:05:25 pm »
Welcome back, Zircon! Glad to see some familiar faces back again.

Introduction / Re: *slides back in*
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:43:49 pm »
Thank you guys for the warm welcome! <3

Introduction / *slides back in*
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:22:41 am »
So... I've been feeling kinda nostalgic for this game lately. I really miss all the good memories and making maps and everything. So hello i am here

I was gonna wait until registration reopened again to just make a new account and start fresh, but... I am very impatient :')

But yeah, just feel free to call me Turtle or Ghost! I like rocks, goats, and unfunny memes. Hoping to meet some new people, help out a little more, and make some more maps (hopefully some actual good ones instead of the awful things ive made in the past lmao)

by the way i'm really sorry for some of the things i said before i left, i said some really immature and petty things and got involved in some really stupid drama so i'm really sorry about that

Anyways, can't wait to get back in-game and meet some of you and actually learn my way around the new maps!

I know I haven't posted on here in awhile, but I almost 100% agree.

FH definitely needs some new staff. Even if all the current staff ARE working hard, and I'm sure they are, a lot of them don't really... publically display that, I suppose. Obviously staff don't need to keep all of their moderating duties out in the public, since I'm guessing a lot of the staff deal with more reports and technical things instead of being out in the maps moderating. (Keep in mind I don't know the staff, so of course I don't know what they're doing, so these are all just assumptions). But, I feel a lot of things need to be looked at from the perspective of an average player or even just a person who just learned about Feralheart. If someone were to come on here and see that the staff were rarely on and that people are breaking the rules left and right in-game (as I've read earlier in this thread), it gives off the wrong impression. Though people like the regular forum-goers might recognize that the staff are just dealing with more 'behind the scenes' things, its possible a random user would just see that the staff are inactive or don't care about the game. This might even make them more likely to break rules. From there, rumors can spread, and I know a lot of people think the game is completely dead already or that the staff have just left/don't care.

I've been on some other game websites lately, so I've been able to see some staff systems that are run differently than FH's. I really think that some new staff need to be added to the team, especially some people who have different time-zones and could be on when the other mods aren't. Heck, I think mod applications might even need to be a thing, instead of just the staff occasionally picking out someone. Maybe even helpers, though I understand why that's been shot down in the past, so that's probably not likely. But I guess I just feel like the current system used to pick staff members might need a bit of changing in some way.

One more thing I'd like to bring up, albeit maybe a bit controversial... I'd really like to see more communication between the staff and members. I think that the opinions of the playerbase need to be paid more attention to, and that we should know about big changes being made before they're implemented, and have enough time to voice our opinions on it and argue against it if need be. And even now, I know a lot of players feel like they're just being kept in the dark, and it makes a lot of people feel powerless, like that they don't really matter. I don't think the staff have any malicious intent here, but it just feels like the members don't really have a say in what happens or that they can do anything about it. And I feel like this is why a lot of the negative opinions and rumors surrounding Feralheart have gotten started. I was pretty happy to see that FAQ thread on the FH deviantart, though, that's kinda what I'm talking about. Letting members know exactly what is happening like that before it's finished is definitely a step in the right direction!

Sorry, this is kinda a ramble and jumbled mess of my thoughts, but basically I just think that more staff would be nice and that there needs to be more communication between staff and members on what's actually happening, and pay more attention to the concerns of the playerbase. Hopefully this isn't taken the wrong way, I respect the staff and what they're doing, though I just feel a few things could be improved.

Forum Discussion / Re: Favorite official FH events &/or contests
« on: September 25, 2016, 01:34:26 am »
Got totally confused when I noticed I had already replied to this thread and hadn't looked at the date it was posted. Well, might as well post my current opinions, seeing as they've changed a bit from 2014:

Well, I did quite enjoy the Favorite Character Contest. Even though I do see a lot of issues with it now and don't think it could really be brought back again (at least not in the same way), I did enjoy participating in it that one time (despite my... very unoriginal characters). It was really fun to join in on, and seeing everyone else's characters was fun too!

I really enjoy the Feralheart Roleplay Days. Every time it happens, I'm able to roleplay a ton with my friends and it leads to quite a lot of character development between our characters, so I look forward to those, too.

I'd really like to see more variety of events in the future. The reocurring events that are happening now (Preset Contest, Movie Night, MOTS, etc.) are still fun, but it'd be nice to have the occasional new event.

Game Discussion / Re: What Is 'Spamming the Chat' Considered to YOU?
« on: September 05, 2016, 09:19:02 pm »
That's definitely not something I'd consider spamming.

To me, spamming is clogging up and disrupting the chat with a repetitive or uninformative word, phrase, etc. and usually with malicious intent (trying to annoy others, get a reaction, etc.) Advertising fairly often can be annoying, sure, but I wouldn't consider it spamming. And especially in your case, that doesn't sound like it would be annoying at all!

But yeah, if its disruptive, fills up the chat, and has no purpose other than to be an annoyance, then I'd consider something as spam.

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